Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel

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José Manuel
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Fuenlabrada Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
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    Geochemistry and Sm–Nd isotopic sources of Late Ediacaran siliciclastic series in the Ossa–Morena Complex: Iberian–Bohemian correlations
    (International journal of earth sciences, 2021) Rojo-Pérez, Esther; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Linnemann, Ulf; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Matas, Jerónimo; Fernández Suárez, Javier
    The Cadomian basement in central and southern Europe is composed by Ediacaran–Early Cambrian sequences that appear dismembered along the Variscan Orogen. These ancient series contain geochemical and isotopic keys related to their deposition in different basins located along the paleo margin of Gondwana. The southwest of Iberian Massif (Ossa–Morena Complex) contains an excellent representation of Cadomian basement. The oldest sedimentary succession of this region, the Serie Negra Group (c. 600–541 Ma), is composed by the Montemolín Formation which consists of metapelites, metagreywackes and abundant amphibolites; and the Tentudía Formation which consists of metagreywackes, black quartzites and metapelites. The whole-rock and Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Montemolín and Tentudía formations, are consistent with a deposition in a back-arc or fore-arc setting. Their Nd isotopic composition shows highly negative εNd(t) values in a range between − 6.9 and − 11.5, resulting in old Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages between 1.9 and 1.7 Ga. The Nd isotopic signatures obtained for the Cadomian basement in the Iberian Massif are almost identical to those obtained for equivalent sedimentary series in the Saxo-Thuringian Zone (Bohemian Massif), where Nd model ages range between 2 and 1.6 Ga. The limited variability of these Nd-TDM ages suggests that the southwestern Iberian and North Bohemian series shared a common source during Ediacaran times, which would be located close to the periphery of the West African Craton. The Nd isotopic data considered herein provide solid evidence about the peri-Gondwanan location and correlation between the Cadomian basement of southwestern Iberia and North Bohemia.
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    A Peri-Gondwanan arc active in Cambrian-Ordovician times: the evidence of the uppermost terrane of NW Iberia
    (2011) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Fernández Suárez, Javier; González Cuadra, P.; Gutiérrez-Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; García-Bellido, Diego
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    The Galicia–Ossa-Morena Zone: Proposal for a new zone of the IberianMassif. Variscan implications
    (Tectonophysics, 2016) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Rubio Pascual, Francisco J.; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Matas, Jerónimo; González del Tánago y del Río, José; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Garcia Casco, Antonio
    Correlation of a group of allochthonous terranes (referred to as basal, ophiolitic and upper units) exposed in theNW and SW of the Iberian Massif, is used to propose a new geotectonic zone in the southern branch of theVariscan Orogen: the Galicia–Ossa-Morena Zone. Recent advances in SW Iberia identify most of the formerOssa-Morena Zone as another allochthonous complex of the Iberian Massif, the Ossa-Morena Complex, equiva-lent to the Cabo Ortegal, Órdenes, Malpica-Tui, Bragança and Morais complexes described in NW Iberia. Thenew geotectonic zone and its counterparts along the rest of the Variscan Orogen constitute an Internal VariscanZone with ophiolites and units affected by high-P metamorphism. The Galicia–Ossa-Morena Zone includes aVariscan suture and pieces of continental crust bearing the imprint of Ediacaran–Cambrian events related tothe activity of peri-Gondwanan magmatic arcs (Cadomian orogenesis). In the Iberian Massif, the general struc-ture of this geotectonic zone represents a duplication of the Gondwanan platform, the outboard sections beingjuxtaposed on top of domains located closer to the mainland before amalgamation. This interpretation offersan explanation that overcomes some issues regarding the differences between the stratigraphic and paleontolog-ical record of the central and southern sections of the Iberian Massif. Also, equivalent structural relationships be-tween other major geotectonic domains of the rest of the Variscan Orogen are consistent with our interpretationand allow suspecting similar configurations along strike of the orogen. A number of issues may be put forward inthis respect that potentially open new lines of thinking about the architecture of the Variscan Orogen.
