Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La

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First Name
Jesús De La
Last Name
Fuente Vázquez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Producción Animal
Producción Animal
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Search Results

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    Effect of the inclusion of rumenprotected amino acids in the diet of growing beef cattle on animal performance and meat quality
    (Frontiers in Animal Science, 2023) Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Diaz, M.T.; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Martínez del Olmo, D.; Mateos , J.; Llanes, N.; Jimeno, V.; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Batista, E.D.
    Introduction: This study investigated the impact of rumen-protected amino acids on beef cattle's growth, fattening performance, and meat quality. Methods: Two groups of 40 Montbeliard steers (237.8 ± 30 kg body weight) were housed separately and fed, with mono-tunnel feeders, either a control diet (CON) or a diet containing rumen-protected lysine and methionine with 3% less crude protein (APR). Feed consumption and weight were tracked in all animals, and meat quality analysis focused on the longissimus muscle, with 10 steers randomly selected from each treatment. Results and discussion: Results for overall performance revealed no significant differences in body weight, average daily gain (ADG), and concentrate conversion ratio between the CON and APR diets (p > 0.05). However, during the final 90 days of the trial, the APR group showed significantly higher ADG (p < 0.05) than the CON group, while the concentrate conversion ratio was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the CON group compared to the APR group. The hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, and carcass conformation did not differ significantly between the CON and APR diets (p > 0.05). There was a slight tendency (p = 0.06) for higher fatness score in the CON group. Regarding meat composition, the diet did not significantly affect proximate composition, but a tendency (p = 0.059) for higher crude protein content in APR cattle's meat compared to the CON group was observed. The APR meat showed slightly lower levels of C17:1 (0.56% vs. 0.72%) and C18:1n9 (31.7% vs. 34%). There was a tendency for C14:0 to be lower (P = 0.07), and for C16:0, C18:2 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to be greater in meat from cattle fed APR compared to CON. However, meat quality attributes like pH, water-holding capacity, color, and texture were similar in both CON and APR groups (p > 0.05). The findings indicate that utilizing rumen-protected amino acids enables formulating diets with reduced crude protein levels while enhancing nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein synthesis in intensively reared steers. Importantly, these dietary improvements do not adversely affect meat quality.
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    Project number: 192
    Pinterest: Uso de redes sociales para el reconocimiento de capas de caballos y perros
    (2024) González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Arias Álvarez, María; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Díaz Díaz Chirón, María Teresa; Fernández-Muela Garrote, Montserrat; González Garoz, Roberto; Huertas Vega, Víctor Manuel; Isabel Redondo, Beatriz; Martínez Villalba, Andrea; Olivares Moreno, Álvaro; Pérez Marcos, Concepción; Martín Amores, Ruth; Mallavia León, Blanca; Santacruz Parra, Marta; Fuentes Camacho, Beatriz; Blackledge Cordovilla, Natalia; Gil-Albert Abe, Nanami Andrea; Jiménez Ruiz, Elena; Escobar Fernández, Sofía Escobar; Díez Romera, Mariano
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    Effects of Randomly Fired Underwater Currents as an Occupational Enrichment Program in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
    (Water, 2021) Villarroel, Morris; Miranda de la Lama, Genaro C.; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Pérez, Concepción; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Torrent, Fernando; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La
    Occupational enrichment (OE) is directed at introducing variations in the tank water so that fish can exercise as they do in the wild. Two trials were carried out to test the effects of randomly fired underwater currents (RFC) on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) maintained in tanks in a recirculation system, using 1226 trout distributed in two independent trials. In Trial 1, fingerling trout (n = 6 tanks, n = 40 fish per tank) were classified into two groups based on low (13%) or high (30%) coefficient of variation in live weight (CV), and exposed to RFC or no currents (controls). In Trial 2, adult trout (n = 12 tanks, n = 20 fish per tank) were either exposed to RFC or to a constant current (controls) from two submerged pumps. Both trials lasted four weeks. No significant differences in growth were observed between treatments in either trial. In Trial 1, RFC fish maintained a similar CV throughout the trial, while CV decreased in controls. Also, in Trial 1, plasma cortisol levels were higher and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels lower in tanks with a low initial CV. In Trial 2, the CV was lower in RFC trout, where cortisol levels were also significantly lower and triglycerides significantly higher. The results suggest that OE using RFC can have positive effects by helping to reduce stress levels, and provides fish with biologically meaningful environmental enrichment related to the natural history of the species.
