Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro

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Juan Pedro
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Rodríguez López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
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    Normal fault development in a sedimentary succession with multiple detachment levels: the Lower Cretaceous Oliete sub-basin, Eastern Spain
    (Basin research, 2007) Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Liesa, C.L.; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria, A.R.
    Field exposures of Lower Cretaceous strata in the Oliete sub-basin (eastern Spain) allow identification of syn-rift features such as listric and planar normal faults, rotated fault blocks, fault-related folds, sharp thickness variations and wedge-shaped sedimentary geometries, as well as intra-rift angular unconformities defined by the erosive truncation of rotated fault blocks and the onlap of upper units. The combined use of both stratigraphic and extensional tectonic features at the outcrop scale has allowed us to characterise different syn-sedimentary tectonic events and their correlation between the footwall and the hangingwall block of the major extensional Gargallo fault. Such events have been interpreted as induced by the major Gargallo fault activity, and they are the basis for proposing a polyphase evolutionary model for this master fault. Data indicate that the deformation tends not to be concentrated on the major fault; instead, it is distributed over a wide area. We interpret that both the interlayered detachment levels in the pre-rift (especially the Late Triassic Keuper Facies) and syn-rift series, together with the rheology of the sedimentary pile, play an important role in transmitting deformation from master faults to hangingwall and footwall blocks.
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    Lateral variability of ancient seismites related to differences in sedimentary facies (the synrift Escucha Formation, mid-Cretaceous, eastern Spain)
    (Sedimentary geology, 2007) Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria, Ana Rosa; Liesa, Carlos L.; Van Loon, A.J. (Tom)
    Lateral extent and continuity of deformation has been used as criterion for the recognition of a seismic origin of soft-sediment deformations. Particular problems are posed by ancient seismites developed in deposits that show lateral variability of sedimentary facies. In such a context, the lateral continuity of deformation will depend on the lateral variability of physical properties of sediments that ultimately results in the lateral variability of seismites in a single deformation event. A variety of decimetre-scale soft-sediment deformation structures occurs in the synrift Escucha Formation (late Aptian-middle Albian) in Teruel, Spain. These structures, which include pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures, slumps, water-escape structures, multi-phase deformed structures, folds, sagging-like structures and synsedimentary faults, were developed contemporaneous to the formation of dark grey silty mudstones and grey clayey siltstones in a shallow-marine environment. The soft-sediment deformation is constrained to a 1.2-m thick horizon exposed in four outcrops consisting of quiet water mudstones and heterolithic storm deposits. The deformed horizon can be sub-divided into two parts, each reflecting a deformation event that affected both cohesive and granular (non-cohesive) sediments. The deformed structures occur in the vicinity of the Gargallo normal growth-fault, which is several kilometres long. Activity along this fault controlled the facies distribution of the unit bearing soft-sediment deformations. High-energy facies were located in the fault tip while low-energy facies developed in both the down-tilted hanging-wall and footwall blocks. In addition, fault-induced shocks released enough kinetic energy to trigger soft-sediment deformation. The soft-sediment deformation in the Escucha Formation represents different responses of deformation-susceptible sediments to earthquakes, which reflect the lateral variability of sedimentary facies.
