Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel

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José Manuel
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Fuenlabrada Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
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    Sm–Nd isotope geochemistry and tectonic setting of the metasedimentary rocks from the basal allochthonous units of NW Iberia (Variscan suture, Galicia)
    (Lithos (Oslo. Print), 2012) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; López Carmona, Alicia
    The basal units of the allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia are formed by thick metasedimentary rock sequences intruded by granitoids, ranging in composition from calc-alkaline (c. 493 Ma) to minor alkaline– peralkaline massifs (c. 475–470 Ma), and mafic rocks. The granitoids were transformed into variably deformed othogneisses and the associated mafic rocks were transformed into amphibolites, blueschists and eclogites during eo-Variscan high-P metamorphism dated at c. 370 Ma. Two different superimposed metasedimentary rock sequences can be distinguished. The lower sequence (maximum depositional age at c. 560 Ma) is mainly composed of metagreywackes, while the upper sequence (maximum depositional age at c. 500 Ma) consists of mica schists and other minor types. Major and trace element geochemistry of the metagreywackes of the lower sequence suggests that they were generated in relation to a peri-Gondwanan arc system built on the thinned continental margin, although some chemical transition to passive margin greywackes is also observed. This sedimentary sequence was probably deposited in an Ediacaran–Early Cambrian back-arc setting or retro-arc setting, closer to the thinned platform of the continental margin. The geochemical features of the sedimentary rocks of the upper sequence suggest some affinity with passive margin sediments; they were probably deposited closer to the continental domain and to certain distance from the most active zones of the magmatic arc. The Nd model ages of 23 analysed samples are Paleoproterozoic and range between 1782 Ma and 2223 Ma (average value 1919 Ma). The Nd model ages are slightly younger in the upper sequence than in the lower sequence, but altogether they define a single population, and therefore the two metasedimentary rock sequences can be clearly related. Sedimentation probably took place within the same basin located in the continental platform of Gondwana, the main source areas of these sedimentary rocks did not change during the Late Neoproterozoic and Cambrian times. The Nd model ages are very old and they seem to be compatible with Paleoproterozoic or Archean source areas, with only minor participation of younger sources probably represented by intrusive Cadomian–Pan-African granitoids.
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    Paleogeografía geoquímica de las series metasedimentarias del Macizo Ibérico
    (Geotemas, 2016) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro
    Las características geoquímicas e isotópicas de las series turbidíticas del Macizo Ibérico reflejan distintos escenarios tectónicos en la periferia de Gondwana. Estos cambios se observan en el registro sedimentario de la transición Ediacarense-Cámbrico, que tuvo lugar en el contexto general de un margen continental activo. TDM jóvenes y ɛNd menos negativos resultan característicos de cuencas sedimentarias más exteriores, con una importante contribución de material juvenil derivado del sector más activo del arco volcánico (metagrauvacas culminantes de las Unidades Superiores del Complejo de Órdenes). Las cuencas sedimentarias más próximas al continente se caracterizan por mayores aportes desde dominios alejados del arco activo que dan lugar a valores de TDM más antiguos y ɛNd muy negativos (metagrauvacas de las Unidades Basales del Complejo de Malpica-Tui). Una evolución desde contextos activos hasta otros más propios de márgenes pasivos se detecta con claridad en la transición Ediacarense-Cámbrico, y debe relacionarse con una disminución de la actividad del arco volcánico y la transición hacia un margen pasivo. El diagrama de fSm/Nd vs ɛNd confirma esta variación de los escenarios tectónicos asociados al margen de Gondwana, perfectamente registrados en los metasedimentos de diferentes sectores y unidades del Macizo Ibérico.
