Espínola Vílchez, María Rosario

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First Name
María Rosario
Last Name
Espínola Vílchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Estudios estadísticos
Estadística y Ciencia de los Datos
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    On measuring features importance in Machine Learning models in a two-dimensional representation scenario
    (2022) Gutiérrez García-Pardo, Inmaculada; Santos, Daniel; Castro Cantalejo, Javier; Gómez González, Daniel; Espínola Vílchez, María Rosario; Guevara Gil, Juan Antonio
    Abstract: There is a wide range of papers in the literature about the explanation of machine learning models in which Shapley value is considered to measure the importance of the features in these models. We can distinguish between these which set their basis on the cooperative game theory principles, and these focused on fuzzy measures. It is important to mention that all of these approaches only provide a crisp value (or a fix point) to measure the importance of a feature in a specific model. The reason is that an aggregation process of the different marginal contributions produces a single output for each variable. Nevertheless, and because of the relations between features, we cannot distinguish the case in which we do not know all the features. To this aim, we propose a disaggregated model which allows the analysis of the importance of the features, regarding the available information. This new proposal can be viewed as a generalization of all previous measures found in literature providing a two dimensional graph which, in a very intuitive and visual way, provides this rich disaggregated information. This information may be aggregated with several aggregation functions with which obtain new measures to establish the importance of the features. Specifically, the aggregation by the sum results in the Shapley value. We also explain the characteristics of those graphics in different scenarios of the relations among features, to raise this useful information at a glance.
  • Item
    Community detection problem based on polarization measures: an application to Twitter: the COVID-19 case in Spain
    (Mathematics, 2021) Gutiérrez García-Pardo, Inmaculada; Gómez González, Daniel; Castro Cantalejo, Javier; Guevara Gil, Juan Antonio; Espínola Vílchez, María Rosario; Nescolarde Selva, Josue Antonio
    In this paper, we address one of the most important topics in the field of Social Networks Analysis: the community detection problem with additional information. That additional information is modeled by a fuzzy measure that represents the risk of polarization. Particularly, we are interested in dealing with the problem of taking into account the polarization of nodes in the community detection problem. Adding this type of information to the community detection problem makes it more realistic, as a community is more likely to be defined if the corresponding elements are willing to maintain a peaceful dialogue. The polarization capacity is modeled by a fuzzy measure based on the JDJpol measure of polarization related to two poles. We also present an efficient algorithm for finding groups whose elements are no polarized. Hereafter, we work in a real case. It is a network obtained from Twitter, concerning the political position against the Spanish government taken by several influential users. We analyze how the partitions obtained change when some additional information related to how polarized that society is, is added to the problem.