Muñoz López, Susana

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Muñoz López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Item
    Minimum Rényi pseudodistance estimators for logistic regression models
    (Trends in mathematical, information and data sciences: a tribute to Leandro Pardo, 2022) Alonso Revenga, Juana María; Calviño Martínez, Aída; Muñoz López, Susana; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy; Gil, María Ángeles; Martín Apaolaza, Nirian; Morales González, Domingo; Pardo, María del Carmen
    In this work we propose a new family of estimators, called minimum Rényi pseudodistance estimators (MRPE), as a robust generalization of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for the logistic regression model based on the Rényi pseudodistance introduced by Jones et al. [14], along with their corresponding asymptotic distribution. Based on this information, we further develop three types of confidence intervals (approximate and parametric and non-parametric bootstrap ones). Finally, a simulation study is conducted considering different levels of outliers, where a better behavior of the MRPE with respect to the MLE is shown.
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    An Improved Iterative Binary Coloring Procedure for Color Image Segmentation
    (Foundations of intelligent systems, 2012) Montero, Javier; Muñoz López, Susana; Gómez, D.; Wang, Yinglin; Li, Tianrui
    n this work we present an improvement on an iterative binary coloring procedure for image segmentation taken from the literature. We introduce some modifications in the way of dealing with the so-called inconsistent pixels, and we show the results obtained by applying both procedures to a satellite image of the province of Seville. The computational experience that we have performed shows that, in general, the modified procedure leads to images of similar or better quality than the ones obtained by the original procedure, as well as to a significant reduction of the number of final regions.
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    Project number: 229
    Hacia la creación de una comunidad docente de aprendizaje en el área de la Estadística y la Investigación Operativa
    (2023) Ferrer Caja, José María; González Ortega, Jorge; Molina Peralta, Isabel; Dominguez Dominguez, Cristina; Granda Chico, Bibiana; Molina Ferragut, Elisenda; González Ortega, Jorge; Caballé Cervigón, Nuria; Muñoz López, Susana; Alonso Sanz, Rosa; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio; Rio Moreno, Mario; Rodríguez González, Juan Tinguaro; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Vitoriano Villanueva, Begoña; Yáñez Gestoso, Francisco Javier; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa
    El objetivo del presente proyecto ha sido crear un espacio de reflexión y evaluación de estrategias didácticas aplicadas en asignaturas de Estadística e Investigación Operativa facilitando la creación de una comunidad docente de aprendizaje en el área,
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    Project number: 272
    Experiencias piloto en evaluación online mediante casos prácticos generados en R para el entorno Moodle/Collaborate
    (2022) Martin Campo, Francisco Javier; Alonso Sanz, Rosa; Ferrer Caja, José María; González Ortega, Jorge; Muñoz López, Susana; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Vitoriano Villanueva, Begoña
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    Segmentación y clasificación en la toma de decisiones
    (1ª Reunión Científica Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (CSIC-UCM), 2011) Montero, Javier; Ardizone García, Juan Alfonso; Franco, Camilo; García-Santesmases, J M; Garmendia, L.; Gómez, Daniel; González del Campo Rodríguez Barbero, Ramón; Lopez, Victoria; Muñoz López, Susana; Ortuño, M. T.; Roanes-Lozano, E.; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro; Rojas, Karina; Tirado, Gregorio; Vitoriano, Begoña; Yáñez, Javier; Zarrazola, E.; Pérez-Monserrat, Elena Mercedes; Charco Romero, María
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    Project number: 333
    Elaboración de casos prácticos de optimización lineal en el entorno Moodle (Cuestionarios y Collaborate) a través de R-exams
    (2021) Martín Campo, Francisco Javier; Alonso Sanz, Rosa; González Ortega, Jorge; Muñoz López, Susana; Ortuño Sánchez, María Teresa; Rodríguez González, Juan Tinguaro; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio; Tirado Domínguez, Gregorio; Yáñez Gestoso, Francisco Javier
    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en la elaboración de casos prácticos de la asignatura Investigación Operativa a través de software estadístico R que permita la evaluación en remoto de los estudiantes de la asignatura.
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    Designing Rapid Transit Networks from the Results of a Survey
    (2010) Escudero, L.F.; Muñoz López, Susana
    In this work we present a two-stage approach for designing rapid transit networks. It is based on another approach that we described elsewhere. In the first stage, the stations and links to be constructed are selected by solving an integer linear programming model that maximizes an estimation of the number of trips through the rapid transit network. In the second stage, a set of lines is generated by utilizing a greedy heuristic procedure that, taking into consideration the transfers that should be made by the users to arrive at their destinations, attempts to maximize a more accurate estimation for the number of trips. This new estimation is done by means of a modification of the well-known Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The main contributions are a novel way of computing the expected number of trips by making use of the results from a survey amongst the potential users of the rapid transit network, as well as the contemplation of the possibility of linking certain pairs of station locations by more than one line. Some computational experiments on several randomly generated instances are also reported.