Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo

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Hernández Vallejo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

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    Project number: 281
    Enseñanza no presencial de la asignatura patología bucal a través de la presentación de artículos científicos en inglés
    (2018) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Casañas Gil, Elizabeth; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Serrano Valle, Julia; De Pedro Herráez, Miguel
    Elaboración de un dossier de artículos en Inglés en relación a cada unidad temática de la asignatura Patología Médica Bucal. Los artículos se presentarán al alumnado tras la clase magistral de cada área temática para fomentar la docencia “no presencial”.
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    Project number: 195
    Realización de folletos informativos acerca de la patología de la mucosa oral para informar a pacientes y profesionales sanitarios
    (2019) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Somacarrera Pérez, María Luisa; López Sánchez, Antonio Francisco; González Serrano, José; Casañas Gil, Elizabeth; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Serrano Valle, Julia; De Pedro Herráez, Miguel
    Elaboración de folletos informativos acerca de la patología de la mucosa oral más relevante para informar a pacientes y colectivos médico-sanitarios. El trabajo será realizado por los alumnos de la asignatura Patología Médica Bucal de tercer curso de Odontología. Los trípticos se realizarán para fomentar la docencia “no presencial” y el tipo de trabajo será de aprendizaje por proyectos. Este trabajo comprometerá al alumno emocional y afectivamente con su aprendizaje ya que ayudará a diagnosticar y tratar de forma temprana dichas patologías. Los alumnos de la asignatura Medicina Bucal realizarán folletos acerca de la Patología de la Mucosa Oral para informar a pacientes y colectivos sanitarios. Se fomentará la docencia no presencial, el tipo de trabajo será de aprendizaje por proyectos
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    Distinct Expression and Clinical Significance of Zinc Finger AN-1-Type Containing 4 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2018) Suárez-Canto, Julián; Suárez-Sánchez, Faustino; Domínguez-Iglesias, Francisco; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; García Pedrero, Juana; de Vicente, Juan
    Zinc finger AN1-type containing 4 (ZFAND4) has emerged as a promising prognostic marker and predictor of metastasis for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, further validation is fundamental before clinical implementation. Hence, this study evaluated the expression pattern of ZFAND4 protein expression by immunohistochemistry using an independent cohort of 125 patients with OSCC, and correlations with the clinicopathologic parameters and disease outcome. Remarkably, ZFAND4 expression, while negligible in normal epithelium, exhibited two distinct expression patterns in tumors that did not overlap. A gross granular staining was characteristic of the undifferentiated cells at the invasive front of tumors, whereas the most differentiated cells located at the center of the tumor nests showed diffuse non-granular staining. ZFAND4 staining was higher in undifferentiated than in differentiated areas of tumors. High ZFAND4 expression in differentiated cells was significantly associated to well-differentiated (p = 0.04) and non-recurrent tumors (p = 0.04), whereas ZFAND4 expression in undifferentiated cells correlated with tumor location (p = 0.005). No correlations between the ZFAND4 expression and patient survival were found. These data question the clinical relevance of ZFAND4 expression as a prognostic biomarker in OSCC, and also reveal distinct ZFAND4 expression patterns depending on the differentiation areas of tumors that should be evaluated separately.
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    Project number: 276
    Development of a program of radiopaque lesions images via radiographic cases for active learning in oral medicine
    (2016) Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Ortega Aranegui, Ricardo; Paredes Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel; Casañas Gil, Elisabeth; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De
    Through the creation of this project in English, we have made a file of radiographic images that will be used by third year dental students in order to improve the practical teaching part of the subject of Oral Medicine, essentially by incorporating these files to the Virtual Campus. We have selected the most representative radiopaque radiographic images studied in pathology lectures given. We have prepared a file with 59 radiopaque radiographic images. These lesions have been divided according to their relationship and number with the tooth, into the following groups: “Anatomic radiopacities”, “Periapical radiopacities”, “Solitary radiopacities not necessarily contacting teeth”,“Multiple separate radiopacities”, and “Generalized radiopacities”. We created 4 flowcharts synthesizing the mayor explanatory bases of each pathological process in relation to other pathologies within each location. We have focused primarily in those clinical and radiographic features that can help us differentiate one pathology from another. We believe that by giving the student a knowledge base through each flowchart, as well as provide clinical cases, will start their curiosity to seek new cases on the Internet or try to look for images that we have not been able to locate due to low frequency. In addition, as this project has been done in English, it will provide the students with necessary tools to do a literature search, as most of the medical and dental literature is in English; thus far, providing the student with this material necessary to make the appropriate searched using keywords in English.
