Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo

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First Name
Juan Gonzalo
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Carracedo Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 93
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    Comparison of Two Wavefront Autorefractors: Binocular Open-Field versus Monocular Closed-Field
    (Journal of Ophthalmology, 2020) Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Carpena Torres, Carlos; Batres Valderas, Laura; Serramito Blanco, María; González Bergaz, Anahí
    Purpose. To evaluate the agreement and repeatability between a new commercially available binocular open-field wavefront autorefractor, as part of the Eye Refract system, and a monocular closed-field wavefront autorefractor (VX110). Methods. A cross-sectional, randomized, and single-masked study was performed. Ninety-nine eyes of 99 healthy participants (37.22 ± 18.04 years, range 8 to 69 years) were randomly analyzed. Three measurements with the Eye Refract and the VX110 were taken on three different days, under noncycloplegic conditions. Mean spherical equivalent (MSE), cylindrical vectors (J0 and J45), and binocular corrected distance visual acuity (BCDVA) were compared between both autorefractors. An intersession repeatability analysis was done considering the values of repeatability (Sr) and its 95% limit (r). Results. The VX110 showed more negative values (P<0.001) in terms of MSE in comparison with the Eye Refract (0.20 D). Regarding cylindrical vectors, J45 showed statistically significant differences (P=0.001) between both wavefront autorefractors, but they were not clinically relevant (<0.05 D). In BCDVA, there were no statistically significant differences (P=0.667) between both wavefront autorefractors. Additionally, the Eye Refract was more repeatable than the VX110 in terms of both MSE (SrEYE REFRACT = 0.21 D, SrVX110 = 0.53 D) and J0 (SrEYE REFRACT = 0.12 D, SrVX110 = 0.35 D). Conclusions. The Eye Refract provided enough accuracy and reliability to estimate refractive errors in different age groups, achieving better results than the VX110. Therefore, the Eye Refract proved to be a useful autorefractor to be incorporated into clinical practice.
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    Accommodation response and spherical aberration during Orthokeratology
    (Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2020) Batres Valderas, Laura; Peruzzo, Sara; Serramito Blanco, María; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo
    Purpose: To evaluate the changes in the accommodative response and in the corneal and internal spherical aberration during three months of wear of orthokeratology lenses from the baseline. Methods: Fifty children aged 8 to 17 were recruited for a prospective study and were fitted with orthokeratology lenses. Refraction without cycloplegia, high and low uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), accommodation lag, horizontal near phoria without correction, corneal topography, corneal and total wavefront aberration were performed at baseline, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. Data were analysed by Student t-test for related samples, repeated measures ANOVA test and Pearson Correlation test. Results: The spherical equivalent (SE) before and after three months was -3.33 ± 1.60 D and -0.30±0.46 D, respectively. Accommodation lag was 0.53±0.38 D and 0.20±0.33 D at baseline and at three months, respectively. A moderate correlation between lag at the baseline and its change between baseline and the 3-month visit was found (P<0.05; R= 0.748). The spherical aberration (SA) increased for anterior corneal and total measurement, being statistically significant for all visits (P<0.05). The internal SA decreased: -0.105±0.006 at baseline and -0.196±0.203 at 1 week (P< 0.05). No difference between baseline and the follow up visits in posterior corneal SA was found (P>0.05) Conclusion: The negative SA of the lens increases during OK treatment compensated for the increase of the anterior corneal surface positive SA, in addition to increasing the accommodative response.
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    Dipyridamole activates adenosine A2B receptor and AMPK/cAMP signaling and promotes myogenic differentiation of myoblastic C2C12 cells
    (Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2023) Marco Bonilla, Miguel; Herencia , Raquel; Fresnadillo, María; Huete Toral, Fernando; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Largo, Raquel; Herrero Beaumont , Gabriel; Mediero, Aranzazú
    Introduction: Sarcopenia is defined as a loss of muscle mass and strength. ATP homeostasis is crucial during myogenesis. We determined how the purinergic system modulates myogenesis using dipyridamole (blocks adenosine taken up by the cells) and tenofovir (inhibits ATP release) in a myoblast cell line. Methods: C2C12 cells were differentiated in the presence/absence of tenofovir/dipyridamole, with/without the A2B selective inhibitor PSB-603. Extra-/intracellular nucleotides were examined via HPLC. The expression of muscle differentiation proteins (Pax7, Mif5, MyoD, MyoG, and MHC), PKA/CREB, adenosine receptors (A1, A2A, A2B, and A3), ATP-channel pannexin-1 and the P2X7 receptor was analyzed via WB and RT-PCR. cAMP and AMPK activation was measured. Results: Tenofovir increased intracellular ATP and reduced extracellular adenosine, decreasing Pax7 expression and increasing MHC expression prematurely. Dipyridamole increased intracellular AMP and extracellular adenosine, counteracting the premature myogenesis promoted by tenofovir. All adenosine receptors were expressed during differentiation with dipyridamole, increasing A2B expression. Tenofovir maintained inactive AMPK and decreased cAMP levels, as well as PKAα and pCREB expression, which were recovered with dipyridamole. Discussion: Adenosine and ATP act as mediators in muscle myogenesis. The blockade of ATP release by tenofovir promotes premature myogenesis, with dipyridamole counteracting the premature differentiation promoted by tenofovir via the adenosine A2B receptor and cAMP/AMPK pathways. Therefore, dipyridamole might be of interest as a therapeutic approach in sarcopenia. Copyright © 2023 Marco-Bonilla, Herencia, Fresnadillo, Huete-Toral, Carracedo, Largo, Herrero-Beaumont and Mediero.
