García Durán, Carmen

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García Durán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Microbiología y Parasitología
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    Distinct Human Gut Microbial Taxonomic Signatures Uncovered With Different Sample Processing and Microbial Cell Disruption Methods for Metaproteomic Analysis
    (Frontiers in microbiology, 2021) García Durán, Carmen; Martínez López, Raquel María; Zapico Megido, Inés; Pérez, Enrique; Romeu Gracia, Eduardo; Arroyo Nombela, Francisco Javier; Hernáez Sánchez, Maria Luisa; Pitarch Velasco, Aída; Monteoliva Díaz, Lucía; Gil, Concha
    The use of metaproteomics for studying the human gut microbiota can shed light on the taxonomic profile and the functional role of the microbial community. Nevertheless, methods for extracting proteins from stool samples continue to evolve, in the pursuit of optimal protocols for moistening and dispersing the stool sample and for disrupting microbial cells, which are two critical steps for ensuring good protein recovery. Here, we evaluated different stool sample processing (SSP) and microbial cell disruption methods (CDMs). The combination of a longer disintegration period of the stool sample in a tube rotator with sonication increased the overall number of identified peptides and proteins. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, and Euryarchaeota identification was favored by mechanical cell disruption with glass beads. In contrast, the relative abundance of Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Fusobacteria was improved when sonication was performed before bead beating. Tenericutes and Apicomplexa identification was enhanced by moistening the stool samples during processing and by disrupting cells with medium-sized glass beads combined with or without sonication. Human protein identifications were affected by sonication. To test the reproducibility of these gut metaproteomic analyses, we examined samples from six healthy individuals using a protocol that had shown a good taxonomic diversity and identification of proteins from Proteobacteria and humans. We also detected proteins involved in microbial functions relevant to the host and related mostly to specific taxa, such as B12 biosynthesis and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production carried out mainly by members in the Prevotella genus and the Firmicutes phylum, respectively. The taxonomic and functional profiles obtained with the different protocols described in this work provides the researcher with valuable information when choosing the most adequate protocol for the study of certain pathologies under suspicion of being related to a specific taxon from the gut microbiota.