Torrado Durán, Juan José

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First Name
Juan José
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Torrado Durán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología Alimentaria
Farmacia y Tecnología Farmaceútica
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Search Results

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    Tuning the Transdermal Delivery of Hydroquinone upon Formulation with Novel Permeation Enhancers
    (Pharmaceutics, 2019) Serrano, Dolores R.; Gordo, María José; Matji, Antonio; González, Salvador; Lalatsa, Aikaterini; Torrado Durán, Juan José
    Hydroquinone (HQ) is an anti-hyperpigmentation agent with poor physicochemical stability. HQ formulations are currently elaborated by compounding in local pharmacies. Variability in the characteristics of HQ topical formulations can lead to remarkable di_erences in terms of their stability, e_cacy, and toxicity. Four di_erent semisolid O/Wformulations with 5% HQ were prepared using: (i) Beeler´s base plus antioxidants (F1), (ii) Beeler´s base and dimethyl isosorbide (DMI) as solubiliser (F2), (iii) olive oil and DMI (F3), and (iv) Nourivan®, a skin-moisturising and antioxidant base, along with DMI (F4). Amongst the four formulations, F3 showed the greatest physicochemical stability with less tendency to coalescence but with marked chromatic aberrations. An inverse correlation was established by multivariate analysis between the mean droplet size in volume and the steady-state flux, which explains why F3, with the smallest droplet size and the most hydrophobic excipients, exhibited the highest permeation across both types of membranes with enhancement ratios of 2.26 and 5.67-fold across Strat-M® and mouse skin, respectively, compared to F1. It is crucial to understand how the HQ is formulated, bearing in mind that the use of di_erent excipients can tune the transdermal delivery of HQ significantly.
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    Targeting lung macrophages for fungal and parasitic pulmonary infections with innovative amphotericin B dry powder inhalers
    (International journal of pharmaceutics, 2023) de Pablo, E; O'Connell, Peter; Fernández García, Raquel; Marchand, Sandrine; Chauzy, A.; Tewes, F; Dea Ayuela, María Auxiliadora; Kumar, D.; Bolas Fernández, Francisco; Ballesteros Papantonakis, María De La Paloma; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Healy, Anne Marie; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios
    The incidence of fungal pulmonary infections is known to be on the increase, and yet there is an alarming gap in terms of marketed antifungal therapies that are available for pulmonary administration. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a highly efficient broad-spectrum antifungal only marketed as an intravenous formulation. Based on the lack of effective antifungal and antiparasitic pulmonary treatments, the aim of this study was to develop a carbohydrate-based AmB dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation, prepared by spray drying. Amorphous AmB microparticles were developed by combining 39.7% AmB with 39.7% γ-cyclodextrin, 8.1% mannose and 12.5% leucine. An increase in the mannose concentration from 8.1 to 29.8%, led to partial drug crystallisation. Both formulations showed good in vitro lung deposition characteristics (80% FPF< 5 µm and MMAD < 3 µm) at different air flow rates (60 and 30 L/min) when used with a DPI, but also during nebulisation upon reconstitution in water.
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    Toxicology of Blister Agents: Is Melatonin a Potential Therapeutic Option?
    (Diseases, 2021) Romero Martínez, Manuel Alejandro; Ramos Alonso, Eva; López Muñoz, Francisco; Ríos, Cristóbal de los; Egea, Javier; Gil Martín, Emilio; Pita Pita, Rene; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; Juberias, Antonio
    Blister or vesicant chemical warfare agents (CWAs) have been widely used in different military conflicts, including World War I and the Iran-Iraq War. However, their mechanism of action is not fully understood. Sulfur and nitrogen mustard exert toxic effects not only through the alkylation of thiol-bearing macromolecules, such as DNA and proteins, but also produce free radicals that can develop direct toxic effects in target organs such as the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. The lack of effective treatments against vesicant CWAs-induced injury makes us consider, in this complex scenario, the use and development of melatonin-based therapeutic strategies. This multifunctional indoleamine could facilitate neutralization of the oxidative stress, modulate the inflammatory response, and prevent the DNA damage, as well as the long-term health consequences mediated by vesicant CWAs-induced epigenetic mechanisms. In this context, it would be essential to develop new galenic formulations for the use of orally and/or topically applied melatonin for the prophylaxis against vesicant CWAs, as well as the development of post-exposure treatments in the near future.
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    One and Two-Step In Vitro-In Vivo Correlations Based on USP IV Dynamic Dissolution Applied to Four Sodium Montelukast Products
    (Pharmaceutics, 2021) Prieto Escolar, Mercedes; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Álvarez Álvarez, Covadonga; Ruiz Picazo, Alejandro; Simón-Vázquez, Marta; Govantes, Carlos; Frias, Jesús; García Arieta, Alfredo; González Álvarez, Isabel; Bermejo, Marival
    Montelukast is a weak acid drug characterized by its low solubility in the range of pH 1.2 to 4.5, which may lead to dissolution-limited absorption. The aim of this paper is to develop an in vivo predictive dissolution method for montelukast and to check its performance by establishing a level-A in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC). During the development of a generic film-coated tablet formulation, two clinical trials were done with three different experimental formulations to achieve a similar formulation to the reference one. A dissolution test procedure with a flow-through cell (USP IV) was used to predict the in vivo absorption behavior. The method proposed is based on a flow rate of 5 mL/min and changes of pH mediums from 1.2 to 4.5 and then to 6.8 with standard pharmacopoeia buffers. In order to improve the dissolution of montelukast, sodium dodecyl sulfate was added to the 4.5 and 6.8 pH mediums. Dissolution profiles in from the new method were used to develop a level-A IVIVC. One-step level-A IVIVC was developed from dissolution profiles and fractions absorbed obtained by the Loo–Riegelman method. Time scaling with Levy’s plot was necessary to achieve a linear IVIVC. One-step differential equation-based IVIVC was also developed with a time-scaling function. The developed method showed similar results to a previously proposed biopredictive method for montelukast, and the added value showed the ability to discriminate among different release rates in vitro, matching the in vivo clinical bioequivalence results.
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    Increased Efficacy of Oral Fixed-Dose Combination of Amphotericin B and AHCC® Natural Adjuvant against Aspergillosis
    (Pharmaceutics, 2019) Pérez-Cantero, Alba; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; Navarro Rodríguez, Patricia; Schätzlein, Andreas G.; Uchegbu, Ijeoma F.; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Capilla, Javier
    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis represents one of the most serious fungal infections among immunocompromised patients. In this study, we aimed to analyze the in vivo e_cacy of prophylactic oral amphotericin B (AMB) encapsulated in modified chitosan-nanoparticles (Nanomerics’ Molecular Envelope Technology (MET)) supplemented with a standardized extract of cultured Lentinula edodes mycelia (AHCC®) in a murine model of pulmonary aspergillosis. We determined fungal burden and survival of mice and additionally, we carried out a cytokine analysis in an attempt to understand the immunomodulation of the extract. Our results evidenced equivalent e_cacy between orally administered AMB-MET and the intravenous liposomal AMB marketed formulation. Addition of the AHCC® supplement significantly improved e_cacy in terms of burden reduction and survival increase of both oral and intravenous AMB therapies compared to the untreated control group. Moreover, a protective e_ect of the extract was observed in terms of weight loss. Regarding the cytokine profiles, the Th1 immune response was stimulated in treated animals when compared to the control group. This response was marked by an enhancement in the MCP-1, GM-CSF, VEGF, RANTES and IL-17 levels and a decrease in the IL-6, a biomarker related to the severity of the infection.