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    Geoquímica de series metasedimentarias del Macizo Ibérico: contexto dinámico de la transición Ediacarense- Cámbrico
    (2018) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Galindo Francisco, Carmen
    El Macizo Ibérico contiene una excelente representación de la estratigrafía del Paleozoico Inferior, así como de la transición con el Neoproterozoico Superior. La geoquímica de las series siliciclásticas (elementos mayores y trazas) y sus fuentes isotópicas (Sm-Nd) han sido muy poco investigadas hasta tiempos recientes, a pesar de que estos aspectos son importantes a la hora de conocer el contexto dinámico de las cuencas y su ubicación en el paleomargen de Gondwana. En esta tesis se presenta un estudio basado en estas metodologías y tiene como objetivo principal la investigación de las series estratigráficas que definen la transición entre el Cámbrico Inferior y el Ediacarense. Las series estudiadas corresponden a las Unidades Alóctonas Superiores y a las Unidades Alóctonas Basales del NW, al Cámbrico Inferior y Alcudiense del sector meridional de la Zona Centroibérica y a las Unidades Alóctonas Basales del SW. La labor realizada se ha sintetizado en varios trabajos ya publicados, que se han incluido en esta memoria y representan su contenido fundamental. La memoria se ha completado además con unos apartados introductorios de contenido metodológico y un capítulo final que presenta una síntesis de resultados a escala del Macizo Ibérico.Los resultados obtenidos indican como conclusión general, un cambio significativo en la influencia de un arco volcánico Cadomiense sobre los procesos sedimentarios que tenían lugar en el margen de Gondwana y por consiguiente, sobre la composición química de las secuencias sedimentarias siliciclásticas ediacarenses y cámbricas. Este cambio supuso una evolución progresiva del contexto deposicional, probablemente ligado a la apertura y ensanchamiento de una extensa cuenca back-arc. Esta apertura ocasionó durante el Paleozoico más inferior un progresivo alejamiento de las cuencas sedimentarias del foco principal de la actividad magmática, cuya actividad era también aparentemente decreciente, y una evolución muy lenta pero continua hacia un margen pasivo durante la mayor parte del Cámbrico. La transición es especialmente evidente en la geoquímica (elementos mayores y trazas) de las secuencias sedimentarias del Cámbrico Inferior y del Alcudiense (Ediacarense) del sector meridional de la Zona Centroibérica. También es patente en la composición de las secuencias detríticas de las Unidades Alóctonas Basales del NW de Iberia. La investigación de las fuentes isotópicas (Sm-Nd) refleja la misma evolución geodinámica de los terrenos peri-Gondwánicos entre el Ediacarense y el Cámbrico. Es particularmente visible en el caso de las secuencias metasedimentarias de la Zona Centroibérica, donde la evolución de los valores de Nd indican una menor influencia del arco volcánico durante la sedimentación de las series cámbricas. Las TDM más antiguas registradas en estas secuencias del Cámbrico Inferior (1444 - 1657 Ma), son compatibles con un incremento de los aportes desde áreas fuente gondwánicas antiguas y una disminución de los aportes juveniles procedentes del arco volcánico...
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    A Peri-Gondwanan arc active in Cambrian-Ordovician times: the evidence of the uppermost terrane of NW Iberia
    (2011) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Andonaegui Moreno, María Del Pilar; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Fernández Suárez, Javier; González Cuadra, P.; Gutiérrez-Marco, Juan Carlos; Rábano, Isabel; García-Bellido, Diego
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    Geochemical and isotopic (SmNd) provenance of Ediacaran-Cambrian metasedimentary series from the Iberian Massif. Paleoreconstruction of the North Gondwana margin
    (Earth-Science Reviews, 2020) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Pereira, M. Francisco; Chichorro, Martim; Silva, José B.
    The geochemical and isotopic (SmNd) features of the Ediacaran-Cambrian siliciclastic series from the Central Iberian Zone and the Iberian Allochthonous Domains indicate a significant paleogeographic change at the northern margin of Gondwana, associated with the development of the Avalonian-Cadomian arc. During the Neoproterozoic, the opening of a peri-Gondwanan back-arc basin and its subsequent widening during the Cambrian led to a progressive separation of the sedimentary basins from the main focus of the probably waning Cadomian magmatic arc activity. This work presents a paleogeographic reconstruction of the distribution of the Iberian terranes along the North Gondwanan margin during Ediacaran and Cambrian times, based on the geochemical and Nd-isotope data from the Iberian Allochthonous and Autochthonous Domains. These results suggest a location close to the West Africa Craton for both the allochthonous and autochthonous terranes, but they would be distributed laterally along the northern margin of Gondwana, occupying arc- or continental-ward positions within a wide back-arc basin. In this context, the peri-Gondwanan volcanic arc acted as the main supplier of the abundant juvenile material, as reflected in positive values of εNd and young TDM model ages (720–1215 Ma) of the Middle Cambrian siliciclastic series from NW Iberia Upper Allochthonous Units. On the other hand, the rather equivalent geochemical and isotopic features of the sedimentary series of the NW and SW Iberia Basal Allochthonous Units suggest a common paleolocation for those series, yet within the back-arc basin but closer to the mainland and older isotope sources. The sedimentary series of these terranes present the oldest TDM ages (1499–2156 Ma), clearly greater than the TDM ages that characterize coeval sedimentary series of the Iberian Autochthonous Domain (1256–1334 Ma). This finding allows us to place Iberian Basal Allochthonous Units very close to the West Africa Craton, from where they received a dominant contribution of old crustal materials, whereas the Iberian Autochthonous Domain occupied a more eastern paleoposition closer to the Sahara Metacraton.
