Zamorano Calvo, Jaime

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Zamorano Calvo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Astronomía y Astrofísica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    Spectral characterization of a Philips LED lamp
    (2016) Tapia Ayuga, Carlos; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    A luminaire of LED type has been studied at Laboratorio de Investigación Científica Avanzada (LICA) of Universidad Complutense de Madrid to determine its spectrum, color temperature, and other optical properties. The results for this lamp is compared with previous observations of luminaires found in Madrid streets.
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    Report of the 2014 LoNNe intercomparison campaign
    (2015) Bará, Salvador; Espey, Brian; Falchi, Fabio; Kyba, Christopher C. M.; Nievas Rosillo, Mireia; Pescatori, Paolo; Ribas, Salvador; Sánchez De Miguel, Alejandro; Staubmann, Philipp; Tapia Ayuga, Carlos; Wuchterl, Günther; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    The 2014 LoNNe (Loss of the Night Network) intercomparison campaign is the second of four campaigns planned during EU COST Action ES1204. The goal of these campaigns is to understand systematic uncertainty inherent in observations of skyglow (light pollution). An innovation of this year’s campaign was to take measurements with many of the nstruments at two sites: an urban location and a location far from artificial lights. This report summarizes the eeting, and also provides three recommendations for obtaining and analyzing handheld SQM observations. The UCM group of Astronomical Instrumentation and Extragalactic Astronomy (GUAIX) hosted the meeting at the Physics building of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). A meeting room at Departamento de Astrofísica y CC. de la Atmósfera and the astronomical observatory (Observatorio UCM) were prepared in advance. In particular, a tailor made station to set the SQM and other photometer devices was installed on the roof of the Physics building. The Laboratorio de Investigación Científica Avanzada (LICA) was used to test and characterize a number of devices and filters.
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    Light Pollution Spanish REECL SQM Network
    (2015) Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Sánchez De Miguel, Alejandro; Nievas Rosillo, Mireia; Tapia Ayuga, Carlos; Ocaña González, Francisco; Izquierdo Gómez, Jaime; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio
    The SQM network of the Spanish Light Pollution Research collaboration ( is growing with the help of amateur astronomers and interested citizens. Up to now there are 18 stations. SQM photometers provide measures of the night sky brightness every night using the PySQM software. The analysis of the data provided by the photometers allows the researchers to monitor the nightly, monthly and yearly evolution of the NSB and the relationship with sources of light pollution in intensity and distance. The photometers that are measuring in protected areas will alarm the researchers about eventual increasing of light pollution that could affect the environment. Using models of light dispersion on the atmosphere one can determine which light pollution sources are increasing the sky brightness at different places and in which extension. Networks of fixed photometers acquiring data every night are one of the main inputs to test these models.The collaborative effort of many people (citizen science) pro-vides the necessary data to derive scientific results.
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    LICA-UCM lamps spectral database
    (2017) Tapia Ayuga, Carlos; Sánchez De Miguel, Alejandro; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    Spectra of the lamps that are used for public lighting and ornamental purposes have been obtained with a portable spectrograph around Madrid city. The database is presented in this report along with a description of the procedures. The database has interest for Light Pollution research.