Zamorano León, José Javier

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First Name
José Javier
Last Name
Zamorano León
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Salud Pública y Materno-Infantil
Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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    Escitalopram Impairs Thrombin-Induced Platelet Response, Cytoskeletal Assembly and Activation of Associated Signalling Pathways
    (Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2017) López Víchez, Irene; Jerez Dolz, Didac; Díaz Ricart, Maribel; Navarro, Víctor; Urooj Zafar, M; Zamorano León, José Javier; López Farre, Antonio José; Badimon, Juan; Gasto, Cristóbal; Escolar, Ginés
    Background Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may impair platelet function. Thrombin is a strong platelet agonist causing irreversible aggregation, release of granules' contents, cytoskeletal rearrangement and activation of signalling pathways. We investigated the effects of the SSRI escitalopram (SCIT) on thrombin-induced platelet response. Methods Isolated platelets were exposed to SCIT and activated with thrombin. We evaluated (1) platelet response by aggregometry and flow cytometry; (2) modifications in cytoskeleton proteins and signalling pathways by electrophoresis and Western blot; and (3) ultrastructural changes in platelets by electron microscopy. Results SCIT inhibited platelet response to thrombin, measured as platelet aggregation and expression of activation markers CD62-P and CD63 from platelet granules. Platelet aggregation decreased in a dose-dependent manner, reaching statistical significance with SCIT ≥32 µg/mL (65.4 ± 6.8% vs. 77.7 ± 2.5% for controls; p < 0.05). Expression of activation markers was statistically reduced with SCIT ≥20 µg/mL (p < 0.05). SCIT impaired the polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton and association of contractile proteins during activation with thrombin (p < 0.05 with SCIT ≥50 µg/mL). Resting platelets incubated with SCIT became most spherical, with increased platelet roundness (p < 0.01, SCIT 50 µg/mL vs. control). SCIT interfered with signalling pathways modulated by thrombin (RhoA, PKC, Erk1/2 and PI3K/AKT). Conclusions Our data indicate that SCIT inhibits thrombin-induced platelet response and interferes with cytoskeletal assembly and related signalling pathways, thus resulting in compromised release of granules' contents, reduced platelet activation and aggregation. These mechanisms may explain the antithrombotic benefits observed in patients treated with this SSRI, and could become new therapeutic targets for future antithrombotic strategies.
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    FXa inhibition by rivaroxaban modifies mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis of human abdominal aortic aneurysms
    (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2017) Moñux Ducaju, Guillermo; Zamorano León, José Javier; Marqués Pablo; Sopeña, Bernardo; García García, José Manuel; Laich de Koller, Guillermo; Calvo Rico, Bibiana; García Fernández, Miguel Ángel; Serrano, Javier; López Farre, Antonio José
    Aims To evaluate if rivaroxaban, an oral factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor, could modify the expression in vitro of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in abdominal aortic aneurysmal (AAA) sites showing intraluminal thrombus. Methods AAA sites with intraluminal mural thrombus were obtained from six patients undergoing elective AAA repair. In addition, control abdominal aortic samples were obtained from six organ donors. AAA sites were incubated in the presence and absence of 50 nmol l–1 rivaroxaban. Results AAA sites showing thrombus demonstrated higher content of FXa than control. Interleukin-6 levels released from AAA [Control: median: 23.45 (interquartile range: 16.17–37.15) vs. AAA: median: 153.07 (interquartile range: 100.80–210.69) pg ml–1 mg tissue–1, P < 0.05] and the expression levels of nitric oxide synthase 2 were significantly higher in AAA than in control. The protein expression level of NADPH oxidase subunits gp67-and gp91-phox, but did not gp47-phox, were also significantly higher in the AAA sites than in control. Addition of rivaroxaban to AAA sites explants significantly reduced the release of interleukin-6 [median: 51.61 (interquartile range: 30.87–74.03) pg ml–1 mg tissue–1, P < 0.05 with respect to AAA alone] and the content of nitric oxide synthase 2, gp67 and gp91-phox NADPH subunits. The content of matrix metallopeptidase 9 was significantly higher in the AAA sites as compared to control. Rivaroxaban also reduced matrix metallopeptidase 9 content in AAA sites to similar levels to control. Conclusions FXa inhibition by rivaroxaban exerted anti-inflammatory and antioxidative stress properties in human AAA sites, suggesting a role of FXa in these mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis of AAA.
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    Nitric oxide from mononuclear cells may be involved in platelet responsiveness to aspirin
    (European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014) López Farre, Antonio José; Modrego Javier; Azcona, Luis; Guerra, Redy; Segura, Antonio; Rodríguez Sierra, Pablo; Zamorano León, José Javier; Lahera Julia, Vicente; Macaya Miguel, Carlos
    Background Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why some platelets have a reduced response to aspirin (ASA). Among them, it was reported an increased circulating level of vitamin-D-binding protein (DBP). In addition, nitric oxide (NO) released from mononuclear cells was involved in the antiplatelet effects of ASA. The aim was to analyse the relationship between platelet response to ASA and both NO generation and vitamin-D-binding protein content in mononuclear cells. Materials and methods Mononuclear cells were obtained from patients with stable coronary artery disease that were divided by a platelet functionality test (PFA-100) as ASA-sensitive (n = 23) and ASA resistant (n = 27). Results Both the release of NO (determined by nitrite + nitrate concentration) and the expression of endothelial-type NO synthase (eNOS) were higher in mononuclear cells from ASA sensitive as compared with those from ASA-resistant patients. There was a positive correlation between either the release of NO and the expression of eNOS protein in mononuclear cells with the ability of ASA to inhibit platelet activity. DBP content in mononuclear cells was higher in ASA resistant than in ASA sensitive. The level of DBP content in mononuclear cells was negatively associated with the ability of ASA to inhibit platelets. However, in vitro experiments suggested that there was no association between DBP and NO production by mononuclear cells. Conclusions Mononuclear cells from patients with platelets with lower responsiveness to ASA showed a reduced ability to produce NO.