Muñoz Martín, Alfonso

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Muñoz Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Aplicación del método de resistividades con SEV para la caracterización hidrogeológica de la cuenca de Dajla (Argelia)
    (Geogaceta, 2010) Torres López, Sara; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto; Ahmed, Baba; De lorenzo, Javier; García López, Cristina; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José
    The aim of this study is the hydrogeological exploration and characterization using Geophisical surveying in the vicinity of Dakhla Basin (Algeria). To that end, it has been used the method of resistivities through Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) on a campaign carried out in April 2009. The work included 19 VES, which have been calibrated with existing wells and with field geological observations. The results have allowed the characterization of Tertiary deposits as well as Ordovician sandstones. With these data, it has been possible to identify the position and thickness of a shallow salty aquifer, and the roof of a deep freshwater aquifer developed on the Ordovician sandstones. The integration of the geometry of the aquifers with the resistivity values obtained in the Ordovician sandstones has allowed the location of a favorable area for the situation of a new well.
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    Análisis de la geometría en profundidad de fracturas conductoras en zonas de baja permeabilidad mediante tomografía eléctrica (El Berrocal, Sistema Central Español)
    (Geogaceta, 2007) Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Antón López, Loreto; Elorza, Francisco José; Vicente, Raquel de
    The groundwater flow in zones of low permeability, as granites, is mainly associated with zones of fracture. For this reason the characterization of the fractures is fundamental, both in surface as in depth, and must integrate geological information (geological mapping, structural analysis), geophysics (mainly electrical and electromagnetic methods) and geochemistry (radon and others gases) with hydrogeology. In this work we analyze the geophysical response of a strike-slip fault zone by means of three 2D resistivity models. The objective is to investigate the presence of several conductive zones and their geometry in depth. The obtained results allow to control the geometry in depth of the fractures, the gaps between the different mapped traces along the fault zone as well as the thickness of landfill. All this information will be useful for the hidromechanical simulation of the massif, and to check the geometry and gas permeability calculated from emanometry.
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    Inversion of moment tensor focal mechanisms for active stresses around the Microcontinent Iberia: Tectonic implications
    (Tectonics, 2008) Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Cloetingh, Sierd; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Stich, Daniel; Vegas, Ramón; Galindo-Zaldívar, Jesus; Fernández Lozano, Javier
    The Iberian microcontinent and its connected oceanic crust are affected by deformations related to the Eurasian-African plate boundary. Active stress inversions from populations of moment tensor focal mechanisms have been performed around and inside the Iberian peninsula, using a total of 213 moment tensor estimates. Main results are: 1) The tensorial solutions show better consistency and lower misfits compared to those obtained previously from first P arrival focal mechanisms. 2) Along the Eurasia- Africa western boundary, the type of active stresses progressively changes easternwards from triaxial extension to uniaxial compression along the Terceira Ridge, the Gloria Fault zone and the Gulf of Cadiz. 3) In the Betics-Alboran-Rif zone, uniaxial extension predominates with Shmax N155ºE trending. 4) In N Algeria, uniaxial compression reappears. 5) The Iberian foreland is currently under strike-slip to uniaxial extension tensorial conditions.
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    Longest and still longer: The Messejana-Plasencia dyke and its links with later Alpine deformation belt in Iberia
    (Tectonophysics, 2021) De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Cunha, Pedro P.
    The Messejana-Plasencia dyke (End-Triassic), NE-SW oriented, is the longest simple structure in Iberia (~500 km) and constitutes a first-order rheological discontinuity that crosses the entire crust. During the Alpine deformation, this discontinuity nucleated the Messejana-Plasencia left-lateral strike-slip fault and its related strike-slip deformation belt, consisting of a series of wide coalescent stepovers and small basins developed on the footwalls. Both structures can be followed from offshore of SW mainland Portugal to the central sector of the Spanish-Portuguese Central System. Using tectonic, geophysical, magnetic, and gravimetric analyses, our study demonstrated that it extends NE more than ~100 km below the continental sediments of the Duero Cenozoic Basin, until the Iberian Chain. We used a tectonostratigraphic analysis to determine the age of the wrench fault movement and that of the Spanish-Portuguese thrusts. In this range, the largest displacement during the Cenozoic occurred in the southern thrust of the Spanish sector of the Central System over the Madrid Cenozoic Basin, and NE-SW trending. This thrust displaces the Moho more than 10 km and probably joins the Messejana-lasencia strike-slip fault at depth. The deduced age movement for both is Oligocene-Lower-Middle Miocene, related to the intraplate stresses transmitted from the Pyrenean orogen towards its foreland. A strain partitioning process was then deduced for the simultaneous movement of both main Alpine faults in Central Iberia.
