Abati Gómez, Jacobo

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Abati Gómez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Petrología y Geoquímica
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    U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from the Basal allochthonous units of NW Iberia: Provenance and paleoposition on the northern margin of Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic
    (Gondwana research, 2010) Díez Fernández, Rubén; Martínez Catalán, José Ramón; Gerdex, Axel; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Fernández Suárez, Javier
    LA-ICP-MS U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from eight siliciclastic samples from the Basal units of the Variscan allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia are used to establish the maximum depositional age and provenance of two tectonically-stacked metasedimentary sequences deposited on the outermost margin of Gondwana, and subsequently involved in the Rheic Ocean suture. Themaximumdepositional ages for the two sequences is latest Neoproterozoic and latest Cambrian, respectively. The age spectra are also used to discuss the paleoposition of the NWIberian basement on the continentalmargin of Gondwana prior to the opening of the Rheic Ocean, which is tentatively placed in northern Africa, between the West African and Saharan cratons. Based on similarities and differenceswith age data fromtheNWIberian autochthon and other allochthonous terranes involved inthe Rheic suture, the relative proportions of Mesoproterozoic zircons in both assemblages are proposed as markers of proximity to the eastern part of the West African craton during late Neoproterozoic and late Cambrian. The geodynamic processes that took place along this part of Gondwana during the late Neoproterozoic, late Cambrian and Early Ordovician are discussed in the light of the LA-ICP-MS results, as well as the sedimentological record, magmatic evolution and plate tectonic setting ofNWIberia. These processes are linked to late Neoproterozoic and Cambro-Ordovician subduction events beneath the northern Gondwanan margin.
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    Paleozoic ophiolites in the Variscan suture of Galicia (northwest Spain): Distribution, characteristics, and meaning
    (4-D Framework of Continental Crust, 2007) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Martínez Catalán, José Ramón; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díaz García, Florentino; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Gómez Barreiro, Juan; Hatcher, Robert D.; Carlson, Marvin P.; McBride, John H.; Martínez Catalán, José Ramón
    Allochthonous ophiolitic units in the northwestern Iberian Massif are remnants of peri-Gondwanan Paleozoic oceans sandwiched among other exotic terranes of continental and volcanic-arc derivation. All these terranes defi ne an intricate suture zone that marks the convergence and collision between Laurussia and Gondwana. The suture is defi ned by three different ophiolitic ensembles: upper ophiolitic units, lower ophiolitic units, and the Somozas mélange. The lower ophiolitic units were derived from an alternation of basalts and sediments intruded by gabbros and scarce granitoids, and they formed during the opening of a marginal basin, the Galician ocean, during Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician time. This ocean was created as a back arc by the severance of a volcanic arc that had developed at the northern margin of Gondwana and formed part of the Rheic oceanic realm. The upper ophiolitic units formed during the Early Devonian from intraoceanic subduction in the early Paleozoic lithosphere of the Rheic Ocean. These suprasubduction ophiolites were formed just before the ocean closed, preceding the collision between Gondwana and Laurussia. The Somozas mélange appears in an anomalous position at the base of the Cabo Ortegal Complex. The ophiolites involved in this tectonic mélange represent an imbricate of highly dismembered oceanic lithosphere, slivers of subducted outer edge of the Gondwanan continental margin, and Paleozoic metasediments of the northern Gondwanan platform. The ophiolites might either record the development of a different peri-Gondwanan oceanic domain, or they might be equivalent to any of the other ophiolitic ensembles, and their anomalous structural position is simply a consequence of complex thrusting.