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    Palynology and biostratigraphy of the Escucha Formation in the Early Cretaceous Oliete Sub-basin, Teruel, Spain
    (Revista española de micropaleontología, 2007) Peyrot, Daniel; Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Barrón, Eduardo; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves
    Se estudian un conjunto de asociaciones palinológicas obtenidas en materiales del Cretácico Inferior de la Subcuenca de Oliete, correspondientes a la Formación Escucha (Cordillera Ibérica, provincia de Teruel, España). La sucesión sedimentaria estudiada se depositó en un medio costero complejo en el cual se depositaron sedimentos ricos en materia orgánica. La medición y correlación detallada de secciones estratigráficas ha permitido establecer la localización estratigráfica detallada de las muestras con contenido palinológico. Las secciones estudiadas contienen asociaciones de miosporas abundantes y diversas, y únicamente el nivel más basal (M1) muestra quistes de dinoflagelados. En total se han identificado más de 130 taxones entre los que se encuentran algunos significativos marcadores biostratigráficos. Por una parte, la presencia de ciertas esporas trilete como Appendicisporites concentricus, Cicatricosisporites crassistriatus, C. mohrioides, C. patapscoensis, C. subrotundus y Phlebopterisporites globosus, además de varios tipos de granos de polen de angiospermas primitivas (Afropollis, Asteropollis, Clavatipollenites, Liliacidites, Brenneripollis-Pennipollis y Stellatopollis, así como escasos granos tricolpados) permiten atribuir una edad Aptiense Superior a los materiales estudiados. Por otra, la identificación de las especies de dinoflagelados Cyclonephelium compactum, Criboperidinium aceras, Apteodinium vectense and Surculosphaeridium? longifurcatum señala una edad Aptiense Superior-Albiense Inferior para el nivel estudiado más basal. Estos nuevos datos bioestratigráficos asignan una edad más antigua a la última unidad sinrift (Fm. Escucha) de la Cuenca Ibérica.
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    Marchantiopsid colonization mats from the Upper Aptian–Lower Albian of the Escucha Formation (Oliete Sub-Basin, Iberian Ranges, eastern Spain)
    (Comptes rendus Palevol, 2007) Diéguez, Carmen; Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves
    In the Oliete Sub-Basin, the Escucha Formation has been divided into three different lithologic intervals, from base to top: E1 (heterolithic with coal), E2 (mainly sandstones), and E3 (claystones). At the upper part of the interval E2, a grey-silty lithosome has been recognized, corresponding to a low-energy sedimentary environment related to a sandy shoal. In this lithosome, marchantiopsid-rich beds extending up to tens of square metres have been preserved. The plant association consists of well-developed mature gametophytes of complex thallose liverworts with thalli radial, dichotomous branched, rosette forming, prostrate and, in most cases, with gemmae cups located on their dorsal surface. The occurrence of scattered individuals forming distinct rosettes that, in many cases, are interlocked or interwoven and the loose arrangement of the association, along with sedimentological characteristics, allows us to interpret these liverworts-rich beds as monospecific colonization mats at early stages of colonization, in which marchantiopsids played the role of pioneers. In addition, the high proportion of gemmiferous individuals provides significant information on the environmental conditions and the effectiveness of colonization by asexual diaspores. Specimens have been assigned to family Marchantiaceae owing to their morphological features. Although liverworts colonization mats have been mentioned from the Albian of Antarctica, no fossil record of these existed at lower palaeolatitudes or in the Upper Aptian–Lower Albian. In addition, no previous record of clonal communities of plants derived from gemmae exists. Due to the latter, the occurrence of the studied colonization mats becomes of prime importance
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    Contributions to the palaeoenvironmental knowledge of the Escucha Formation in the Lower Cretaceous Oliete Sub-basin, Teruel, Spain
    (Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2007) Peyrot, Daniel; Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Lassaletta, Luis; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Barrón, Eduardo
    The Oliete Sub-basin is located in the link zone between the Iberian and the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (Teruel Province, Spain). The palynological samples have been collected in the Upper Aptian–lower Albian rocks of the Escucha Formation, which present an organic-rich sedimentary succession deposited in a variety of continental and coastal environments. Four detailed sections have been studied in order to establish the stratigraphical framework to perform the palynological study. The rocks of these sections contained abundant and well-diversified palynomorph assemblages. Their study allowed the identification of 78 taxa or taxonomic groups (dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, phycomes of prasinophytes, algae, bryophytes, lycophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and primitive angiosperms). The quantitative percentual and the multivariate analysis performed upon the supplied palynological data supports the hypothesis of subtropical palaeoenvironments controlled by non-uniform conditions. The assemblages are comprised of parautochthonous and allochthonous elements, which reflect the existence of coniferous forests and wetlands.
