Gracia Santos, Manuel Ignacio

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First Name
Manuel Ignacio
Last Name
Gracia Santos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Aplicada, Estructura e Historia
Economía Aplicada
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    Analysis of the transition to electric vehicles in Europe from a core-periphery approach
    (Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2024) Gracia Santos, Manuel Ignacio; Paz Antolín, María José; Rísquez Ramos, Mario; Elsevier
    This work inquires as to the impacts of the transition from combustion to electric vehicles in accordance with the Core/Semi-Periphery/Periphery configuration of the European automotive industry. We propose a double objective: i) to propose from a C-SP-P framework a methodology by which to analyze the reconfiguration of the European automotive sector in the transition to electric vehicles; and ii) to apply that proposal to an examination of the sector for the 2017–2022 period. Our findings reveal that this transition has been driving a reconfiguration where only Germany's automotive sector has maintained and consolidated its core position. Other economies such as France, Italy, the UK, and even Spain have seen their positions weakened (albeit for different reasons). The emergence of Hungary and Poland as hubs in battery production is not seen as sufficient to drive significant improvement in those countries’ positions, given the weakness they exhibit in other dimensions analyzed.