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    El cabalgamiento cenozoico de Boinás (Cordillera Cantábrica, España)
    (Geogaceta, 2007) Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; González Nistal, S.; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Vegas, Ramón; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Fernández Lozano, Javier; Vicente, Raquel de
    The opencast gold mine of Boinás, has allowed to outcrops the contact between the variscan basement and the Cenozoic sediments. It is observable that the contact is a post - Lower Oligocene thrust, with a N40ºE trend. From a macrostructural point of view, Boinás thrust spreads along more than 10 km with a constant orientation, a vertical gap that reaches 400 m, and a NW vergence. Northwestwards another Alpine thrust develops (Tineo, A l o n s o y Pulgar , 2004) with a parallel orientation an opposite vergence. Between both thrusts a tectonic pop-down appears (Narcea Pop-down). The dynamic analysis shows that this structure was activated by a paleostress tensor with an horizontal s1 trending N139ºE, with a stress regime close to uniaxial compression (R=0.06). This stress allows the geometrical interchanges between s2 and s3. The outcrop also allows to observe a secondary population of normal faults, that fits to an extensional stress tensor (R=0.01) with s3 trending N146ºE, that is coaxial with the main compressive stress tensor. We interpret both fault populations as generated by the tectonic thrust emplacement.
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    Mapa de esfuerzos de Europa a partir de Mecanismos focales calculados desde el Tensor de Momento Sísmico
    (Geogaceta, 2006) Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Vegas, Ramón
    This work shows a new stress map for Europe obtained from the inversion of earthquakes focal mechanisms calculated with the centroid tensor method (Dzieownski et al., 1982). An amount of 1608 focal mechanisms have been selected with several quality criteria from different catalogues (CMT Harvard, ETH, Med-Net, I.G.N. and I.A.G.) from 1973 to present-day. Values for the maximum horizontal stress and the shape factor of the ellipsoid (horizontal/vertical stress) have been calculated following the Reches (1983) and De Vicente (1988) slip model. The local results have been interpolated to a 1ºx1º regular grid in which the relation between tectonic horizontal stress and vertical load has been taken into account. The final map shows a good correlation with the primary tectonic forces generated in the plate boundaries and the local perturbations related with main crustal heterogeneities as suggested by Gölke and Coblentz (1996).
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    El terremoto de Haití
    (Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra, 2011) Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Hernáiz-Huerta, Pedro Pablo; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José
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    Mapa de esfuerzos activos en línea de la Península Ibérica a partir de Mecanismos Focales calculados desde el Tensor de Momento Sísmico
    (Geotemas, 2012) Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Antón López, Loreto; Vegas, Ramón; Granja Bruña, José Luis
    This work shows a new on-line stress map for Iberian Peninsula obtained from the inversion of earthquakes focal mechanisms calculated with the centroid moment tensor. An amount of 299 focal mechanisms have been selected with several quality criteria from different catalogues (CMT Harvard, ETH, Med-Net, I.G.N. and I.A.G.) from 1973 to January 2012. Values for the maximum horizontal stress and the shape factor of the ellipsoid (horizontal/vertical stress) have been calculated following De Vicente et al. (2008).. The local results have been interpolated to a 10’ regular grid in which the relation between tectonic horizontal stress and vertical load has been taken into account. The final map shows a good correlation with the primary tectonic forces generated in the plate boundaries and the local perturbations related with main crustal heterogeneities. Both the maps and data are free for download from Applied Tectonophysics Group WebSite). [RESUMEN]Este trabajo muestra el nuevo mapa en línea de esfuerzos activos para la Península Ibérica obtenido a partir de la inversión de mecanismos focales de terremotos (MF) calculados con Tensor de Momento Sísmico (TMS). Un total de 299 MF han sido seleccionados con varios criterios de calidad de diferentes catálogos (CMT Harvard, ETH, Med-Net, I.G.N. e I.A.G.), para un periodo comprendido entre 1973 y enero de 2012 y profundidades menores de 60 