Castro Ruiz, Laura

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Castro Ruiz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Ingeniería Química y de Materiales
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
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    Anaerobic Bioreduction of Jarosites and Biofilm Formation by a Natural Microbial Consortium
    (Minerals, 2019) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    Jarosite occurs naturally in acid sulphate soils and is a common feature of streams impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD). Biological reduction of iron-sulphate minerals, such as jarosite, has the potential to contribute to the natural attenuation of acid mine drainage sites. The reduction of different jarosites (including minerals containing precious and toxic metals) by a natural bacterial/microbial consortium was examined in this study. Jarosites was used as a sole terminal electron acceptor via the reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals. The production of Fe(II) and the presence of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the consortium lead to the precipitation of metal sulphides immobilizing toxic heavy metals. Microbial attachment and biofilm formation of minerals have a great impact on the production and transformation of minerals and can influence the mobility of metals. After the adaptation to different jarosites, a unique specie was found: Desulfosporosinus orientis. Desulfosporosinus species are sulphate-reducing bacteria and can be found in sulphate-rich heavy metal-polluted environments, such as acid mine/rock drainage sites, being responsible for the sulphides formation. D. orientis is an obligate anaerobic microorganism and is able to reduce Fe(III) D. orientis is an obligate anaerobic microorganism and is able to reduce Fe(III). Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescent lectin-binding analyses (FLBA) were used to study the arrangement and composition of the exopolysaccharides/glycoconjugates in biofilms indicating the presence of mannose, glucose, and N-acetylglucosamine residues. This study provides insights to understand the processes leading to the mobility or retention of metals in mine waste and industrial landfill environments.
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    Characterization of exopolymeric substances (EPS) produced by Aeromonas hydrophila under reducing conditions
    (Biofouling, 2014) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Zhang, Ruiyong; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; González González, Felisa; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; Sand, Wolfgang; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    The aim of this work was to investigate the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Aeromonas hydrophila grown under anaerobic conditions. EPS composition was studied for planktonic cells, cells attached to carbon fibre supports using a soluble ferric iron source and cells grown with a solid ferric iron mineral (gossan). Conventional spectrophotometric methods, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) were used to determine the main components in the biofilm extracted from the cultures. The key EPS components were proteins, indicating their importance for electron transfer reactions. Carbohydrates were observed mostly on the mineral and contained terminal mannosyl and/or terminal glucose, fucose and N-acetylgalactosamine residues.
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    Aeromonas hydrophila produces conductive nanowires
    (Research in Microbiology, 2014) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Vera, Mario; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Sand, Wolfgang; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    Aeromonas hydrophila is a facultative anaerobe which, under conditions of oxygen depletion, uses Fe(III) as electron acceptor. A. hydrophila produces pili during growth with Fe(III). The study was focused on the characterization of the morphology, the electrical properties and the nature of the bacterial pili. Scanning electron microscopy and conductive-probe atomic force microscopy revealed the presence of filaments between cells and substrate and their conductive nature. Our results indicate that pili of A. hydrophila strain A might serve as biological nanowires, transferring electrons from the cell surface to the surface of Fe(III) oxides and, in addition, the possibility of playing a role in inter/intra species signaling. Quorum sensing (QS) is recognized as one of the main regulatory ways for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production and biofilm formation. We present evidence that nanowire formation can be regulated by addition of synthetic acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL). These conductive pili may be involved in various interactions, and their protein components might be usable in the future for biotechnological approaches in materials science.
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    Biological synthesis of metallic nanoparticles using algae
    (IET Nanobiotechnology, 2013) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; González González, Felisa; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    The increasing demand and limited natural resources of noble metals make its recovery from dilute industrial wastes attractive, especially when using environmentally friendly methods. Nowadays, the high impact that nanotechnology is having in both science and society offers new research possibilities. Gold and silver nanoparticles were biosynthesised by a simple method using different algae as reducing agent. The authors explored the application of dead algae in an eco-friendly procedure. The nanoparticle formation was followed by UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The functional groups involved in the bioreduction were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
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    Anaerobic bioleaching of jarosites by Shewanella putrefaciens, influence of chelators and biofilm formation
    (Hydrometallurgy, 2017) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    Development of clean mining processes is a topic of increasing interest. Biotechnology could be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional methods. Jarosites can have important economic and environmental impacts because of their content of valuable metals. The anaerobic reductive dissolution of jarosites and gossan mineral by Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN2 and its secondary products have been investigated. In addition, the ability of S. putrefaciens to reduce insoluble Fe(III) in presence of chelators (citrate and EDTA) was examined. The main components in the biofilm extracted from the cultures were determined. In addition, it was observed the formation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) during the biological process.
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    Biosynthesis of silver and platinum nanoparticles using orange peel extract: characterisation and applications
    (IET Nanobiotechnology, 2015) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    This study focuses on the green synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles (silver (Ag) and platinum (Pt)) and how the size and shape of the nanoparticles produced can be controlled through changes in the initial pH value of the precursor solution. The nanoparticles were characterised by ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. This simple and environmentally friendly method allows the synthesis of diverse nanostructures in the absence of a surfactant or polymer to direct nanoparticle growth, and without externally adding seed crystallites. The antibacterial effects of Ag nanoparticles and catalytic properties of Pt nanoparticles were explored for future promising biotechnological approaches in different fields.
