Torrado Durán, Juan José

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First Name
Juan José
Last Name
Torrado Durán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología Alimentaria
Farmacia y Tecnología Farmaceútica
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  • Item
    Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drug Delivery
    (Pharmaceutics, 2020) Torrado Durán, Juan José; Serrano López, Dolores Remedios; Capilla, Javier
    Fungal and parasitic diseases affect more than a billion people across the globe, one-sixth of the world’s population, mostly located in developing countries. The lack of effective and safer treatments combined with a deficient diagnosis lead to serious chronic illness or even death. There is a mismatch between the rate of drug resistance and the development of new medicines. Formulation of antifungal and antiparasitic drugs adapted to different administration routes is challenging, bearing in mind their poor water solubility, which limits their bioavailability and efficacy. Hence, there is an unmet clinical need to develop vaccines and novel formulations and drug delivery strategies that can improve the bioavailability and therapeutic effect by enhancing their dissolution, increasing their chemical potency, stabilising the drug and targeting high concentration of drug to the infection sites. This Editorial regards the ten research contributions presented in the Special Issue “Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drug Delivery”.
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    Effect of Clindamycin on Intestinal Microbiome and Miltefosine Pharmacology in Hamsters Infected with Leishmania infantum
    (Antibiotics, 2023) Olías-Molero, Ana Isabel; Botías, Pedro; Cuquerella Ayensa, Montserrat; García-Cantalejo, Jesús; Barcia Hernández, Emilia María; Torrado Durán, Susana; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Alunda Rodríguez, José María
    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by Leishmania donovani and L. infantum (Kinetoplastida), affects humans and dogs, being fatal unless treated. Miltefosine (MIL) is the only oral medication for VL and is considered a first choice drug when resistance to antimonials is present. Comorbidity and comedication are common in many affected patients but the relationship between microbiome composition, drugs administered and their pharmacology is still unknown. To explore the effect of clindamycin on the intestinal microbiome and the availability and distribution of MIL in target organs, Syrian hamsters (120–140 g) were inoculated with L. infantum (108 promastigotes/animal). Infection was maintained for 16 weeks, and the animals were treated with MIL (7 days, 5 mg/kg/day), clindamycin (1 mg/kg, single dose) + MIL (7 days, 5 mg/kg/day) or kept untreated. Infection was monitored by ELISA and fecal samples (16 wpi, 18 wpi, end point) were analyzed to determine the 16S metagenomic composition (OTUs) of the microbiome. MIL levels were determined by LC-MS/MS in plasma (24 h after the last treatment; end point) and target organs (spleen, liver) (end point). MIL did not significantly affect the composition of intestinal microbiome, but clindamycin provoked a transient albeit significant modification of the relative abundance of 45% of the genera, including Ruminococcaceae UCG-014, Ruminococcus 2; Bacteroides and (Eubacterium) ruminantium group, besides its effect on less abundant phyla and families. Intestinal dysbiosis in the antibiotic-treated animals was associated with significantly lower levels of MIL in plasma, though not in target organs at the end of the experiment. No clear relationship between microbiome composition (OTUs) and pharmacological parameters was found.
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    Leishmania infantum infection does not affect the main composition of the intestinal microbiome of the Syrian hamster
    (Parasites & Vectors, 2022) Olías-Molero, Ana Isabel; Botías, Pedro; Cuquerella Ayensa, Montserrat; García-Cantalejo, Jesús; Barcia Hernández, Emilia María; Torrado Durán, Susana; Torrado Durán, Juan José; Alunda Rodríguez, José María
    Background: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most severe form of all leishmanial infections and is caused by infection with protozoa of Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum. This parasitic disease occurs in over 80 countries and its geographic distribution is on the rise. Although the interaction between the intestinal microbiome and the immune response has been established in several pathologies, it has not been widely studied in leishmaniasis. The Syrian hamster is the most advanced laboratory model for developing vaccines and new drugs against VL. In the study reported here, we explored the relationship between the intestinal microbiome and infection with L. infantum in this surrogate host. Methods: Male Syrian hamsters (120–140 g) were inoculated with 108 promastigotes of a canine-derived L. infantum strain or left as uninfected control animals. Infection was maintained for 19 weeks (endpoint) and monitored by an immunoglobulin G (IgG) enyzme-linked immunosorbent assay throughout the experiment. Individual faecal samples, obtained at weeks 16, 18 and 19 post-inoculation, were analysed to determine the 16S metagenomic composition (the operational taxonomic units [OTUs] of the intestinal microbiome and the comparison between groups were FDR (false discovery rate)-adjusted). Results: Leishmania infantum infection elicited moderate clinical signs and lesions and a steady increase in specific anti-Leishmania serum IgG. The predominant phyla (Firmicutes + Bacteriodetes: >90%), families (Muribaculaceae + Lachnospiraceae + Ruminococcaceae: 70–80%) and genera found in the uninfected hamsters showed no significant variations throughout the experiment. Leishmania infantum infection provoked a slightly higher—albeit non-significant—value for the Firmicutes/Bacteriodetes ratio but no notable differences were found in the relative abundance or diversity of phyla and families. The microbiome of the infected hamsters was enriched in CAG-352, whereas Lachnospiraceae UCG-004, the [Eubacterium] ventriosum group and Allobaculum were less abundant. Conclusions: The lack of extensive significant differences between hamsters infected and uninfected with L. infantum in the higher taxa (phyla, families) and the scarce variation found, which was restricted to genera with a low relative abundance, suggest that there is no clear VL infection-intestinal microbiome axis in hamsters. Further studies are needed (chronic infections, co-abundance analyses, intestinal sampling, functional analysis) to confirm these findings and to determine more precisely the possible relationship between microbiome composition and VL infection.