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    Clinical Performance of a New Hybrid Contact Lens for Keratoconus
    (Eye & contact lens: science & clinical practice, 2014) Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; González-Méijome, José Manuel; Lopes Ferreira, Daniela P.; Carballo Álvarez, Jesús; Batres Valderas, Laura
    OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical performance of the Clearkone hybrid contact lens for the treatment of keratoconus against the habitual contact lens of the patients. METHODS: A total of 33 eyes from 18 patients were fitted with the Clearkone. High- and low-contrast visual acuity (HCVA and LCVA), central corneal thickness (CCT), and contrast sensitivity acuity (CSF) were recorded with habitual lenses (prestudy visit) and after 1 week, 15 days, and 1 month of wear of prescribed Clearkone. Subjective vision and comfort were rated using visual analogue scales (VAS). RESULTS: Three patients discontinued the study, one because of diffuse corneal staining after 1 day of use and the other two because of extreme discomfort. The rest of the patients completed the 1-month study. High contrast visual acuity and LCVA (logMAR) improved significantly from 0.16 ± 0.12 and 0.44 ± 0.22, respectively, with the patient's habitual contact lenses to -0.006 ± 0.058 and 0.23 ± 0.13 after 1 day wearing Clearkone, remaining significant during all follow-up visits (P<0.001; repeated measures analysis of variance [RM-ANOVA]). There were no statistically significant differences in the mean CCT. The improvement of CSF was statistically significant with hybrid contact lenses prescribed compared with the patient's habitual contact lenses (P<0.001; RM-ANOVA test). Improvement in VAS score, with prescribed Clearkone, was statistically significant for comfort (P=0.043; RM-ANOVA test), but not for the subjective vision (P=0.759; RM-ANOVA test). CONCLUSIONS: Clearkone provides an improvement in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and subjective comfort in patients with keratoconus when compared with other contact lens options. However, clinicians must get specific training to fit the lens and be aware of potential adverse events.
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    Melatonin-Eluting Contact Lenses Effect on Tear Volume: In Vitro and In Vivo Experiments
    (Pharmaceutics, 2022) Serramito Blanco, María; Pereira da Mota, Ana Filipa; Carpena Torres, Carlos; Huete Toral, Fernando; Álvarez Lorenzo, Carmen Isabel; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo
    Background: The purpose of this study was to synthesize melatonin-eluting contact lenses (CLs) and evaluate both the ocular kinetics of the released melatonin and its effect on tear volume and intraocular pressure. Methods: In vitro, melatonin-eluting CLs were synthesized by using non-functionalized (HEMA) and functionalized (HEMA/APMA) monomers. In vivo, a short-term prospective and randomized study was performed on 15 rabbits divided into two groups: 12 rabbits wearing functionalized CLs and 3 rabbits without CLs as a control. The melatonin levels in tears, aqueous humor, vitreous body and retina, tear volume, and intraocular pressure were measured for 8 h. Results: In vitro, both monomers did not show differences in terms of melatonin loading and release (p ≥ 0.05). In vivo, the melatonin concentration was elevated in tears and aqueous humor after 2 and 4 h of wearing CLs, respectively (p < 0.05). Additionally, the CLs increased tear volume for 2 h (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The melatonin-eluting CLs released their content over the ocular surface for at least 2 h, which was associated with a secretagogue effect on tear volume. However, the increased amount of melatonin found in the aqueous humor had no effect on intraocular pressure.
