Muñoz Martín, Alfonso

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Muñoz Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Análisis integrado de la topografía y anomalías graviméticas en modelación análoga: un modelo de evolución del relieve en la Península Ibérica
    (Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 2011) Fernández-Lozano, Javier; Sokoutis, Dimitrios; Willingshofer, Erns; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Cloetingh1, Sierd
    El análisis integrado de la topografía y las anomalías gravimétricas en la Península Ibérica invoca a la presencia de grandes pliegues que afectan a toda la litosfera como precursores de los relieves E-O a NE-SO que se distribuyen por el Macizo Varisco, así como a un mecanismo de engrosamiento cortical nucleado a partir de fallas Tardi-Variscas, como origen del relieve del este peninsular (Cadena Ibérica-Costero Catalana), con patrones dominantes E-O, NE-SO y NO-SE. El modo de deformación, así como el estilo, dependen tanto de las propiedades reológicas iniciales de una litosfera a otra (litosfera resistente Varisca hacia el oeste peninsular/litosfera débil y caliente resultado de la extensión Mesozoica hacia el este) como a los accidentes tectónicos pre-existentes. Presentamos una nueva metodología aplicada a la modelación análoga, basada en el estudio del espectro de las anomalías gravimétricas y la topografía que nos han permitido inferir los procesos responsables de la asimetría en el patrón del relieve intra-placa de la Península Ibérica. A su vez, nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre los mecanismos generadores del relieve en zonas de intra-placa donde la escasez o falta de resolución de los perfiles sísmicos y geomagnéticos impide la interpretación de la parte más profunda de la litosfera como Asia Central o los Atlas del norte de África.
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    Morphostructure at the junction between the Beata ridge and the Greater Antilles island arc (offshore Hispaniola southern slope)
    (Tectonophysics, 2014) Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso
    Oblique convergence between the Caribbean plate's interior and the inactive Greater Antilles island arc has resultedin the collision and impingement of the thickened crust of theBeata ridge into southern Hispaniola Island. Deformation resulting from this convergence changes from a low-angle southward-verging thrust south of easternHispaniola, to collision and uplift in south-central Hispaniola, and to left-lateral transpression along theSouthern peninsula of Haiti in western Hispaniola. Using new swath bathymetry and a dense seismic reflectiongrid, we mapped the morphological, structural and sedimentological Elements of offshore southern Hispaniola.We have identified four morphotectonic provinces: the Dominican sub-basin, the Muertos margin, the Beataridge and the Haiti sub-basin. The lower slope of the Muertos margin is occupied by the active Muertos thrustbelt, which includes several active out-of-sequence thrust faults that, were they to rupture along their entirelength, could generate large-magnitude earthquakes. The interaction of the thrust beltwith the Beata ridge yieldsa huge recess and the imbricate system disappears. The upper slope of the Muertos margin shows hick slopedepositswhere the extensional tectonics and slumping processes predominate. The northern Beata ridge consistsof an asymmetrically uplifted and faulted block of oceanic crust. Our results suggest that the shallower structureand morphology of the northern Beata ridge can be mainly explained by a mechanism of extensional unloadingfrom the Upper Cretaceous onward that is still active residually along the summit of the ridge. The tectonicmodels for the northern Beata ridge involving active reverse strike–slip faults and transpression caused by theoblique convergence between the Beata ridge and the island arc are not supported by the structural interpretation.The eastern Bahoruco slope an old normal fault that acts as a passive tear fault accommodating the sharpalong-strike transition from low-angle thrusting to collision and uplifting.
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    Sobre el origen de la asimetría en el patrón general del relieve en el interior de la Península Ibérica: nuevos resultados obtenidos mediante modelación análoga
    (Geogaceta, 2010) Fernández Lozano, Javier; Sokoutis, Dimitrios; Willingshofer, Ernst; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Cloetingh, Sierd
    Analogue modelling contributes to the interpretation of lithosphere scale folds in Iberia as a result of largescale convergence during Oligocene-Miocene times between the Iberian and European Plates. Different tectonothermal events affected the microplate since late Paleozoic and resulted in lateral strength variations of the Iberian lithosphere. An old and cold lithosphere, Variscan in age, can be found in the westernmost part of Iberia whereas a relative weak and hot Mesozoic lithosphere affected by episodes of rifting and basin inversion during Mesozoic- Tertiary times covers the area of the Iberian Chain. Our study aims at deciphering whether deformation and topography evolution in Iberia are related to lateral strength variations and/or the inherited structural grain stemming from Variscan deformation. We also have studied the strength of the lithosphere to gain insights into the effects of rheological variations related to local thrusting or primary strength variations along the Iberian lithosphere.
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    Aplicación del método de resistividades con SEV para la caracterización hidrogeológica de la cuenca de Dajla (Argelia)
    (Geogaceta, 2010) Torres López, Sara; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto; Ahmed, Baba; De lorenzo, Javier; García López, Cristina; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José
    The aim of this study is the hydrogeological exploration and characterization using Geophisical surveying in the vicinity of Dakhla Basin (Algeria). To that end, it has been used the method of resistivities through Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) on a campaign carried out in April 2009. The work included 19 VES, which have been calibrated with existing wells and with field geological observations. The results have allowed the characterization of Tertiary deposits as well as Ordovician sandstones. With these data, it has been possible to identify the position and thickness of a shallow salty aquifer, and the roof of a deep freshwater aquifer developed on the Ordovician sandstones. The integration of the geometry of the aquifers with the resistivity values obtained in the Ordovician sandstones has allowed the location of a favorable area for the situation of a new well.