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    Age and petrogenesis of the beryl-bearing granitic magmatism of the Velasco Pegmatite District, Pampeana Province, NW Argentina
    (Brazilian Journal of Geology, 2021) Sardi, Fernando Guillermo; Marangone, Silvana; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel
    Two porphyritic granitoids (Huaco and Sanagasta) in the Velasco district of the Pampeana Pegmatite Province in Northwestern Argentina are recognized. They are considered the fertile granites of the beryl-bearing pegmatites and can be described as post-orogenic and peraluminous A-type granites formed in an intraplate tectonic setting during an extensive regime, whose magma source is predominantly of cortical origin and to a lesser extent, mantle-derived. The pegmatites are classified as Rare Elements of the beryl type and beryl-columbite-phosphate subtype, while the entire district shows characteristics related to the NYF (Nb-Y-F) petrogenetic family. From rocks and cogenetic minerals of an individual ‘Ismiango’ pegmatite of the Velasco district, two Rb/Sr isochrons have been constructed. They define an age of 330.3 ± 8.3 and 331.7 ± 2.3 Ma and fall in the Lower Carboniferous period, consistent with the age of the parental and host-rock, the Huaco granite. As the Ismiango pegmatite has a similar composition and structure to the other beryl mineralized pegmatites of the Velasco district, the obtained age is attributed extensively for the entire district. According to the initial 87Sr/86Sr value obtained of 0.713, the pegmatite-magmatism of the Velasco District might be mainly derived from the crust with some minor participation of mantle materials.
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    Geochemistry of the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian transition in Central Iberia: Tectonic setting and isotopic sources
    (Tectonophysics, 2016) Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Arenas Martín, Ricardo
    A complete Ediacaran–Early Cambrian stratigraphic transition can be observed in the southern part of the Central Iberian Zone (Iberian Massif). Two different stratigraphic units, underlying Ordovician series, display geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic features in agreement with an evolving geodynamic setting. Pusa Shales (Early Cambrian) rest unconformably on greywackes of the Lower Alcudian Formation (Late Ediacaran). Both sequences present minor compositional variations for major and trace element contents and similar REE patterns, close to those of PAAS (Post Archean Australian Shale). Trace element contents and element ratios suggest mixed sources, with intermediate to felsic igneous contributions for both units. Tectonic setting discrimination diagrams for the Ediacaran greywackes indicate that these turbiditic series were deposited in a sedimentary basin associated with a mature active margin (volcanic arc). However, the compositions of the Cambrian shales fit better with a more stable context, a back-arc or retro-arc setting. εNd(T) and TDM ages are compatible with dominance of a similar cratonic source for both sequences, probably the West Africa Craton. εNd565 values for the Ediacaran greywackes (−3.0 to −1.4) along with TDM ages (1256–1334 Ma) imply a significant contribution of juvenile material, probably derived from the erosion of the volcanic arc. However, εNd530 values in the Cambrian shales (−5.2 to −4.0) together with older TDM ages (1444–1657 Ma), suggest a higher contribution of cratonic isotopic sources, probably derived from erosion of the adjacent mainland. Coeval with the progressive cessation of arc volcanism along the peri-Gondwanan realm during the Cambrian, there was a period of more tectonic stability and increasing arrival of sediments from cratonic areas. The geochemistry of the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition in Central Iberia documents a tectonic switch in the periphery of Gondwana, from an active margin to a more stable context related to the onset of a passive margin.
