Domingo Martínez, María Soledad

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María Soledad
Last Name
Domingo Martínez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Didáctica de Ciencias Experimentales, Sociales y Matemáticas
Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales
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    Punctuated ecological equilibrium in mammal communities over evolutionary time scales
    (Science, 2021) Blanco, Fernando; Calatayud, Joaquín; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Menéndez González, Iris; Müller, Johannes; Hernández Fernández, Manuel; Cantalapiedra, Juan L.
    The study of deep-time ecological dynamics has the ability to inform conservation decisions by anticipating the behavior of ecosystems millions of years into the future. Using network analysis and an exceptional fossil dataset spanning the past 21 million years, we show that mammalian ecological assemblages undergo long periods of functional stasis, notwithstanding high taxonomic volatility due to dispersal, speciation, and extinction. Higher functional richness and diversity promoted the persistence of functional faunas despite species extinction risk being indistinguishable among these different faunas. These findings, and the large mismatch between functional and taxonomic successions, indicate that although safeguarding functional diversity may or may not minimize species losses, it would certainly enhance the persistence of ecosystem functioning in the face of future disturbances.
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    Project number: PIMCD307/23-24
    Los yacimientos paleontológicos como recurso didáctico II: las visitas virtuales como recursos didácticos en las Ciencias de la Naturaleza.
    (2024) García Yelo, Blanca Ana; Álvarez Sierra, María De Los Ángeles; Carro Rodríguez, Patricia María; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Domingo Martínez, Laura; García García, Eugenia; García Buitrago, Elena; Hernández Fernández, Manuel; Pérez De Los Ríos, Miriam; Cano Ortíz, Ana; Andrés Casado, Nuria; Alcalde Rincón, Gema María; Lindsey, Emily L.; López Guerrero, Paloma; Martín Abad, Hugo Javier; Oliver Pérez, Adriana; Martínez Martín, Jesús E.; Niño Olarte, Sebastián Camilo; Ríos Ibáñez, María; Sanisidro Morant, Óscar; Tagarro Ruiz, Clara
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    Macroevolution and climate changes: a global multi-family test supports the resource-use hypothesis in terrestrial mammals
    (Historical Biology, 2022) Hernández Fernández, Manuel; Pelegrin Ramírez, Jonathan S.; Gómez Cano, Ana Rosa; García Yelo, Blanca A.; Moreno Bofarull, Ana; Sánchez Fontela, Noelia; Rodríguez Ruiz, Claudia; Ramiro Camacho, Alejandro; Domingo Martínez, Laura; Menéndez González, Iris; Martín Perea, David Manuel; Bazán, Carla M.; Alcalde Rincón, Gema María; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Luna, Belén; Peinado Cortés, María del Mar; Arias Royo, Antón; González Couturier, Gabriela; Márquez Villena, Ana; Anaya, Noelia; Blanco, Fernando; Galli, Anna Emilia; Gamboa, Sara; Quesada García, Álvaro; Sanz Pérez, Danae; Varela, Sara; Cantalapiedra, Juan L.
    Elisabeth S. Vrba’s resource-use hypothesis suggests that speciation in biomes subjected to successive expansion-contraction-fragmentation during periods of climatic change generates high frequency of species restricted to a single biome (stenobiomic species). We compiled biome occupation for all terrestrial mammals and, using Monte Carlo simulations, demonstrated that patterns of biome occupation are congruent with those predicted by the resource-use hypothesis. Biome specialists are much more speciose than expected by chance, while there are fewer moderate biome generalists than expected. Despite their scarcity, extreme eurybiomic lineages show significant overrepresentation, which suggests they are seldom affected by climate-related extinction processes. Additionally, stenobiomic species are concentrated in biomes placed at the extremes of the climatic gradient, such as equatorial rainforest, subtropical desert, steppe, and tundra. Although this pattern is fairly maintained across different mammalian families, highlighting its universality, our analysis also found great variability. Exceptions to the predictions of the resource-use hypothesis seem to be associated to biome climatic or geographical heterogeneity, which favours vicariance in some biomes not placed in extremes of the climatic gradient (tropical deciduous woodland, sclerophyllous woodland-shrubland), as well as life-history differences across taxa, which generates a stronger trend to specialisation in small body size lineages than in larger mammals.
