Fernández López, Sixto Rafael

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First Name
Sixto Rafael
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Fernández López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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Search Results

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    Itinerario paleontológico por el Cerro de la Cruz (Sierra del Reclot).
    (Geología de Alicante: [libro guía de las excursiones del XIII Simposio sobre Enseñanza de la Geología, Alicante, 5-10 de julio de 2004], 2004) Caracuel Martín, Jesús E.; Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Tent-Manclús, J.E.; Yébenes, A.; Alfaro , Pedro; Andreu Rodríguez, José Manuel; Estévez, A.; Tent-Manclús, J.E.; Yébenes, A.
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    Taphonomy, facies and palaeoenvironmental analysis.
    (Abstracts and Programs. 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, 2002) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Martire, Luca
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    Pseudoteloceras, a new stephanoceratid genus (Ammonitida) of the lower Humphriesianum Zone (lower Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) from western Tethys
    (Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 2016) Pavia, Giulio; Fernández López, Sixto Rafael
    The new dimorphic genus Pseudoteloceras (type-species: P. crosillense gen. et sp. nov.) is defined within the subfamily Stephanoceratinae. It constitutes the terminal step of an early Bajocian phyletic trend that produces Teloceras-like morphologies throughout the lower Humphriesianum Zone of the western Mediterranean-Caucasian Subrealm, at an older chronological interval and with morpho-structural features that stand apart from those of the best known genus Teloceras of the uppermost Humphriesianum and lower Niortense zones at the early/late Bajocian transition. Three new species are described: P. croisillense, P. maerteni and P. boursicoti. Their biochronostratigraphical ranges are confirmed by the distribution in expanded sections of the Subalpine Basin in Submediterranean Province (Digne area) and the taphonomic analysis of fossil assemblages from the condensed sections of the “Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux” Formation in Calvados, North West European Province. The biochronostratigraphical range of Pseudoteloceras gen. nov. is limited to the Romani Subzone, lower Humphriesianum Zone. P. crosillense gen. et sp. nov. marks a well-defined biohorizon of the upper Romani Subzone in the Digne stratigraphical successions. The extreme degree of the cadiconic morphology in the inner whorls of P. boursicoti gen. et sp. nov., and the biostratigraphical gap separating the first appearance of the genus Teloceras in the upper Humphriesianum Zone, support its erection as a new taxon Pseudoteloceras gen. nov. A fourth species, Pseudoteloceras geometricum (Maubeuge), is interpreted as the earliest species of this phyletic lineage, derived from Stemmatoceras and widely distributed through western Tethys in the lower Humphriesianum Zone.
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    Fósiles de intervalos sin registro estratigráfico: una paradoja geológica
    (Registros fósiles e historia de la Tierra : [cursos de verano de El Escorial], 1996) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Aguirre , Emiliano; Morales, Jorge; Soria, Dolores
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    Accumulation: taphonomic concept and other palaeontological uses
    (Current Topics on Taphonomy and Fossilization, 2002) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Fernández Jalvo, Yolanda; Alcalá, Luis; Renzi, Miguel de; Pardo Alonso, Miguel V.; Belinchón, Margarita; Peñalver, Enrique; Montoya, Plinio; Márquez Aliaga, Ana
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    Applied palaeontology and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate epicontinental platforms
    (Abstracts, European Palaeontological Association Workshop Conference: Links between fossil assemblages and sedimentary cycles and sequences Lisboa, Portugal, July 22-25th 1999, 1999) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Rocha, Rogério B; Silva, C.M.; Caetano, C.S.; Kullberg, J.C.
    Taphonomic and palaeobiological data enable the interpretation of relative changes of sea level, cyclical and of different order of magnitude, occurred in carbonate epicontinental platforms. These palaeontological data are of stratigraphic interest since they provide an independent test of the cycles distinguished in sequence stratigraphy. [RÉSUMÉ] Les données taphonomiques et paléobiologiques permettent l'interprétation de changements relatifs du niveau de la mer, cycliques et d'ordre différent de magnitude, produits dans les plates-formes epicontinentales. Ces données paléontologiques sont d'intérêt stratigraphique car ils fournissent une épreuve indépendante des cycles stratigraphiques distingués dans l'analyse séquentielle.