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    Tectónica extensiva sinsedimentaria de la Fm escucha en el sector meridional de la subcuenca cretácica de Oliete (Cadena Ibérica Oriental)
    (Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 2006) Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Liesa, C.L.; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria, A.R.
    El registro sedimentario de la Fm Escucha en el sector sur de la Subcuenca de Oliete muestra estructuras extensivas sinsedimentarias desarrolladas en respuesta al régimen tectónico extensivo que gobernó la sedimentación de dicha unidad cretácica durante el Albiense inferior y medio. El estudio estratigráfico y estructural ha permitido determinar la existencia de dos episodios extensivos desarrollados durante la sedimentación de dos de los litosomas de la Fm Escucha reconocidos en el sector estudiado. El primer episodio extensivo se produjo fundamentalmente durante el depósito del litosoma 2, el cual está formado por una alternancia de areniscas y limos. El segundo episodio extensivo afecta al litosoma 3, que es un cuerpo arenoso que presenta intercalaciones limosas y arcillosas. La relación geométrica entre ambos cuerpos sedimentarios es una discordancia angular definida por el truncamiento erosivo de los estratos rotados y fracturados del litosoma 2 y por el onlap que sobre esta superficie produce la sedimentación arenosa del litosoma 3. La fosilización de las fallas normales por parte de la superficie que define la discordancia angular entre ambos litosomas, determina claramente su carácter sinsedimentario. En el primer episodio se desarrollaron fallas lístricas de escala decamétrica a hectométrica, de dirección media NO-SE a NNO-SSE y con nivel de despegue superficial (probablemente en las arcillas del litosoma 1), cuya evolución dio lugar a bloques rotados, discordancias angulares internas, abanicos de capas y fallas normales menores. En el segundo episodio se produjeron fallas normales, de similar orientación pero buzamientos más elevados al NE (65º-85º), de escala decamétrica a hectométrica y salto métrico. Estas fallas han sido interpretadas como fallas ciegas que se propagaron hacia la superficie, probablemente desde un accidente profundo, al que también podría estar conectado el sistema de fallas lístricas del litosoma 2, todas ellas activadas con una dirección de extensión preferente ENE-OSO a NE-SO.
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    Una nueva interpretación de las Fms Escucha y Utrillas en su área tipo: sedimentología y evolución de un sistema desértico arenoso (erg) en el margen oriental de Iberia
    (Geotemas, 2008) Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria, Ana R.; Boer, P.L. de
    Nuevos datos obtenidos en el periodo 2004-2008, indican que las areniscas y arcillas de parte de la “clásica Fm. Escucha” y de la “clásica Fm. Utrillas” constituyen un sistema desértico arenoso (erg) en el que se desarrollaron dunas eólicas crescénticas, interdunas, dunas complejas, draas lineares, sabkhat detríticas, playa lakes y lags de deflación con ventifactos, bajo condiciones climáticas áridas. Este erg presenta un límite proximal (orla de wadis) con el Macizo Ibérico y un límite distal con el Tethys (marine erg-margin system). El cambio climático acaecido en Iberia en el tránsito Aptiense-Albiense, hacia condiciones climáticas áridas, favoreció el desarrollo del sistema desértico arenoso. El descubrimiento del primer sistema desértico cretácico de Europa abre nuevas vías para la comprensión de los procesos paleoclimáticos y paleoceanográficos acaecidos durante el Cretácico Medio.
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    Arquitectura estratigráfica de la Fm. Escucha (Albiense) en el flanco sur del Sinclinal de Cueva Foradada. Subcuenca de Oliete (Teruel), Cuenca Ibérica Central
    (Geotemas, 2005) Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria, Ana Rosa
    Detailed stratigraphic sections have allowed to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the Escucha Formation in the southern limb of the asymmetrical Cueva Foradada Syncline (Oiete Subbasin, Iberian Basin, Spain). The stratigraphic correlation builded from the studied stratigraphic sections shows the spatial distribution of the main architectural elements and their spatial relationships. Offshore, intertidal, supratidal, flood delta / tidal inlet and bay-lagoon with tidal meandering channel facies associations occurred in a strongly tidal-influenced stratigraphic succession. The occurrence of several key stratigraphic levels characterized by the presence of nodular-iron rich levels with gastropods, levels of oyster accumulations and galuconitic sandstones suggest that the beginning of the Escucha Formation's evolution was characterized by the development of several transgressive periods that interrupted the development of coal-forming and tidal-influenced siliciclastic sedimentary subenvironments.