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    U-Pb geochronology and isotopic geochemistry of adakites and related magmas in the Ediacaran arc section of the SW Iberian Massif: The role of subduction erosion cycles in peri-Gondwanan arcs
    (Gondwana research, 2022) Rojo-Pérez, Esther; Linnemann, Ulf; Hofmann, Mandy; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Zieger, Johannes; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Arenas Martín, Ricardo
    In the peri-Gondwanan Ediacaran arc section outcropping in the SW of the Iberian Massif (Mérida region), changes in the subduction angle and subduction rate, variable participation of highly modified mantle sources together with the role of old crustal material and juvenile mafic rocks driven by the incoming slab, occur with a recognizable cyclicality and can be traced according to the geochronology, geochemistry and isotopic sources of the magmatic bodies. Our results support the initial existence of a mantle wedge highly modified due to percolation of significant volumes of variably old crustal materials, whose isotopic sources are almost identical to those found in the oldest known metasedimentary sequence described in SW Iberian Massif, the Serie Negra Group. Old crustal sources, analogous to those of this series were introduced to high depths by common subduction an also probably by significant subduction erosion. During the oldest period recorded in the study arc section, between c. 602 and c. 550 Ma, subduction episodes that involve high rates of crustal material along with an eventual incorporation of mafic and ultramafic materials from the incoming oceanic plate, favoured by low subduction angles, lead to the generation of more silicic magmas with adakitic geochemical affinity and isotopic signature (Nd-Sr) with crustal tendency. However, an increase in the subduction angle and change to a roll-back stage dated at c. 540 Ma, caused significant decrease in the access of cortical material to the subduction channel, favouring generation of typical calc-alkaline magmas derived from the modified mantle wedge, which is also consistent with more juvenile Nd-Sr ratios. The correlation found between the magmatic events and the involved tectonic processes suggests that subduction erosion mechanisms have been very likely underestimated as active dynamic processes along the peri-Gondwana margin during at least Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian times.
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    The Galicia - Ossa-Morena Zone: a new zone of the Iberian Massif
    (Geotemas, 2016) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Rubio Pascual, Francisco J.; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Matas, J.; González del Tánago y del Río, José; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Garcia Casco, Antonio
    Correlation of a group of allochthonous terranes (referred to as basal, ophiolitic and upper units) exposed in the NW and SW of the Iberian Massif, is used to propose a new geotectonic zone in the southern branch of the Variscan Orogen: the Galicia - Ossa-Morena Zone. Recent advances in SW Iberia identify most of the former Ossa-Morena Zone as another allochthonous complex of the Iberian Massif, the Ossa-Morena Complex, equivalent to the Cabo Ortegal, Órdenes, Malpica-Tui, Bragança and Morais complexes described in NW Iberia. The new geotectonic zone and its counterparts along the rest of the Variscan Orogen constitute an Internal Variscan Zone with ophiolites and units affected by high-P metamorphism. The Galicia - Ossa-Morena Zone includes a Variscan suture and pieces of continental crust bearing the imprint of Ediacaran-Cambrian events related to the activity of peri-Gondwanan magmatic arcs (Cadomian orogenesis). In the Iberian Massif, the general structure of this geotectonic zone represents a duplication of the Gondwanan platform, the outboard sections being juxtaposed on top of domains located closer to the mainland before amalgamation.
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    Allochthonous terranes involved in the Variscan suture of NW Iberia: A review of their origin and tectonothermal evolution
    (Earth-Science Reviews, 2016) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Gerdes, Axel; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; González Cuadra, Pablo; López Carmona, Alicia; Albert Roper, Richard; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Rubio Pascual, Francisco J.
    NW Iberia includes a rather complete section of a Variscan suture, where different terranes with continental or oceanic affinities appear with clear structural relationships. Three groups of terranes, namely Upper, Ophiolitic and Basal units and a frontal tectonic mélange appear in Galicia, in Cabo Ortegal, Órdenes and Malpica-Tui complexes. They constitute a huge allochthonous pile thrust over the Iberian parautochthonous and autochthonous domains, which represent the section of the Gondwanan margin that escaped continental subduction during the Variscan cycle. Considering the allochthonous character of the nappe pile and the strong deformation associated to the Variscan collision, there are problems to identify the original tectonic setting of the terranes and thence, it is difficult to reconstruct the paleogeographic context during the Variscan and pre-Variscan times in detail. Key features to perform any model for the Variscan convergence should consider the existence of two different high-P metamorphic events (dated at c. 400 and 370 Ma, respectively), separated in time for the generation of mafic-ultramafic sequences at c. 395 Ma which constitute the most common ophiolites described in the Variscan suture. Some dynamic models developed in NW Iberia have important problems to explain the observed tectonothermal evolution, especially the older high-P metamorphic event and the exhumation of deeply subducted transitional-type sections. On the other hand, the recently discovered participation of an older continental crust in the generation of different protoliths of the Middle Devonian ophiolites, makes difficult the interpretation of these ophiolites in relation to open wide oceanic domains. This paper describes the distribution, structure, lithologies, geochronology and chemical composition of the terranes involved in the Variscan suture of NW Spain. The scope of this description ranges from detailed regional aspects to the discussion of the development of the Variscan Orogen in the context of the assembly of Pangea. A two-stage collisional model affecting a wide Gondwanan platform may explain most of the evidences in NW Iberia. The generation of a long pull-apart basin probably occurred after the first collision, where the Devonian ophiolites were formed. These ophiolites have been in general described in the context of the Rheic Ocean, but according to the new existing data they do not seem related to this ocean, but rather they were formed after its closure.