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    The reorganization of predator–prey networks over 20 million years explains extinction patterns of mammalian carnivores
    (Ecology Letters, 2024) Nascimento, João C. S.; Blanco, Fernando; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Cantalapiedra, Juan L.; Pires,Mathias M.
    Linking the species interactions occurring at the scale of local communities to their potential impact at evolutionary timescales is challenging. Here, we used the high-resolution fossil record of mammals from the Iberian Peninsula to reconstruct a timeseries of trophic networks spanning more than 20 million years and asked whether predator–prey interactions affected regional extinction patterns. We found that, despite small changes in species richness, trophic networks showed long-term trends, gradually losing interactions and becoming sparser towards the present. This restructuring of the ecological networks was driven by the loss of medium-sized herbivores, which reduced prey availability for predators. The decrease in prey availability was associated with predator longevity, such that predators with less available prey had greater extinction risk. These results not only reveal long-term trends in network structure but suggest that prey species richness in ecological communities may shape large scale patterns of extinction and persistence among predators.
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    Taphonomic analysis of Batallones-10, a Late Miocene drought-induced mammalian assemblage (Madrid basin, Spain) within the Cerro de los Batallones complex
    (Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 2021) Martín Perea, David Manuel; Morales Romero, Jorge; Cantero, Enrique; Courtenay, Lloyd A.; Hernández Fernández, Manuel; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad
    The Late Miocene Batallones-10 site (Madrid Basin, Spain) contains several authochthonous multitaxic assemblages. A total of 15 large-mammal species are documented, including hipparionine horses (Hipparion sp.), giraffes (Decennatherium rex) and moschids. Three discrete fossiliferous levels have been identified with the aid of artificial intelligence systems. Although there are some statistical differences in the faunal composition of each level, paleontological, geologic and taphonomic data from all three Batallones-10 levels point to similar taphonomic histories. Mortality data, with abundant young individuals and the presence of pregnant females, indicates a catastrophic process of bone accumulation mainly driven by prolonged drought. Relatively high proportions of partially preserved or fully-articulated skeletons, and absence of carnivore feeding marks on bones, suggest that carcasses were undisturbed by predation. Rapid desiccation of soft tissues kept many of the joints intact, resulting in a high proportion of articulated remains. During drought episodes, large mammalian herbivores congregated around a shrinking water-hole, depleting the local vegetation, such that weakened individuals died of starvation and miring rather than dehydration. When rainfall resumed, the lack of vegetation and presence of low-permeability surficial sepiolite-rich marls, resulted in rapid run-off. This buried most of the unweathered, unabraded remains, whilst slightly orienting or completely removing others. After burial, faulting and slickensides produced diagenetic fractures, which favoured the precipitation of manganese oxides on bone surfaces and the diagenetic corrosion of remains, which is more pronounced in the uppermost Level III. This work, which focuses on the taphonomy of a herbivore-dominated site, improves our overall knowledge of the formation of the Cerro de los Batallones palaeontological complex.
