Bran García, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Bran García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Filología Clásica
Filología Latina
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    Ранние издания «Естественной Истории» Плиния Старшего в Санкт-Петербурге: история библиотек и библиофилов
    (Philologia Classica, 2011) Bran García, Francisco Javier
    Pliny's "Natural History" is a literary work that has been transmitted through the ages since it was firstly published. Incunabula are an outstanding part of its transmission, and twelve of them can be found in libraries of Saint Petersburg (the Russian National Library and the Library of the Academy of Sciences). In addition, there are ca. 60 editions dated to the first half of the sixteenth century. Careful search of owners' records and any other indications of this kind –in order to get to know the "history" of these texts since they were printed– connects them with bibliophiles and humanists, such as the Zaluskis, B. V. Nikolski, and F. A. Tolstoi. Some gaps in the transmission can be filled in with the role played by other collections (Suchtelen, Schwarz), monasteries (e. g., the Carmelites), and individuals: information concerning them is kept in the incunabula.
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    Plinio el Viejo en la España del siglo XVI: Francisco López de Villalobos y Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano)
    (2016) Bran García, Francisco Javier; Moure Casas, Ana María
    The Naturalis Historia (NH) can be listed among the most extensive works by a classical author that have survived – almost entirely – until the present days. It is not only the number of volumes in which it unfolds (thirty seven) what is impressive to the eye of the modern scholar, but also the amount of extant manuscripts and commentaries produced in regard to Pliny the Elder’s masterpiece. As far as we know, there are more than three hundred and fifty testimonies of different kinds with diverse segments of text, ranging from one page to the bulk of the NH, which have seen the light over a wide time frame. The first date back to the 4th century a. D., while the most recent appeared in the 15th century, some of which are contemporary with the newly printed editions. Given this outlook, it is easy to imagine what a complex task it would be to provide a stemma codicum for the NH. Commentaries and translations constitute another pillar for textual transmission and, as pointed out before, Pliny’s work provided a source of inspiration for a plethora of humanists willing to clear the text from the many obstacles that stood in the way of the reader. The NH is riddled with the so-called monstra Pliniana, sections where the meaning of the text remains obscured as a result of the presence of hapax or a, to say the least, intrincate syntax. Two Spanish commentaries have been chosen for the bases of this Thesis. In the introduction we provide an overview to clarify the status of the issue and offer a reasoned scheme of the research that has been carried out. The need to explain the causes that led us to choose no other than Francisco López de Villalobos and Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano) is dealt with afterwards. Villalobos produced the first commentary to the NH in Spain, although it only reaches the first two volumes, thus remaining as an incentive for others. El Pinciano criticised this work and offered his own version, a philological commentary driven by an emerging textual criticism.
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    Fuentes de la "Historia natural" : presencia de Virgilio en la obra de Plinio el Viejo
    ("Dulces Camenae" : poética y poesía latinas, 2010) Bran García, Francisco Javier; Velázquez Soriano, María Isabel; Luque, Jesús; Rincón, María Dolores
    Entre sus muchas fuentes manejadas, Plinio el Viejo empleó textos de Virgilio para extraer informaciones de utilidad para su Historia Natural. En la mayoría de los casos (por razones evidentes de contenido) recurre a las Geórgicas, especialmente con el fin de tomar datos sobre procedimientos agrarios, propiedades y denominaciones de plantas, cereales y animales. Su visión crítica se conjuga con la admiración y el respeto por Virgilio.
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    Otra pieza en la recepción de la "Historia Natural" : Plinio en la meteorología de Federico Bonaventura
    (Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 2011) Bran García, Francisco Javier
    La "Historia Natural" fue copiada y extractada constantemente desde su aparición, a lo que se añaden a partir del siglo XV epítomes y comentarios. La "Anemologiae pars prior" del autor italiano Federico Bonaventura (siglo XVI) se presenta aquí como un eslabón hasta ahora no identificado para esta historia de la recepción y viene a completar este panorama, aportando nuevos datos acerca de la relevancia de la obra y los intereses de la época. Presenta, asimismo, el rasgo distintivo de emplear texto pliniano para contenido meteorológico.
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    Tras el rastro de Plinio el Viejo en el Renacimiento : tablas astronómicas en la "Pliniana anni diuisio in partes octo" de Federico Bonaventura
    ("Manipulus studiorum" en recuerdo de la profesora Ana María Aldama Roy, 2014) Bran García, Francisco Javier; Callejas Berdones, María Teresa; Cañizares Ferriz, Patricia; Castro Jiménez, María Dolores; Del Barrio Vega, Felisa María De Fátima; Muñoz Jiménez, María José; Espigares Pinilla, Antonio