km. Los valores de la dirección de máximo acortamiento horizontal (Dey) y el factor de forma (carga horizontal/vertical) han sido calculados siguiendo a De Vicente et al. (2008). Los resultados obtenidos se han interpolado a una malla regular de 10’, teniendo en cuenta las orientaciones de las componentes horizontales de esfuerzo, y el factor de forma. Los mapas finales muestran una buena correlación con indicadores geológicos y cinemáticos. Las orientaciones de los esfuerzos horizontales se relacionan con las fuerzas primarias provenientes de los límites de placas, y con perturbaciones locales relacionadas con heterogeneidades de primer orden a nivel cortical. Tanto los mapas, como los datos procesados son accesibles a través de la Web del Grupo de Tectonofísica Aplicada de la UCM
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    Geothermal Potential of Madrid Basin from Integrated Geophysical and Well Data Analysis (Central Spain)
    (Conference Proceedings, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2022) Berriolópez, M.A.; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Zamora Valcarce, Gonzalo
    New energy demand linked to world population growth and awareness about climate change have brought out the need to develop new forms of energy guided by the urgency of an ecological transition. In this context geothermal resources have the potential of contributing significantly to sustainable use in many parts of the world. In Spain, during the 80´s, oil and gas explorations carried out in the Madrid Basin confirmed the existence of two geothermal reservoirs. Here we present diverse geological features of the basin essential in geothermal exploration. We use airborne radiogenic and magnetic data to characterize the basement. Detailed ground concentration estimates of the heat producing elements are used to calculate the heat production and heat flow in the near surface. The distribution pattern of both parameters is heterogeneous with two main areas separated by southward prolongation of the Berzosa Fault. The eastern sector is characterized by both low heat production and heat flow rates while the western area is distinguished by high values as a response of the exposed granites. In addition, we build one 3D geological model and one 3D isothermal model with Leapfrog Geothermal from seismic, well data and mapping information.
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    Cenozoic thick-skinned deformation and topography evolution of the Spanish Central System
    (Global and Planetary Change, 2007) Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de; Vegas, Ramón; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Silva Barroso, Pablo Gabriel; Andriessen, Paul; Cloetingh, Sierd; González Casado, José Manuel; Van Wees, Jan Diederik; Álvarez García, Juan; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José
    The Spanish Central System is a Cenozoic pop-up with an E-W to NE-SW orientation that affects all the crust (thick-skinned tectonics). It shows antiform geometry in the upper crust with thickening in the lower crust. Together with the Iberian Chain it constitutes the most prominent mountainous structure of the Pyrenean foreland. The evolutionary patterns concerning the paleotopography of the interior of the Peninsula can be established by an analysis of the following data: gravimetric, topographical, macro and micro tectonic, sedimentological (infilling of the sedimentary basins of the relative foreland), P-T-t path from apatite fission tracks, paleoseismic and instrumental seismicity. Deformation is clearly asymmetric in the Central System as evidenced by the existence of an unique, large (crustal-scale) thrust at its southern border, while in the northern one there is a normal sequence of north verging thrusts, towards the Duero Basin, whose activity ended during the Lower Miocene. This deformation was accomplished under triaxial compression, Oligocene- Lower Miocene in age, marked by NW-SE to NNW-SSE shortening. Locally orientations of paleostresses deviate from that of the regional tensor, following a period of relative tectonic quiescence. During the Upper Miocene-Pliocene, a reactivation of constrictive stress occurred and some structures underwent rejuvenation as a consequence of the action of tectonic stresses similar to those of today (uniaxial extension to strike-slip with NW-SE shortening direction). However, the westernmost areas show continuous activity throughout the whole of the Tertiary, with no apparent pulses. At the present time there is a moderate seismic activity in the Central System related to faults that were active during the Cenozoic, with the same kinematic characteristics.