Nieva Ramos, Silvia

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Nieva Ramos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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Search Results

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    The role of spontaneous verbal repetition sequences as shared discourse in early linguistic development
    (Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 2021) Casla, Marta; Moreno, Rebeca; Rodríguez, Jessica; Méndez-Cabezas, Celia; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Murillo Sanz, Eva
    Spontaneous verbal repetition is part of early adult–child conversational interchanges. However, most of the studies devoted to verbal repetition analyse child-produced and adult-produced repetition independently. The aim of this study is to analyse verbal repetition sequences that are extended by children and adults participating in turns. We carried out a longitudinal study of 17 parent–child dyads, which included children from the ages of 21 to 30 months. Results show that the frequency of these sequences decreases in the older age range, while the frequency of simple verbal repetitions increases. Participation in repetition sequences is related to the lexical and grammatical development that occurs within the younger ages. Verbal repetition sequences are discussed in terms of their role in early interactions, since they promote attention to the interlocutor and the co-construction of linguistic structures.
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    Verbal and More: Multimodality in Adults’ and Toddlers’ Spontaneous Repetitions
    (Verbal and More: Multimodality in Adults’ and Toddlers’ Spontaneous Repetitions, 2021) Casla Soler, Marta; Rodríguez, Jessica; Mendez-Cabezas, Celia; Murillo Sanz, Eva; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Rujas Pascual, Irene
    This study investigated verbal imitation from a multimodal point of view, considering the mutual influence of children’s and adults’ participation. Sixteen Spanish-speaking children were observed longitudinally at 21, 24, and 30 months of age in natural settings. We analyzed the multimodal characteristics of children’s and adults’ repetitions, considering whether they were verbal, verbal-gestural, or gestural. In addition, we also analyzed the multi-modal characteristics of the utterances that were repeated (source). Measures of vocabulary and grammatical levels were also taken into account at the three points in development. Results showed that verbal-gestural repetitions were frequent in the speech of children and adults, although not as frequent as verbal repetitions. Nevertheless, verbal-gestural speech was reproduced more frequently than verbal speech. Adults were more likely to reproduce children’s speech when it included gestures, which was also related to children’s linguistic level. Furthermore, children and adults synchronize their multimodal communicative behaviors, coordinating the modality of their repetitions with the modality of the source speech. The results are discussed taking into account the need to study the multimodal characteristics of child-directed speech, as well as the need to study verbal repetition and multimodal communicative behaviors simultaneously, as forms of interaction that are essential to language development.
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    Project number: 137
    Técnicas de evaluación e intervención en Logopedia: base de datos audiovisual de la Unidad Clínica de Logopedia.
    (2015) Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Bartuilli Pérez, Mónica; González Calero, Pedro Antonio; Melle Hernández, Natalia; Murillo Sanz, Eva; Pareja Lora, Antonio; Sáenz Pérez, Fernando; Schüller Moreno, Maria Teresa
    El proyecto consiste en creación y virtualización de una base de datos audiovisual estructurada de sesiones de evaluación e intervención llevadas a cabo con pacientes que acuden a tratamiento a la Clínica de Logopedia de la UCM con objetivos docentes y de investigación, dando acceso a los alumnos al visionado de vídeos para realizar sesiones de análisis y estudio de casos clínicos a partir de los procesos de evaluación e intervención para las distintas patologías que son su ámbito de estudio.
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    Spontaneous verbal repetition in toddler-adult conversations: a longitudinal study with Spanish-speaking two- year-olds
    (Journal of Child Language, 2021) Casla, Marta; Méndez-Cabezas, Celia; Montero, Ignacio; Murillo Sanz, Eva; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Rodríguez, Jessica
    The role of children’s verbal repetition of parents’ utterances on vocabulary growth has been well documented (Masur, 1999). Nevertheless, few studies have analyzed adults’ and children’s spontaneous verbal repetition around the second birthday distinguishing between the types of repetition. We analyzed longitudinally Spanish-speaking parent-child dyads during spontaneous interaction at 21, 24 and 30 months. Linguistic level was measured using the Spanish version of the MacArthur CDI (López-Ornat et al., 2005). Children’s and adults’ repetitions are about 17% of the speech. Children repeated adults’ utterances in a reduced manner whereas adults produced more extended repetitions. Adults’ rate of repetition predicted children’s linguistic level at 30 months. Children’s rate of repetition did not predict linguistic level. These results suggest that parents adapt their speech to children’s communicative abilities. Since children’s rate of repetition did not predict linguistic level, we suggest that verbal imitation plays an indirect and complex role in communicative development.