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    Effects of Fasting on Intermediary Metabolism Enzymes in the Liver and Muscle of Rainbow Trout
    (Fishes, 2023) Fernández-Muela Garrote, Montserrat; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Pérez, Concepción; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Díaz, María Teresa; Torrent, Fernando; Villarroel, Morris; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La
    Fish can go through periods of feed deprivation, either due to natural causes influenced by temperature or management techniques in animal production, affecting their energy metabolism differently, depending on the duration of fasting in days and water temperature. This study showed the effect of different days of fasting before slaughter in rainbow trout by analyzing the intermediary metabolic enzymes in the muscle and liver. For this purpose, a non-fasting group was compared with trout that fasted for 5, 10, and 20 days (55, 107, and 200 degree days (°C d), respectively). A first phase of increased activity of enzymes involved in glycolysis was observed, increasing hexokinase enzyme activity in muscle and pyruvate kinase enzyme activity in muscle and liver. As the fasting days progressed, enzymes involved in the gluconeogenic and glycogenolytic pathways in the liver such as lactate dehydrogenase and glycogen phosphorylase increased their activity regarding the no fasted group. After 20 days of fasting (200 °C d), lipogenic and protein related enzyme activity depletion was observed, leading to significant changes in energy metabolism. Therefore, prolonged fasting with high degree days duration may compromise the energy supply for the vital development of rainbow trout.
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    Animal Protection in Filming in the Context of Spain
    (Animals, 2023) De Damborenea Martín, P.; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La
    Animals have fundamentally contributed to the development and growth of different cinematographic and audiovisual activities. As established in article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the basic text that establishes the objectives of the EU and from which the regulations or directives emanate, animal welfare is protected for the good of the general interest and therefore, must be taken into account when developing different European Union policies, especially those that may affect the internal market. This work aims to analyze each of the European regulations on animal protection and welfare to subsequently focus on each of the animal protection codes of the different countries of the union, trying to determine those premises related to the protection or the welfare of the animals that participate in these types of activities. We also wanted to make a brief comparison with countries such as the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), which are highly relevant to this topic. As a result of this analysis, the absence of standardized norms in the European Union has been revealed; however, in the UK and the USA, specific laws related to animal use in film media exist. Therefore, to develop new standards that guarantee the protection of animals in audiovisual productions in the EU are necessary, and these standards could also be expanded to other sectors or activities related to working animals.
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    Effect of ice stunning versus electronarcosis on stress response and flesh quality of rainbow trout
    (Aquaculture, 2021) Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Díaz Díaz Chirón, María Teresa; Fernández-Muela Garrote, Montserrat; Pérez, Concepción; Torrent, Fernando; Villarroel, Morris; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La
    In recent years, concerns about fish welfare have increased in aquaculture, most pointedly regarding the slaughter process. Immersion in ice water (live chilling) is still commonly used as a stunning method in salmonids, but can have negative effects on the stress response and flesh quality. A valid alternative is electronarcosis, but the specific details of the intensity and frequency of the current applied depend on the species and size, and little is known about how that may affect fish welfare or product quality. In this study, adult rainbow trout (294 ± 8.44 g average weight) were subjected to three different stunning methods before slaughter: immersion in ice water and electronarcosis at two different current intensities (200 or 400 mA). Electronarcosis caused fish to lose consciousness faster than those live chilled. Plasma concentration of cortisol was lower in fish stunned with 400 mA (400 mA: 5.2 ± 0.67 vs. Ice: 9.1 ± 0.90; 200 mA: 9.3 ± 1.20 ng/ml). Creatine-phosphokinase enzyme levels were higher in ice stunned fish compared to electronarcosis (Ice: 168 ± 2.32 vs. 200 mA: 114 ± 0.89; 400 mA: 104 ± 0.62 U/l). Regarding flesh quality, initial muscle pH was lower in fish stunned by ice immersion than by electronarcosis (Ice: 6.49 ± 0.034 vs. 200 mA: 6.76 ± 0.050; 400 mA: 6.61 ± 0.04), presenting also an earlier onset of rigor mortis. Fish stunned with 400 mA electronarcosis also presented higher levels of muscle glycogen than those stunned with ice water (0.181 ± 0.029 vs. 0.101 ± 0.013 mg/g). In conclusion, electronarcosis is a stunning method that can produce an immediate loss of consciousness in rainbow trout, reducing stress response before slaughter and improving flesh quality (with higher benefits using a current intensity of 400 mA), in contrast to immersion in ice water.