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    Project number: 140
    El suelo y la sostenibilidad II. Una aproximación multidisciplinar en la enseñanza de las ciencias mediante la creación de recursos on-line
    (2021) García García, Eugenia; Torres Payá, María Inés; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; García Yelo, Blanca A.; García Buitrago, Elena; López Sánchez, Alicia; Angosto González, Isabel; Domingo Martínez, Laura; Caballero Armenta, Manuela; Acosta Certeras, Víctor; Doblas Ibáñez, Paula; López Laguna, Laura; Gómez Campos, Denia Geraldine; López Guerrero, Paloma; Oliver Pérez, Adriana; Romero Ríos, Edda Guadalupe; Swierz, María Estefanía
    El suelo es un recurso natural extremadamente sensible a la actividad humana. La FAO lleva años señalando la necesidad de cuidar este recurso imprescindible no solo por asegurar nuestra alimentación sino también para el sostenimiento de los ecosistemas. El gran desconocimiento que existe en relación al suelo nos ha llevado a intentar formar a nuestros estudiantes de Magisterio de Infantil y Primaria y del Máster de Formación del Profesorado en relación al suelo, pues serán ellos los responsables en un futuro de la formación de nuestros de niños y jóvenes. Se han diseñado actividades prácticas para dar a conocer el suelo y su fragilidad, procurando que sean conscientes de la repercusión de nuestras acciones sobre el mismo y por lo tanto su pérdida de fertilidad. Las actividades prácticas son muy fácilmente replicables en el aula y necesitan de un material cotidiano y de bajo coste. Con estas actividades se acerca el método científico al alumnado. Especial énfasis se ha puesto en la práctica del compostaje, como una medida ideal con la que se evitar verter restos al medio al mismo tiempo que se produce un material orgánico que aporta propiedades muy beneficiosas para los cultivos, como es el compost.
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    DigApp and TaphonomApp: Two new open-access palaeontological and archaeological mobile apps
    (Palaeontologia electronica, 2020) Martín Perea, David Manuel; Abrunhosa, Ana; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Cantero, Enrique; Menéndez González, Iris; Blanco, Fernando; Carro Rodríguez, Patricia María; Domingo Martínez, Laura; Hernández Fernández, Manuel; Morales, Jorge
    Two new paleontological and archaeological Android applications, DigApp and TaphonomApp, are presented in this manuscript. DigApp is intended to aid data collection, storage and management in archaeological and palaeontological excavations. DigApp allows easily recording of common field information such as spatial data and fossil identification data. Online and offline versions of DigApp were developed to fit all needs, and they can be modified according to the excavation particularities. TaphonomApp was created in order to assist taphonomists while carrying out detailed taphonomical evaluations both in the field and in the laboratory, making data collection quicker, homogeneous and overall, more efficient. DigApp and TaphonomApp are free, open-access and flexible software, that can be easily modified by any user (without the need of expertise in computing or coding) as explained in this paper. An in-depth guide on how to modify the apps is provided within this paper. DigApp and TaphonomApp have been used during palaeontological excavations carried out at one of the Batallones Butte vertebrate sites (Batallones-10, Middle Miocene) in the Madrid basin (Spain).
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    Project number: 61
    El suelo y la sostenibilidad. Recurso para una aproximación multidisciplinar en la enseñanza de las Ciencias
    (2020) García García, Eugenia; Torres Payá, María Inés; García Buitrago, Elena; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; García Yelo, Blanca Ana; Gómez Lesarri, Patricio; Domingo Martínez, Laura; Angosto González, Isabel; Acosta Certeras, Víctor; Romero Ríos, Edda Guadalupe; Onuigwe Vazquez, Nneka Patrocinio; Uxach Molina, Belinda; López Guerrero, Paloma; Oliver Pérez, Adriana; Sánchez Ruiz, Gemma
    El proyecto pretende dar a conocer el suelo como recurso natural al alumnado. Se trata de un recurso vital, profundamente desconocido y escasamente trabajado en las aulas. Apenas aparece de forma explícita en el currículo de Secundaria y menos aún en el de Primaria. Muchos organismos internacionales han resaltado la necesidad de que el ciudadano de a pie conozca el suelo, su enorme valor en la alimentación del ser humano y el grave riesgo en el que se encuentra hoy en día pues su fertilidad está descendiendo a un ritmo alarmante debido fundamentalmente a la acción humana. El valorar este recurso pasa por conocerlo y para ello es necesario trabajarlo en las aulas, pero antes hemos de formar a los futuros docentes,esto es lo que nos hemos propuesto desde la Facultad de Educación. Por otro lado nos resulta fundamental el que los ciudadanos conozcan el compostaje, actividad fácil de desarrollar tanto en los centros docentes como en el propio domicilio; compostar permite cuidar el medio ambiente de forma doble, por un lado reduciendo los desechos y por otro produciendo un material (el compost) con muchas ventajas para la agricultura, contribuyendo de esta forma a la sostenibilidad.