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    Reductive leaching of jarosites by Aeromonas hydrophila
    (Minerals Engineering, 2016) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    The mineral industry has suffered in recent years two significant impacts: the raise on energy cost and more strict environmental regulations. In parallel to the above restrictions, the depletion of high grade mineral resources leads the mining industry to search for alternative processes to avoid the high energy consumption and exploit low grade mineral deposits. Jarosite is a common product in mining and industrial operations. This basic sulfate mineral incorporates several metals by substitution and the dissolution of jarosite by dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria influences the mobility of many heavy metals present in the mineral structure. In this work, the anaerobic bioreduction of three ferric solids (a biogenic mixture of ammonium and potassium jarosites, synthetic silver jarosite and natural gossan ore from RioTinto, Spain) by an isolated strain of Aeromonas hydrophila has been investigated. The release of ferrous ion indicated that the microbial reduction of jarosite takes place using lactate as electron donor. This process was accompanied by the subsequent secondary mineralization, leading to the formation of various iron-bearing minerals such as siderite, vivianite or magnetite. In addition, the influence of chelating agents (citrate and EDTA) and humic substances’ analogue (AQDS) as electron shuttling molecule were studied. While the chelants increased iron reduction and dissolution rate, the humic substances had no effect in the process. These results suggest that direct contact between A. hydrophila and minerals is required for the reduction of Fe(III).
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    Biosorption of Zn(II) from industrial effluents using sugar beet pulp and F . vesiculosus : From laboratory tests to a pilot approach
    (Science of Total Environment, 2017) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    The aim of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of the application of biosorption in the treatment of metal polluted wastewaters through the development of several pilot plants to be implemented by the industry. The use as biosorbents of both the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and a sugar beet pulp was investigated to remove heavy metal ions from a wastewater generated in an electroplating industry: Industrial Goñabe (Valladolid, Spain). Batch experiments were performed to study the effects of pH, contact time and initial metal concentration on metal biosorption. It was observed that the adsorption capacity of the biosorbents strongly depended on the pH, increasing as the pH rises from 2 to 5. The adsorption kinetic was studied using three models: pseudo first order, pseudo second order and Elovich models. The experimental data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the brown alga F. vesiculosus showed higher metal uptake than the sugar beet pulp. The biomasses were also used for zinc removal in fixed-bed columns. The performance of the system was evaluated in different experimental conditions. The mixture of the two biomasses, the use of serial columns and the inverse flow can be interesting attempts to improve the biosorption process for large-scale applications.
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    Heavy metal adsorption using biogenic iron compounds
    (Hydrometallurgy, 2018) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; González González, Felisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel; Ballester Pérez, Antonio
    A significant number of industries produce large volumes of aqueous effluents containing heavy metals that discharge into the environment threatening biodiversity and human life. However, such effluents pose serious problems for the industry because of the high cost of metal decontamination using conventional technologies. The aim of this work is to study a suitable alternative through the use of iron compounds generated by a natural consortium with adsorptive properties appropriated for metal removal. The biogenic iron precipitates were identified as a mixture containing mainly siderite and magnetite. The use as sorbent was investigated to remove copper, zinc, arsenate and chromate from aqueous solutions. Variables such as the initial pH, contact time and initial metal concentration were evaluated. Three models were used to study the adsorption kinetic: pseudo first order, pseudo second order and Elovich models. Equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Higher metal uptakes were obtained with arsenic. Metal sorption was also investigated in the bimetallic system As-Cu.
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    Continuous metal biosorption applied to industrial effluents: a comparative study using an agricultural by-product and a marine alga
    (Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017) Castro Ruiz, Laura; Bonilla, Luis; González González, Felisa; Ballester Pérez, Antonio; Blázquez Izquierdo, María Luisa; Muñoz Sánchez, Jesús Ángel
    Fixed-bed column experiments have been conducted to evaluate the removal of metals from real industrial wastewaters. The effluents tested were provided by two different metallurgical companies: Industrial Goñabe, a galvanizing plant, and Sao Domingos mine, an abandoned sulfide mine. Sugar-beet pulp, a by-product of the sugar industry, and brown alga Fucus vesiculosus were used as biosorbents. The influence of pH on the sorption process was insignificant for the tests using Industrial Goñabe wastewater. On the contrary, an increase of pH improved metal sorption uptake and yield and saturation rate in the case of the Sao Domingos wastewater. A lower metal concentration in Sao Domingos wastewater resulted in a higher availability of metal-binding sites on the biomass. Better sorption parameters for both real wastewaters were obtained using brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. At pH 5, Zn sorption in continuous mode increased from 36 to 48% for Industrial Goñabe wastewater and from 34 to 37% for Sao Domingos wastewater. In the latter case, copper sorption increased from 73 to 88%. Breakthrough points that determine the service time of columns were reached later using alga as biosorbent. For Zn, column adsorption performance improved substantially with alga and its service time by 5 times. In the case of Cu, the breakthrough point of the second column was not reached during 1750 min of experimentation. The results obtained reaffirm the industrial applicability of these techniques.