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    Environmental enrichment improves growthandfillet quality in rainbow trout
    (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2024) De la Llave-Propín, Alvaro; Martínez Villalba, Andrea; Villarroel, Morris; Pérez Marcos, Concepción; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Díaz Díaz Chirón, María Teresa; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; González Garoz, Roberto; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Bermejo Poza, Rubén
    Background: Some environmental enrichment methods, such as occupational enrichment (OE), can improve fish growth, but little is known about its effects on fillet quality. In this study, we evaluated the effects of OE using underwater currents on different aspects of fillet quality and muscle metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), before and after a handling procedure (fasting). The trout were placed in groups of 30 in separate tanks in three treatments for 30 days: no artificial currents (CON), randomly fired underwater currents (RFC), and continuous underwater currents (CUC). Additionally, half of the individuals in each treatment were fasted (5 days, 45.2 °C days). Results: Slaughter weight, condition factor, and relative growth were lower in CON fish, indicating a positive effect of OE on growth. Rigor mortis, muscle pH, and muscle glycogen levels were similar among treatments, indicating no effect of OE on classical measures of fillet quality. However, significant differences were found regarding fillet colour and muscle enzymes. The fillets of RFC fish were more salmon-pink in colour, which is favoured by consumers. Also, activity levels of pyruvate kinase and glycogen phosphorylase in muscle were significantly higher in CUC fish, probably due to increased energy demands, as pumps were on continually in that treatment. Conclusion: Overall, RFC fish seemed to have received enough stimulation to improve growth while not being excessive in terms of exhausting the animals (avoiding negative effects on muscle metabolism), whereas OE may have provided a hormetic effect, allowing fish to better adjust to fasting. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.
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    Using Underwater Currents as an Occupational Enrichment Method to Improve the Stress Status in Rainbow Trout
    (Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2023) Martinez-Villalba, Andrea; De la Llave-Propín, Alvaro; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Pérez Marcos, Concepción; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Díaz Díaz Chirón, María Teresa; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; González-Garoz, Roberto; Torrent, Fernando; Villarroel, Morris; Bermejo Poza, Rubén
    This study investigated the effects of occupational enrichment, specifically underwater currents, on the stress status of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A total of 540 fish were divided into three groups: control tanks without artificial currents (CO), tanks with randomly fired underwater currents (RFC), and tanks with continuous current throughout the day (CT). After 30 days, half of the fish in each group underwent a 5-day pre-slaughter fasting (5D), while the others were fed until the day before slaughter (0D). Fish in the RFC group exhibited lower levels of plasma cortisol and acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity in hypothalamus and optic tract than other groups, suggesting an improved stress status. RFC group also showed higher levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in 5D fish and higher liver glycogen stores, suggesting improved energy reserves. In comparison, the CT group had higher LDH levels, possibly due to their increased swimming activity. The CO group had significantly lower NEFA levels at 5D compared to the RFC group, suggesting lower energy reserves. The RFC fish had darker and yellow-reddish skin and liver color, suggesting an improved stress status and lower lipid reserves, respectively. Overall, although a significant stress response was not observed in fasted individuals, possibly due to the relatively short fasting period, the study suggests that providing occupational enrichment using randomly fired underwater currents for 1 month helped to improve stress status in rainbow trout, indicating that occupational enrichment during the grow-out phase can positively impact the welfare of rainbow trout during routine handling procedures.
