Matía Martín, María Del Pilar

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First Name
María Del Pilar
Last Name
Matía Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Results of the survey on care units and caring for eating disorders in Spain. SENPE Working Group on Eating Disorders
    (Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2023) Matía Martín, María Del Pilar; Loria Kohen, Viviana Constanza; Carrillo Lozano, Elena; Gómez Candela, Carmen
    Introduction: eating disorders (EDs) entail a therapeutic challenge. Objective: to describe ED care from the perspective of Nutrition Units (NU) in relation to human and care resources, the activities carried out, and satisfaction with care in Spain; to collect demands from professionals to improve assistance. Methods: a cross-sectional, observational study based on a questionnaire sent online to members of the Spanish Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (SENPE) and to the Nutrition Area of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN). The data were analyzed according to number of beds of the hospitals surveyed (< 500/≥ 500). Results: 23 responses from 8 autonomous communities. In 87 % of NUs care was given to eating disorders; 65.2 % had a specific process; 91.3 % collaborated with Psychiatry; 34.8 % had their own hospitalization area; 56.5 % had a day hospital, but 21.7 % participated in it; 39.1 % had a monographic consultation office; nutritional education was carried out in 87 %, especially by nursing; individualized diets and oral supplements were frequently prescribed in 39.1 % and 56.5 %, respectively; only the largest hospitals participated in research on EDs (62.5 %), and 21.7 % collaborated with patient associations. Hospitals with ≥ 500 beds had more resources and were more satisfied. Professionals demanded resources and processes agreed with Psychiatry. Conclusions: resources and care practices are uneven in the NUs surveyed, as well as multidisciplinary collaboration. The collected evidence allows us to design improvement strategies in this area.
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    Consenso del grupo de trabajo de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria de SENPE (GTTCA-SENPE). Evaluación y tratamiento médico-nutricional en la anorexia nerviosa. Actualización 2023
    (Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2024) Campos Del Portillo, Rocío; Matía Martín, María Del Pilar; Loria Kohen, Viviana Constanza; Carrillo Lozano, Elena; Pita, Francisco
    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a multifactorial disorder. A possible role of the social network and the gut microbiota in pathogenesis has been added. Exogenous shocks such as the COVID19 pandemic have had a negative impact on patients with AN. The potential medical and nutritional impact of malnutrition and/or compensatory behaviors gives rise to a complex disease with a wide range of severity, the management of which requires a multidisciplinary team with a high level of subject matter expertise. Coordination between levels of care is necessary as well as understanding how to transition the patient from pediatric to adult care is essential. A proper clinical evaluation can detect possible complications, as well as establish the organic risk of the patient. This allows caregivers to tailor the medical-nutritional treatment for each patient. Reestablishing adequate nutritional behaviors is a fundamental pillar of treatment in AN. The design of a personalized nutritional treatment and education program is necessary for this purpose. Depending on the clinical severity, artificial nutrition may be necessary. Although the decision regarding the level of care necessary at diagnosis or during follow-up depends on a number of factors (awareness of the disease, medical stability, complications, suicidal risk, outpatient treatment failure, psychosocial context, etc.), outpatient treatment is the most frequent and most preferred choice. However, more intensive care (total or partial hospitalization) may be necessary in certain cases. In severely malnourished patients, the appearance of refeeding syndrome should be prevented during renourishment. The presence of AN in certain situations (pregnancy, vegetarianism, type 1 diabetes mellitus) requires specific care. Physical activity in these patients must also be addressed correctly.