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    The Madrid Basin and the Central System: A tectonostratigraphic analysis from 2D seismic lines
    (Tectonophysics, 2013) Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso
    Data from deep boreholes, seismic surveys, and surface geology are used to reconstruct the sedimentary infilling of the Cenozoic Madrid Basin. Eight main depositional sequences and seismic units are recognised. From the Paleogene, the latter four of these sedimentary sequences were deposited in a continental environment, under the influence of tectonic activity in the Central System, the Toledo Mountains, the Iberian Chain, and the Sierra de Altomira. The sedimentary infill shows an overall coarsening-upward trend from upper Cretaceous formations to syn-tectonic conglomerate deposits, followed by a fining-upward sequence and moderate reactivation of some faults during the late Miocene–Pliocene. The syn-tectonic sediments are Oligocene–early Miocene in age. The foredeep is oriented northeast–southwest and shows a sediment thickness of up to 3800 m in areas close to the Central System. Several types of tectonic structures are recognised, including imbricate thrust systems, thrust triangle zones, fault-propagation folds, back-thrust systems, and pop-up structures. The frontal thrusts were subjected to significant erosion, and late Miocene sediments onlap the anticlines of the onshore foreland. NW–SE-trending positive flower structures have been recognised in the eastern part of the basin. The total northwest–southeast shortening across the contact between the Madrid Basin and the Central System is approximately 5 km, of which 2–3 km occurred across the Southern Border Thrust. The simultaneous basement uplift of the Central System and the tectonic escape of the Sierra de Altomira have been interpreted as a consequence of constrictive deformation within the “Pyrenean” foreland of the Iberian microplate.
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    Una década de investigación sobre el geopotencial
    (Investigación y ciencia, 2011) Catalán, Manuel; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso
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    Gravity modeling of the Muertos Trough and tectonic implications (north-eastern Caribbean)
    (Marine Geophysical researches, 2010) Granja Bruña, José Luis; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Ten Brink, Uri S.; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Martín Dávila, José; Córdoba Barba, Diego; Catalán, Manuel
    The Muertos Trough in the northeast Caribbean has been interpreted as a subduction zone from seismicity, leading to infer a possible reversal subduction polarity. However, the distribution of the seismicity is very diffuse and makes definition of the plate geometry difficult. In addition, the compressive deformational features observed in the upper crust and sandbox kinematic modeling do not necessarily suggest a subduction process. We tested the hypothesized subduction of the Caribbean plate’s interior beneath the eastern Greater Antilles island arc using gravity modeling. Gravity models simulating a subduction process yield a regional mass deficit beneath the island arc independently of the geometry and depth of the subducted slab used in the models. This mass deficit results from sinking of the less dense Caribbean slab beneath the lithospheric mantle replacing denser mantle materials and suggests that there is not a subducted Caribbean plateau beneath the island arc. The geologically more realistic gravity model which would explain the N–S shortening observed in the upper crust requires an overthrusted Caribbean slab extending at least 60 km northward from the deformation front, a progressive increase in the thrusting angle from 8 to 30 reaching a maximum depth of 22 km beneath the insular slope. This new tectonic model for the Muertos Margin, defined as a retroarc thrusting, will help to assess the seismic and tsunami hazard in the region. The use of gravity modeling has provided targets for future wide-angle seismic surveys in the Muertos Margin.
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    El terremoto de Haití
    (Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra, 2011) Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Hernáiz-Huerta, Pedro Pablo; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José
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    Margen Continental Gallego; Zona Económica Exclusiva Española (ZEEE): mapas temáticos de anomalías gravimétricas de aire libre y Bouguer (2012)
    (2012) Martín Dávila, José; Catalán, Manuel; Larran, M.; Somoza, Luis; León, R.; Gonzalez, F.J.; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja, J.L.; Llanes Estrada, P.; Gómez Ballesteros, María; Druet, M.; Acosta, Juan
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    Análisis de la estructura alpina de la corteza del centro de la Península Ibérica: Una sección Magneto-Telúrica a través del Sistema Central (Sierra de Gredos)
    (Geotemas, 2012) Pous, Jaume; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Seillé, H.; De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo
    We present a magnetotelluric profile across the Duero basin, the Central System and the Madrid basin, acquired in the framework of the TOPO-IBERIA project. The MT profile consists of 24 magnetotelluric sites over a 200 km, NS oriented profile. Five components were measured with periods ranging from 0.001 s to 500s. The dimensional analysis reveals a dominant E-W direction and 2D joint inversion of apparent resistivity, phases and tipper was carried out. The inverse resistivity model obtained has been compared with other geological and geophysical data, and it shows a resistive and homogeneous crust that extends towards the Duero basin. The main conductive anomalies are elongated and inclined bodies that are related with the main big–scale Alpine thrusts. Other superficial conductive bodies are related with the tertiary sedimentary basins. [RESUMEN]Este trabajo muestra un nuevo perfil magnetotelúrico (MT) a través del la cuenca del Duero, el Sistema central y la Cuenca de Madrid, adquirido dentro del proyecto TopoIberia. El Perfil MT consiste en 24 sondeos a lo largo de 200 km con una orientación NS. En cada sondeo se han medido cinco componentes con periodos de 0.001 a 500 s. El análisis dimensional revela una dirección dominante E-O y se ha realizado una inversión conjunta en 2D de las resistividades aparentes, fases y tipper. El modelo de resistividades obtenido ha sido comparado con otros datos geológicos y geofísicos, y muestra una estructura cortical homogénea y resistiva que se prolonga hacia la cuenca del Duero. En esta corteza aparecen cuerpos conductores inclinados y alargados en profundidad asociados a grandes cabalgamientos alpinos. Otros cuerpos conductores superficiales están claramente relacionados con las cuencas sedimentarias terciarias