Muñoz Martín, Alfonso

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Muñoz Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    La deformación alpina en el Sistema Central Español
    (Geo-guías, Rutas geológicas por la Península Ibérica, Canarias, Sicilia y Marruecos, 2019) De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Olaiz, A.J.; Vegas, Ramón; Antón López, Loreto; Martín Velázquez, Silvia; Giner Robles, J.; Rodriguez Pascua, M.A.
    La idea del origen compresivo del Sistema Central (SC) se debe a Birot y Solé Sabarís (1954) [1], antes del establecimiento del papel que la tectónica de placas juega en el desarrollo de las estructuras intraplaca. Sin embargo, sus observaciones de campo no fueron tenidas en cuenta y, durante mucho tiempo, el SC fue considerado como una estructura extensiva [2]. Los primeros modelos de estructura del SC, en un contexto compresivo intraplaca, fueron propuestos por Vegas y Suriñach (1987) [3], que calcularon un engrosamiento cortical de 5 km, mientras que Warburton y Álvarez (1989) [4] construyeron una sección transversal con el desarrollo de una tectónica de piel fina asociada a un detachment intracortical proveniente de las Béticas y con un acortamiento asociado de 50 km. Esta idea fue también propuesta con menos detalle para el sector portugués, pero en relación a un estilo tectónico de piel gruesa y un acortamiento menor [5]. No obstante, estos trabajos carecían de observaciones de campo. En concreto, la sección de Warburton y Álvarez adolece de numerosas inconsistencias. El estilo tectónico propuesto durante la celebración de la III reunión de la Comisión de Tectónica de la SGE, que es el que se tiene en cuenta hoy en día, fue el de una tectónica de piel gruesa, sin despegues en la cobertera, con la formación de cabalgamientos imbricados de piel fina con implicación del basamento y pop ups dentro del basamento varisco de direcciones NE-SO a E-O. El acortamiento asociado se calculó en un 14% (20 km) [6, 7].
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    Mapa de esfuerzos activos en línea de la Península Ibérica a partir de Mecanismos Focales calculados desde el Tensor de Momento Sísmico
    (Geotemas, 2012) Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Antón López, Loreto; Vegas, Ramón; Granja Bruña, José Luis
    This work shows a new on-line stress map for Iberian Peninsula obtained from the inversion of earthquakes focal mechanisms calculated with the centroid moment tensor. An amount of 299 focal mechanisms have been selected with several quality criteria from different catalogues (CMT Harvard, ETH, Med-Net, I.G.N. and I.A.G.) from 1973 to January 2012. Values for the maximum horizontal stress and the shape factor of the ellipsoid (horizontal/vertical stress) have been calculated following De Vicente et al. (2008).. The local results have been interpolated to a 10’ regular grid in which the relation between tectonic horizontal stress and vertical load has been taken into account. The final map shows a good correlation with the primary tectonic forces generated in the plate boundaries and the local perturbations related with main crustal heterogeneities. Both the maps and data are free for download from Applied Tectonophysics Group WebSite). [RESUMEN]Este trabajo muestra el nuevo mapa en línea de esfuerzos activos para la Península Ibérica obtenido a partir de la inversión de mecanismos focales de terremotos (MF) calculados con Tensor de Momento Sísmico (TMS). Un total de 299 MF han sido seleccionados con varios criterios de calidad de diferentes catálogos (CMT Harvard, ETH, Med-Net, I.G.N. e I.A.G.), para un periodo comprendido entre 1973 y enero de 2012 y profundidades menores de 60 km. Los valores de la dirección de máximo acortamiento horizontal (Dey) y el factor de forma (carga horizontal/vertical) han sido calculados siguiendo a De Vicente et al. (2008). Los resultados obtenidos se han interpolado a una malla regular de 10’, teniendo en cuenta las orientaciones de las componentes horizontales de esfuerzo, y el factor de forma. Los mapas finales muestran una buena correlación con indicadores geológicos y cinemáticos. Las orientaciones de los esfuerzos horizontales se relacionan con las fuerzas primarias provenientes de los límites de placas, y con perturbaciones locales relacionadas con heterogeneidades de primer orden a nivel cortical. Tanto los mapas, como los datos procesados son accesibles a través de la Web del Grupo de Tectonofísica Aplicada de la UCM