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    Contrasting isotopic sources (Sm-Nd) of Late Ediacaran series in the Iberian Massif: Implications for the Central Iberian-Ossa Morena boundary
    (Precambrian Research, 2019) Rojo-Pérez, Esther; Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Martín Parra, Luis Miguel; Matas, Jerónimo; Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro; Díez Fernández, Rubén
    In the Iberian Massif, westernmost sector of the Variscan Orogen, the nature of the boundary between the Central Iberian Zone and the Ossa Morena Complex has been largely discussed. Peri-Gondwanan Ediacaran series similar in age (c. 565 Ma) but different in composition occur at both sides of that boundary. The Lower Alcudian Series (Central Iberian Zone) is located to the north, while the Serie Negra (Ossa-Morena Complex) can be found to the south of the boundary. Major and trace element compositions and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of siliciclastic rocks from both series suggest a common active margin setting for their deposition, the Serie Negra likely occupying a more external (fore-arc) position within the arc-system relative to the Lower Alcudian Series, which would have been deposited within a large back-arc domain. TDM ages for these two series are notably different, yielding values of 1421–2040 Ma and 1256–1334 Ma for the Serie Negra and Lower Alcudian, respectively. These values suggest higher input from old cratonic sources in the Ossa Morena Complex, with probable participation of the West African Craton, which would be less prominent in the Central Iberia Zone. The whole data set indicate deposition of the Ediacaran series in separated basins, probably far away from each other along/across the margin of Gondwana. Current juxtaposition of these basins is explained by Variscan and probably also pre-Variscan tectonics. Similar conclusions could be also be extended to other similar boundaries in the Variscan Orogen.
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    Cadomian arc recycling along the northern Gondwana margin: Source-inherited composition of Miaolingian rift-related rhyolitic rocks (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia)
    (Journal of African earth sciences, 2023) Pereira, M. Francisco; Gama, Cristina; Dias da Silva, Ícaro; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; El Houicha, Mohamed
    Rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs of the Freixo-Segóvia Volcanic-Sedimentary Complex of the Cambrian of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Variscan belt, SW Iberia) were analyzed for petrography, major and trace element geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and U–Pb zircon geochronology in order to deduce magma sources. New U–Pb zircon age data indicate that Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks, previously assigned to the Terreneuvian, formed during the Miaolingian (ca. 509-505 Ma). These rhyolitic rocks exhibit calc-alkaline signature, LREE enrichment, nearly flat HREE patterns, negative Eu, Nb and Ti anomalies, and are chemically similar to the bulk continental crust. Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks have negative to slightly positive εNd(T) values (−2.8; 0.5) resulting in TDM model ages (1.0–1.3 Ga) that overlap the range defined by Terreneuvian Malcocinado andesites, formed in the transition of the Cadomian (West-African) arc to continental rifting in northern Gondwana margin. Based on the Sm–Nd isotopic data, the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks may have resulted from of partial melting of andesitic crust. The presence of Ediacaran-age zircon in the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks indicates inheritance from the Cadomian arc. Inherited zircon grains with West African affinity were probably transferred into the rhyolitic magma from an older igneous source formed in the Cadomian arc. Based on their major and trace element composition, combined with isotopic and geochronological data, the Freixo-Segóvia rhyolitic rocks record recycling of arc crust during a Late Cambrian rifting event along the northern Gondwana margin. The transition from Cadomian accretion to peri-Gondwana break-up leading to the opening of the Rheic Ocean is also known in other parts of the Variscan belt.
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    A unique blueschist facies metapelite with Mg-rich chloritoid from the Badajoz-Córdoba Unit (SW Iberian Massif): correlation of Late Devonian high-pressure belts along the Variscan Orogen
    (International Geology Review, 2021) Arenas Martín, Ricardo; Novo Fernández, Irene; Garcia Casco, Antonio; Díez Fernández, Rubén; Fuenlabrada Pérez, José Manuel; Pereira, Manuel Francisco; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Sánchez Martínez, Sonia; Rubio Pascual, Francisco J.
    The Badajoz-Córdoba Unit (BCU, SW Iberian Massif) is a Variscan high-P unit mainly constituted by metapelites, metagreywackes, orthogneisses, Grt-amphibolites, and retrogressed eclogites (high-P metamorphism at c. 377 Ma). Discovery of rare metapelites with well-preserved high-P mineral assemblages, including large garnets up to 1 cm in diameter with abundant inclusions, chloritoid (up to XMg = 0.32), kyanite, staurolite, chlorite, phengite (up to Si = 3.16 apfu), paragonite, margarite, and rutile, allows detailed determination of the tectonothermal evolution of the unit. Pseudosection modelling of representative samples indicates that this mineral assemblage formed in blueschist facies (near eclogite facies transition) at P conditions higher than 20 kbar at c. 525°C and that it underwent a subsequent severe exhumation and moderate heating. The lithological composition of the BCU, the age of high-P metamorphism and the characteristics of the high-P mineral assemblages are similar to those found in other high-P and low to intermediate-T units of the Variscan Orogen. All these units form part of a single blueschist-eclogite facies metamorphic belt formed during Late Devonian subduction of the external margin of Gondwana.