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    The Calzadilla Ophiolite (SW Iberia) and the Ediacaran fore-arc evolution of the African margin of Gondwana
    (Gondwana Research, 2018) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Fernández Suárez, Javier; Montero, Pilar; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Albert Roper, Richard; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Matas, Jerónimo; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Rubio Pascual, Francisco J.; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto; Pereira, M. Francisco
    In the Ossa Morena Domain of SW Iberia, the Calzadilla Ophiolite is formed by an ensemble of ultramafic and mafic rocks that seem to represent a fragment of an oceanic Moho transition zone. The ophiolite consists of a main sheet with a minimum thickness of c. 1000 m and several ultramafic slices that appear imbricated with Ediacaran siliciclastic rocks of the so called Serie Negra. The mafic rocks of the Calzadilla Ophiolite show an extreme depletion in some HFSE such as Nb, Zr, Th, Hf and Ta, low TiO2 contents and high MgO, which allow identifying them as magmatic types of boninitic affinity, such as those frequently associated with fore-arc settings. U-Pb zircon dating of the gabbroic rocks suggests that the igneous protoliths crystallised at c. 600 Ma and were extracted directly from the mantle, according to the juvenile isotopic sources revealed by the Hf isotopic composition of the dated zircons. At c. 540 Ma the U-Pb isotopic system was affected by a partial resetting event with moderate generation of new zircon. According to these data, it is considered that the Calzadilla Ophiolite was formed in a supra-subduction zone setting, very likely in a fore-arc domain, during a roll-back episode affecting the peri-Gondwanan subductive slab. The fore-arc domain was probably proximal to the West Africa Craton. It is very likely that the ductile deformation, metamorphism and tectonic imbrication of the Calzadilla Ophiolite and the Serie Negra occurred at c. 540 Ma, during an increase in the subduction rate and a significant decrease of the subduction angle of the oceanic slab. The information provided by the Calzadilla Ophiolite allows to better constrain the geodynamic evolution of the African margin of Gondwana.
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    Tectonic setting and isotopic sources (Sm–Nd) of the SW Iberian Autochthon (Variscan Orogen)
    (Journal of Iberian Geology, 2021) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Díez Fernández, Rubén; González del Tánago y del Río, José; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Matas, Jerónimo; Rojo-Pérez, Esther; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Solís Alulima, Byron Ernesto
    Metasedimentary rock successions in Sierra Albarrana Group (SW Iberia Autochthonous Domain) were deposited during the Early Paleozoic influenced by the evolution of a peri-Gondwanan active margin. Their geochemical composition indicates dominant contributions from felsic igneous sources and an upper continental crust provenance. The high mineralogical and geochemical maturity, together with negative εNd(530), ranging from − 11.3 to − 4.5, and old Nd model ages (TDM: 1388–1897 Ma) imply reworked materials from old continental source areas with a limited juvenile contribution for the siliciclastic sedimentary rocks in Sierra Albarrana. Both, geochemical and isotope features were caused by the progressive denudation of rocks bearing the isotopic imprint from an old basement exposed along the Gondwanan margin. The paleobasin for the SW Iberia Autochthon probably occupied an outboard position across the peri-Gondwanan margin during Ediacaran–Cambrian times. In a convergent scenario, the interaction between the peri-Gondwanan trench and the external part of the continent generated tectonic uplift, giving way to exposure of crust formed during earlier stages of the Cadomian Orogeny and erosion. Sediment redistribution through Early Paleozoic times supplied recycled detrital materials, which likely filled a retro-arc basin formed after the switch from an extensional to a compressional regime in the upper plate of the Cadomian Orogen that is recorded throughout the peri-Gondwanan domain of Iberia. A subsequent extensional stage led to a progressive widening of its marginal basins, thus bringing the onset of a passive margin from the Cambro–Ordovician onwards. Nd model ages of the Sierra Albarrana Group overlap those of Early Cambrian series from the southernmost Central Iberian Zone, and are considered an indication for the paleogeographic closeness between all these sequences during Cambrian times, occupying eastern positions closer to Tuareg Shield and the Sahara Metacraton sections along the Gondwanan margin.