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    Giant calcite concretions in aeolian dune sandstones; sedimentological and architectural controls on diagenetic heterogeneity, mid-Cretaceous Iberian Desert System, Spain
    (Sedimentary Geology, 2012) Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; Soria de Miguel, Ana Rosa; De Boer, Poppe
    Aeolian dune sandstones of the Iberian erg system (Cretaceous, Spain) host giant calcite concretions that constitute heterogeneities of diagenetic origin within a potential aeolian reservoir. The giant calcite concretions developed in large-scale aeolian dune foresets, at the transition between aeolian dune toeset and damp interdune elements, and in medium-scale superimposed aeolian dune sets. The chemical composition of the giant concretions is very homogeneous. They formed during early burial by lowMg-calcite precipitation frommeteoric pore waters. Carbonate componentswith yellow/orange luminescence form the nuclei of the poikilotopic calcite cement. These cements postdate earlier diagenetic features, characterized by earlymechanical compaction, Fe-oxide cements and clay rims around windblown quartz grains resulting from the redistribution of aeolian dust over the grain surfaces. The intergranular volume (IGV) in friable aeolian sandstone ranges from 7.3 to 15.3%, whereas in cemented aeolian sandstone it is 18.6 to 25.3%. The giant-calcite concretions developed during early diagenesis under the influence of meteoric waters associated with the groundwater flow of the desert basin, although local (e.g. activity of fluid flow through extensional faults) and/or other regional controls (e.g. variations of the phreatic level associated with a variable water influx to the erg system and varying sea level) could have favoured the local development of giant-calcite concretions. The spatial distribution pattern of carbonate grains and the main bounding surfaces determined the spatial distribution of the concretions. In particular, the geometry of the giant calcite concretions is closely associated with main bounding aeolian surfaces. Thus, interdune, superimposition and reactivation surfaces exerted a control on the concretion geometries ranging fromflat and tabular ones (e.g. bounded by interdunes) towedge-shaped concretions at the dune foresets (e.g. bounded by superimposition and reactivation surfaces) determining the spatial distribution of the heterogeneities of diagenetic origin in the aeolian reservoir.
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    Palynology of Aptian and upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) amber-bearing outcrops of the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian basin (northern Spain)
    (Cretaceous Research, 2015) Barrón López, Eduardo; Daniel Peyrot, Daniel; Rodríguez López, Juan Pedro; Meléndez Hevia, María Nieves; López del Valle, Rafael; Najarro, María; Rosales, Idoia; Comas Rengifo, María José
    The Lower Cretaceous deposits of the southern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian basin (northern Spain) are characterised by continental deposits interbedded with amber-bearing marine-influenced facies. These facies crop out in various localities and have yielded well-preserved palynological assemblages. The palynoflora is dominated by gymnosperm pollen grains, and shows relatively diversified spore content but scarce dinoflagellate cysts. The palynofloral evidence and regional geological setting indicate that the studied successions are dated as Aptian (Montoria-La Mina outcrop) and late Albian (Peñacerrada 1 and 2 and Salinillas de Buradón outcrops, and the Pancorbo site). Angiosperm pollen does not constitute a significant part of the Aptian assemblages but becomes diversified and numerically abundant in those dated as late Albian. Although broadly similar to contemporaneous palynofloras from eastern Spain, the Aptian assemblages of Montoria-La Mina do not yield tricolpate angiosperm pollen. Conversely, the inferred late Albian assemblages show a high content in polyaperturate angiosperm pollen grains, as occurs in other localities in Portugal, Western Europe and North America. The studied palynoflora shows significant differences from published assemblages located further north, in western France and Canada.