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    Overnight Orthokeratology: Technology, Efficiency, Safety, and Myopia Control
    (Journal of Ophthalmology, 2019) Villa Collar, César; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Chen, Zhi; González Méijome, José Manuel
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    New Biomarker Combination Related to Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma
    (Life, 2023) Dammak, Azza; Sanchez Naves, Juan; Huete Toral, Fernando; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo
    Glaucoma is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disease and the second leading cause of blindness. Detection of clinically relevant biomarkers would aid better diagnoses and monitoring during treatment. In glaucoma, the protein composition of aqueous humor (AH) is relevant for the discovery of biomarkers. This study analyzes AH protein concentrations of putative biomarkers in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) compared to a control group. Biomarkers were selected from known oxidative-stress and inflammatory pathways. Osteopontin (OPN), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were measured using the ELISA technique. Thirty-two patients were recruited to the study, including sixteen control and sixteen glaucoma patients. The glaucoma group consisted of patients diagnosed with glaucoma. In both groups, the aqueous humor sample was obtained during cataract surgery. A significant increase in OPN, MMP-9, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 was observed in the POAG aqueous humor, compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Of note, the AH of POAG patients contained 5.6 ± 1.2-fold more OPN compared to that of control patients. Different expression profiles of oxidative stress-related and inflammatory biomarkers were observed between patients with POAG and controls. This confirms the reported involvement of inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways in POAG pathophysiology. In the future, several, targeted AH proteins may be used to generate a potential biomarker expression profile of this disease, aiding diagnoses and disease progression monitoring. This approach highlights the importance of biomarkers in the future. Biomarkers provide a way to measure disease progression and response to treatment. In the future, biomarkers will play a more critical role in the toolkit of ophthalmology healthcare professionals as the field moves towards personalized medicine and precision healthcare.
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    Halo quantification in different soft contact lens designs for myopia control
    (2024) Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Bodas Romero, Julia; Batres Valderas, Laura
    Purpose: Soft contact lens for myopia control has been increasingly used in recent years. Currently we find different designs, but there is no information about how the design of these lenses affects visual quality of the subjects. The purpose of this study was to compare the size and position of the halo with different soft contact lenses for myopia control.
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    Epithelium-Off vs. transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking in progressive keratoconus: 3 years of follow-up
    (Journal of Optometry, 2020) Arance Gil, Ángeles; Villa Collar, César; Pérez Sánchez, Belén; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo; Gutiérrez Ortega, Ángel Ramón
    Purpose: To compare the efficacy of epithelium-off corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) with transepithelial CXL in patients with progressive keratoconus with a follow-up of 3 years, taking into account the patients’ age and the location of the corneal ectasia. Methods: In this prospective study participated 64 eyes with progressive keratoconus were included in this long-term study, of which 31 eyes were treated by epithelium-off CXL and 33 by transepithelial CXL. All of the patients with a follow-up of 36 months were evaluated for visual variables (corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), corneal aberrations, and corneal densitometry), structure variables (astigmatism, keratometry, corneal asphericity, maximum posterior elevation, corneal thickness, and corneal volume), and keratoconus index variables. Results: After corneal CXL, CDVA improved significantly in both central and paracentral keratoconus, with greater improvement in the centrals (p = 0.001), asphericity at 6 mm improved in central keratoconus (p = 0.047). In the epi-off group, there was a significant improvement in coma-like (p = 0.038), higher-order aberrations (p = 0.036), asphericity at 8 mm (p = 0.049), asphericity at 10 mm (p = 0.049), and index of surface variance (p = 0.049). Conclusion: Although both techniques halted and stabilized the progression of keratoconus, epithelium-off CXL was more effective. In addition, after the corneal CXL, there was a greater degree of regularization of the corneal surface and, therefore, a greater improvement in the CDVA with central keratoconus than with paracentral keratoconus.
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    A review of international medical device regulations: Contact lenses and lens care solutions
    (Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 2018) Zaki, Marina; Pardo, Jesús; Carracedo Rodríguez, Juan Gonzalo
    Medical devices are under strict regulatory oversight worldwide and such regulations prioritise patient safety and efficacy over anything else. Contact lenses fall under the medical device category - a result of direct contact with the eye. Equally regulated are the contact lens care product solutions, which include cleaning and maintenance solutions and lubricating and rewetting drops. In the USA, it is the FDA Centre for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) overseeing the regulations of medical devices, since 1976. In the European Union, it is the EU Commission responsible for regulating devices in Member States. The categorisation of contact lenses into medical devices is based on their inherent risk to the wearer. Contact lenses are subject to crucial regulatory oversight from concept to clinical evaluation, clinical investigations through to the finished lens product, and finally, strict conditions associated with their marketing approval including post-marketing surveillance. The physiochemical and manufacturing testing, such as biocompatibility testing alongside pre-clinical stability, sterility and microbiological testing are just some of the essential testing lenses must endure. Only through understanding the inherent risks and potential complications that can arise from contact lens wear, can one truly appreciate the need to adhere to strict regulations. The challenge however, lies in the need for more standardised regulations and flexible approaches, ensuring innovative device technologies reach patients in a timely manner without compromising public health and safety. This review highlights some key requirement, differences and similarities between the FDA and EU administrations in the approval of contact lenses.