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    Cuidado de un núcleo de gallinas en peligro de extinción por los estudiantes del diploma formativo universitario Liceo-Especialidad de cuidado de animales (GALLICEO)
    (2023) Ortega Moreno, Carlos; Fernández De Lis, Gonzalo; De Águeda, Alejandra; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Díaz Díaz Chirón, María Teresa; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Olivares Moreno, Álvaro; Pineda González, Stefania; Rebolé Garrigós, Almudena; González De Chávarri Echániz, Elisabeth; Ortiz Vera, Luis Tomás; Escudero Portugués, Rosa María; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Viveros Montoro, Agustín; Arija Martín, Ignacio; Castro Madrigal, Teresa; Laviano Medina, Hernán Darío; García Álvarez, Andres; Salazar Hijosa, Raúl; Martín Amores, Ruth; Díez Romera, Mariano; Bonel Ayuso, Diego Paul; Encinas Cerezo, María Teresa; Olivos Ore, Luis Alcides; Arribas Blázquez, Marina; Gilabert Santos, Juan Antonio; Morón Elorza, Pablo; Manso Alonso, María Teresa; De Las Heras Molina, Ana; Isabel Redondo, Beatriz
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    Project number: 321
    Integra y aprende. Construyendo una cadena de bloques (blockchain) de la granja a la mesa
    (2023) Cambero Rodríguez, María Isabel; Aguado Ramo, Juan Antonio; Aguilar Jaime, María Victoria; Alba Rubio, Claudio; Alonso Monge, Rebeca María Del Mar; Aragón Ramirez, Alberto; Arias López, Patricia; Arias Revenga, Jorge; Bermudez González, Guillermo; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Blanch Rojo, María; Blanco Flores, María Dolores; Blanco Montoro, Rafael José; Bonel Ayuso, Diego Paul; Borrero Del Pino, Juan; Bugeda de Bonilla, Inés; Burgía Domínguez, Angélica; Cabeza Briales, María Concepción; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Calahorra Fernández, Felipe José; Castro Madrigal, Teresa; Castro Navarro, Irma; Cervantes Navarro, Isabel; Corugedo Fernández, Lucía; Cruces Díaz, Ainhoa; Díaz Formoso, Lara; Díez Romera, Mariano; Duarete Pacheco, Sofía; Fernández Álvarez, Leonides; Fernández Solís, Claudia; Fernández-Acero Bascones, Teresa; Ferreira García-Osorio, Andrea; Fraga Perucha, Nerea; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Galicia Larrea, Paula; Gamonal Martos, Miriam; García Álvarez, Andres; García Balboa, María Del Camino; García Calvo, Eduardo Rafael; García García, Aina; García Lacarra, Teresa; García Quiroga, Sara; García Huch, Uma Jade; González González, Noelia; González Jiménez, Lucía; Haza Duaso, Ana Isabel; Herranz Domingo, Andrea; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Isabel Redondo, Beatriz; Jara Pérez, Josué; Jurado Escobar, Rubén; Justo Ruiz, Carolina; Lafuente Orte, Irene; López, Cindy Alejandra; López Bote, Clemente José; López Valdeolivas, Patricia; Magro Arconada, Paula; Mallavia León, Blanca; Martín Amores, Ruth; Martín De Santos, María Del Rosario; Morales Gómez, Paloma; Moreda de Figueroa, Blanca; Moreno Conde, Helena María; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Olivares Moreno, Álvaro; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Pérez Cabal, María De Los Ángeles; Pérez Sen, Raquel; Prieto Suárez, María Cinta; Paniagua Roas, Alejandra; Ramis Cervantes, Ana María; Recamal Pagán, Carlota; Remiro Yagüe, Víctor; Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina; Rodríguez Gómez, Santiago; Rodríguez Peña, José Manuel; Romera Villena, Natalia; Salazar Hijosa, Raúl; Sanabria Dominguez, Nerea; Santacruz Parra, Marta; Santos Arnaiz, Carlos; Santos López, Sergio; Torrecilla Velasco, José Santiago; Velasco De Diego, Raquel; Velasco Villar, Susana; Villanueva Suárez, María José