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    The Spanish-Portuguese Central System: An Example of Intense Intraplate Deformation and Strain Partitioning
    (Tectonics, 2018) De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Cunha, P.P.; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Cloetingh, S.A.P.L.; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José; Vegas, Ramón
    The intraplate deformation of Iberia during the Cenozoic produced a series of ranges and deformation belts with a wide variety of structural trends. The Spanish-Portuguese Central System is the most prominent feature crossing over the whole of central Iberia. It is a large thick-skinned crustal pop-up with NE-SW to E-W thrusts. However, the 500-km-long left-lateral strike-slip Messejana-Plasencia fault, also NE-SW oriented, bends these thrusts to produce NE-SW local paleostresses close to the fault, which seems to be consistent with a common deformational arrangement. This is also supported by the similar sedimentary infilling characteristics found in the surrounding Cenozoic basins. The moment of the maximum intraplate deformation is registered at the same time in all these basins during the upper Priabonian-lower Chattian. As there are two possible sources for the intraplate compressive stresses, the Pyrenean (N-S shortening) orogen to the north and the Betic (NW-SE shortening) orogen to the south, neither can simply explain both simultaneous movements (NE-SW strike-slip and NE-SW thrusting). The deduced age of the main deformation indicates a Pyrenean origin. In contrast, the concept of strain partitioning between the two types of faults gives as a result an overall north trending compression. Existing data do not support crustal detachment from the Betics neither from the Pyrenees but are consistent with a crustal uplift related to lithospheric folding. The subsequent Betic-related stress field only slightly reworked previously Pyrenean-related structures, except for the Portuguese sector, where tectonic activity occurred mainly in the Upper Miocene.
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    Gravity modeling of the lithosphere in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (Spain): geodynamic implications
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2015) Granja Bruña, José Luis; Vegas, Ramón; Sentre Domingo, M.A.; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Sainz-Maza Aparicio, S.
    The origin of the intraplate volcanism in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (CVP) is controversial. On the basis of its geochemical signature, it has been ascribed to an “aborted” rift, implying lithospheric thinning. However, the volcanism occurred during the generalized Cenozoic NW−SE-oriented compressive tectonic regime. On the other hand, on the basis of evidence for its deep-seated origin, it has been linked to the existence of a baby-plume detached from an active megaplume below the Canary-Azores Islands and the western Mediterranean. In order to understand better the aforementioned geodynamic scenarios for the origin of the CVP, we address here the study of the lithosphere in the CVP and its vicinity by means of gravity analysis and 2+1/2D modeling. Gravity modeling results do not support the rifting model adopted for the intraplate volcanism occurred in the CVP because the crust shows a quasi-constant thickness. Density models suggest the existence of a sub-crustal, anomalous low-density block that could be underplated magmatic material at the base of the crust, suggesting that only a minor part of it intruded up into the crust and erupted. The localized magmatism of the CVP can be related to the combination of two factors: active, the gentle folding of the Iberian lithosphere and associated uplifting of the Variscan basement due to the NW-directed transmission of compressive stresses in the upper plate yielded by the subduction/collision in the south Iberian margin. The formation of the lithospheric folding in the Calatrava region results in a decrease of the pressure beneath the swell of the antiform that is likely to bring about basaltic magmatism below the swell; and one passive, the existence of a Variscan right-lateral shear band, which yields a weakened crust that facilitates the ascent of the magmatic materials. The relatively small volume, but large extension, of the volcanic outcrops could be associated with the preferential ascent of the magmas along the weakened crust of this NW−SE-trending Variscan shear band.