Cobos Díaz, Fernando

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Cobos Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Análisis Matemático Matemática Aplicada
Análisis Matemático
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
  • Item
    On a result of Peetre about interpolation of operator spaces
    (Publicacions Matemàtiques, 2000) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Signes, Teresa
    We establish interpolation formulae for operator spaces that are components of a given quasi-normed operator ideal.
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    Quaternary binary trilinear forms of norm unity
    (Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2006) Bernhardsson, Bo; Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Kühn, Tomas; Mondoc, Daniel; Peetre, Jaak
    So far trilinear forms have mostly been considered in low dimensions, in particular the dimension two (binary) case, and when the ring of scalars K is either the real numbers R or the complex ones C. The main aim in both situations has been to decide when a normalized form has norm unity. Here we consider the case of quaternions, K = H. This note is rather preliminary, and somewhat experimental, where the computer program Mathematica plays a certain role. A preliminary result obtained is that the form has norm unity if and only if the discriminant of a certain 5-dimensional quadratic form has all its principal minors nonnegative. We found also a rather unexpected similarity between the noncommutative case of Hnand the commutative one of R and C.
  • Item
    Logarithmic Interpolation Spaces Between Quasi-Banach Spaces
    (Zeitschrift Fur Analysis Und Ihre Anwendungen, 2007) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Manzano, Antonio; Martinez, Antón
    Let A0 and A1 be quasi-Banach spaces with A0 ,! A1. By means of a direct approach, we show that the interpolation spaces on (A0;A1) generated by the function parameter tµ(1 + j log tj)¡b can be expressed in terms of classical real inter-polation spaces. Applications are given to Zygmund spaces Lp(log L)b(­), Lorentz-Zygmund function spaces and operator spaces de¯ned by using approximation num- bers.
  • Item
    On interpolation of Banach algebras and factorization of weakly compact homomorphisms
    (Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, 2006) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Martínez, Antón
    We show a necessary and sufficient condition on the lattice Γ for the general real method (· , ·)Γ to preserve the Banach-algebra structure. As an application we derive factorization of weakly compact homomorphisms through interpolation properties of weakly compact operators.
  • Item
    On interpolation of Asplund operators
    (Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2005) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Manzano, Antonio; Martínez, Antón
    We study the interpolation properties of Asplund operators by the complex method, as well as by general J - and K-methods.
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    On interpolation of the measure of noncompactness
    (Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics, 2006) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Martínez, Antón
    We revised the known results on interpolation of the measure of noncompactness and we announce a new approach to establishing the interpolation formula for the real method.
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    On Interpolation of Function Spaces by Methods Defined by Means of Polygons
    (Journal of Approximation Theory, 2005) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Martín, Joaquim
    We describe the spaces obtained by applying the interpolation methods associated to polygons to N-tuples of weighted Lp-spaces, N-tuples of classical Lorentz spaces and some other N-tuples of function spaces.
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    On interpolation of strictly singular operators, strictly co-singular operators and related operator ideals
    (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 2000) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Manzano, A.; Martínez, Antón; Matos, P.
    We improve the known results on interpolation of strictly singular operators and strictly co-singular operators in several directions. Applications are given to embeddings between symmetric spaces.
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    On Strictly Singular and Strictly Cosingular Embeddings Between Banach Lattices of Functions
    (Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2002) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Pustylnik, E.
    Let E be a Banach function lattice such that L1[0; 1] ,! E ,! L1[0; 1]. We characterize the strict singularity of the embedding L1[0; 1] ,! E and the strict cosingularity of E ,! L1[0; 1] in terms of functionals de_ned by using characteristic functions.
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    Real Interpolation and Closed Operator Ideals
    (Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2004) Cobos Díaz, Fernando; Fernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz María; Manzano, Antonio; Martínez, Antón
    We investigate the behaviour by general J- and K-methods of certain closed operator ideals. In particular, the results apply to weakly compact operators, Rosenthal operators and Banach–Saks operators.