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    Project number: 146
    Fomentando la educación para la sostenibilidad en la formación de maestros a través de espacios verdes -Huerto Didáctico y Real Jardín Botánico- como recursos educativos
    (2022) Pérez López, Raquel; Andrés Casado, Nuria; Díaz Perea, María Del Rosario; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Escudero Montero, Ana Natividad; Fernández Lázaro, Gloria; García Yelo, Blanca; García García, Eugenia; García Buitrago, Elena; Lara Caballero, Ana; Martin Puig, Patricia; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto; Oliver García, Daniel; Ortiz Iniesta, Maria Jesús; Peña Martínez, Juan; Rodrigo Vega, Maximiliano; Torres Paya, Maria Inés
    El presente documento es la memoria del proyecto de innovación docente "Fomentando la educación para la sostenibilidad en la formación de maestros a través de espacios verdes -Huerto Didáctico y Real Jardín Botánico- como recursos educativos". En dicha memoria se especifican los objetivos propuestos, esto es que los/as alumnos/as adquieran conocimientos vinculados con la biología y la ecología, así como competencias transversales como el pensamiento reflexivo y valores democráticos y de sostenibilidad trabajando en espacios verdes. Se reportan las actividades realizadas en el Huerto Didáctico de la Facultad de Educación-CFP de la UCM y en el Real Jardín Botánico Alfonso XIII para la consecución de esos objetivos, concluyendo que los alumnos son capaces de aprender sobre la materia y ejecutar tareas de cuidado hortícola, a la vez que conectar con el medio natural cuando llevan a cabo actividades en los espacios verdes de la UCM.
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    New palaeoecological approaches to interpret climatic fluctuations in Holocenic sites of the Pampean Region of Argentina
    (Quaternary Science Reviews, 2021) García Morato, Sara; Fernández Jalvo, Yolanda; Montalvo, Claudia I.; Andrews, Peter; Marín Monfort, María Dolores; Fagoaga, Ana; Domínguez García, Ángel Carmelo; Alberdi, María Teresa; Bonini, Ricardo; Cerdeño, Esperanza; Denys, Christiane; Domingo Martínez, Laura; Domingo Martínez, María Soledad; Gutiérrez, María A.; López Cantalapiedra, Juan; Pesquero, M. Dolores; Prado, José Luis; Sevilla García, María Paloma; Stoetzel, Emmanuelle; Tomassini, Rodrigo L.; Fernández, Fernando J.
    The apparently regular and favourable climate that characterizes the Holocene as an interglacial period shows, however, important climatic instability well documented in the Northern Hemisphere. These fluctuations from colder to warmer or wetter to drier affected both biodiversity and human societies in the last 12,000 years, although the impact in Southern America is still poorly known. We are here investigating the biodiversity of small mammal faunas, more sensitive to climatic changes than large mammals, combining taphonomic and palaeoecological data in the Argentine Pampas to better understand the global nature and effect of these Holocene climatic fluctuations. This paper is pioneering applying in this region palaeoecological methodologies practised in European sites, such as the chorotype classification and biomes overlap analyses. The Pampean Region is an ecotone with a confluence of three climatic regions where any change in climatic conditions should be easily detected. Our results, based on the palaeoecological requirements of small mammals, do not indicate severe changes, and most of the sites show climatic stability except for one of them, in which a possible trend towards present conditions (temperate/humid) can be inferred.