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    Taphonomic analysis of the Lower Pleistocene Pirro Nord fossil locality (Pirro 10 Site, Puglia, Southern Italy): a depositional model for vertebrate assemblages in a karstic environment.
    (Palaios, 2012) Zunino, Marta; Pavia, Marco; Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Pavia, Giulio
    Taphonomic analyses have been conducted on the macromammal remains found in Sedimentary Unit 7 of the lower Pleistocene Pirro 10 site of the Pirro Nord locality in Italy. Recent field research has concentrated on investigating the fossil content of this site and the genesis of the karst network and its related deposits. In the present study, we distinguish between preburial and synsedimentary (during burial) processes in order to group the vertebrate remains into different taphonomic categories according to their various states of preservation, thus introducing the concept of taphorecord—borrowed from invertebrate taphonomy—into macrovertebrate taphonomy for the first time. Element quantification, evaluation of transport effects, and state of preservation of the skeletal elements were studied and all elements separated into four taphorecords according to their relative chronology. The use of taphorecords also improves the accuracy of the data obtained from the various methods of element quantification. The analysis of bone sorting and orientation indicates that the fossiliferous deposits originated by water flows carrying both fossils and sediments, alternating with phases of carcass accumulation and reelaboration of bones from previously deposited layers. The study presented here serves as a proof of concept for the use of taphorecords in analyses of fossiliferous deposits in caves.
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    Mollistephaninae and Frebolditinae, new subfamilies of Middle Jurassic stephanoceratid Ammonoidea
    (Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 2015) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Pavia, Giulio
    Two new Bajocian stephanoceratid subfamilies are distinguished based on morpho-structural criteria and phyletic patterns. At the Aalenian/Bajocian transition, Stephanoceratinae of the genus Albarracinites are the source of the earliest species of Mollistephanus and of the new Mollistephaninae lineage that includes three successive genera: Mollistephanus, Paramollistephanus gen. nov. and Phaulostephanus. The Mollistephaninae span across the Mediterranean-Caucasian Subrealm during the lower Bajocian, but Paramollistephanus is pandemic to both the Mediterranean-Caucasian and East Pacific subrealms during the Propinquans Zone. The Frebolditinae evolved from Paramollistephanus in the lower Bajocian, beginning with Freboldites and giving rise to diverse genera such as Parabigotites, Patrulia, Bajocia, Subcollina and Parastrenoceras that occur into the upper Bajocian of both the East Pacific and Mediterranean-Caucasian subrealms. Palaeobiogeographical and phylogenetic data of these two subfamilies support an active Bajocian Central-Atlantic Seaway, the so-called Hispanic Corridor, as a bidirectional, biodispersal route driven by changes of the relative sea level. Several bioevents of appearance, immigration and dispersal, associated with the range expansion of ammonoid taxa, were effective (Paramollistephanus in the latest Laeviuscula Zone, Subcollina in the latest Humphriesianum Zone, and Parastrenoceras in the earliest Niortense Zone). Based on life-history strategy, morpho-structural and functional criteria, the dimorphic Caumontisphinctes- Infraparkinsonia pair seems to be the origin of the Parkinsoniidae. The Mollistephaninae and Frebolditinae show small adult size, scarcity of fossils, and low stratigraphic persistence and constancy; however, they present some pandemic genera of the Tethys-Panthalassa Realm and display high resolution for time correlation between the western Tethyan and eastern Pacific marine basins of separate bioprovinces.
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    The limit between biostratinomy and fossildiagenesis
    (Current Topics on Taphonomy and Fossilization, 2002) Fernández López, Sixto Rafael; Fernández Jalvo, Yolanda; Renzi, Miguel D.; Pardo Alonso, Miguel V.; Belinchón, Margarita; Peñalver, Enrique; Montoya, Plinio; Márquez Aliaga, Ana