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    Clinical and radiographic outcomes of allogeneic block grafts for maxillary lateral ridge augmentation: A randomized clinical trial
    (Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2019) González Fernández-Tresguerres, Francisco; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Cabrejos Azama, Jatsue; Tamimi, Faleh; Torres García Denche, Jesús
    Abstract Background: A main drawback of bone block graft surgery is the resorption occurring in early stages of healing. To our knowledge, there are no studies comparing out- comes of freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) blocks with different architecture. Purpose: The aim of this work was to investigate different factors that can affect graft resorption and to compare the resorption rates of two different types of alloge- neic blocks, corticocancellous and cancellous. Materials and Methods: A randomized clinical trial was designed. Twenty-eight patients referred for onlay bone augmentation prior to implant placement were included in the study. Preoperative computerized tomography (CT) was taken for all patients. Patients received FDBA blocks of either cancellous or corticocancellous bone obtained from the iliac crest. After a 4-month follow-up, postoperative CT was taken. Then, another surgery was performed, with the purpose to place dental implants. The aforementioned groups were compared for bone resorption and implant outcome using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and repeated ANOVA mea- sures, respectively. Demographic data, trabecular bone density, and graft sites were also analyzed. Results: A total of 93 implants were placed in the augmented bone sites over 28 patients. A 100% survival rate was achieved during a mean follow-up period of 24 months in both groups. Higher bone resorption rate was found with cancellous bone grafts (29.2%±2.6) compared with corticocancellous grafts (19.3%±2.3). Moreover, higher resorption rates in patients with lower bone density (<185 Houns- field Units) (31.7% ± 3.1) and smokers (26.39% ± 2.3) were observed when compared with patients with higher bone density (>185 Hounsfield Units) (16.8% ± 2.1) and nonsmokers (22.1% ± 2.3), respectively. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, these findings indicate that both corticocancellous and cancellous FDBA grafts constitute a clinical acceptable alterna- tive for bone reconstruction, although cancellous grafts present higher resorption rates. Moreover, host factors such as patient's low bone density and smoking habits may also increase graft resorption rates.
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    Project number: 316
    Elaboración de un programa de imágenes de lesiones radiotransparentes mediante casos Radiográficos para el aprendizaje activo en medicina oral.
    (2015) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Ortega Aranegui, Ricardo; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De
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    Implant treatment in pharmacologically immunosuppressed liver transplant patients: A prospective‐controlled study
    (Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2017) Paredes Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Torres García Denche, Jesús; de Vicente, Juan Carlos; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo
    Abstract Objectives: The main objective of this prospective study was to evaluate the long-term outcome of implant therapy in liver transplant patients (LTP). The secondary goal was to assess several implant- and patient-dependent variables, such as peri-implantitis (PI), peri- implant mucositis (PIM), bone loss (BL), and immediate postoperative complications. Material and methods: Two groups, including 16 pharmacologically immunosup- pressed LTP and 16 matched controls, received 52 and 54 implants, respectively, be- tween 1999 and 2008. After evaluating the postoperative healing, a mean follow-up of more than 8 years was carried out, and radiographic, clinical, and periodontal pa- rameters were recorded to evaluate implant survival and implant- and patient- dependent outcomes. Results: The early postsurgical complications were similar in both groups. Implant sur- vival rate was 100% in the LTP group and 98.15% in the CG. PIM was diagnosed in 35.42% of the implants and 64.29% of the patients of LTP group (LTPG) and in 43.40% of the implants and 56.25% of the patients in the CG. PI was detected in 4.17% of the implants and 7.10% of the patients in the LTPG and in 9.43% of the implants and 18.80% of the patients in the CG. Conclusion: Pharmacologically immunosuppression in liver transplant patients was not a risk factor for implant failure, nor for the incidence of peri-implant diseases. Liver transplant is not a contraindication for dental implant treatment, although these pa- tients should be carefully monitored during follow-up care.
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    Project number: 159
    Development of a program of mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesions imaging via radiographic cases for active learning in oral medicine
    (2017) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Ortega Aranegui, Ricardo; Paredes Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Casañas Gil, Elisabeth; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucia; Serrano Valle, Julia
    A través del presente proyecto se ha creado un fichero de imágenes radiográficas mixtas (radiopacas-radiolucidas) que serán utilizadas por los alumnos del tercer curso de Grado de la asignatura Medicina Bucal a fin de mejorar la enseñanza práctica del apartado lesiones radiográficas de los maxilares. Dichos ficheros se incorporarán al Campus Virtual para que el alumno pueda hacer uso de ellos. La elaboración de un fichero de estas características ha exigido en primer lugar la selección de las imágenes radiográficas mixtas de los maxilares más representativas. Se han seleccionado 43 imágenes radiográficas mixtas que se han clasificado en “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque periapical lesions” (15 imágenes), “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque pericoronal lesions” (8 imágenes) y “Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque lesions not necessarily contacting teeth“ ( 20 imágenes). Se han realizado 4 flowchart (el tercer grupo se subdividió en dos) para esquematizar las lesiones mixtas más frecuentes con sus características clínicas y radiográficas más habituales. Dichos flowchart ayudarán al alumno a poder llegar al diagnóstico de las lesiones de los casos clínicos seleccionados, cuya historia clínica también se ha reflejado. Todo el trabajo se ha realizado en dos idiomas inglés y español, que ayudará a los alumnos a aprender el vocabulario en inglés relacionado con el tema. Además, facilitará la comprensión de los alumnos de otras nacionalidades que pueden acudir a nuestra facultad y ayudará a los alumnos de la UCM que acuden a otras universidades Europeas o Americanas.