Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca

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Ayarzagüena Porras
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    The role of climate change and ozone recovery for the future timing of major stratospheric warmings
    (Geophysical Research Letters, 2013) Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Langematz, Ulrike; Meul, Stefanie; Oberländer, Sophie; Abalichin, Janna; Kubin, Anne
    Future changes in the occurrence rates of major stratospheric warmings (MSWs) have recently been identified in chemistry‐climate model (CCM) simulations, but without reaching a consensus, potentially due to the competition of different forcings. We examine future variations in the occurrence rates of MSWs in transient and timeslice simulations of the ECHAM/MESSy atmospheric chemistry (EMAC) CCM, with a focus on the individual effect of different external factors. Although no statistically significant variation is found in the decadal‐mean frequency of MSWs, a shift of their timing toward midwinter is detected in the future. The strengthening of the polar vortex in early winter is explained by recovering ozone levels following the future decrease in ozone‐depleting substances. In midwinter, a stronger dynamical forcing associated with changes in tropical sea surface temperatures will lead to more MSWs, through a similar mechanism that explains the stratospheric response to El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
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    The relevance of the location of blocking highs for stratospheric variability in a changing climate
    (Journal of Climate, 2015) Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Orsolini, Yvan J; Langematz, Ulrike; Abalichin, Janna; Kubin, Anne
    Previous research shows that blocking highs (BHs) influence wintertime polar stratospheric variability through the modulation of the climatological planetary waves (PWs) depending on the BH location. BHs over the Euro-Atlantic sector tend to enhance the upward PW propagation, and those over the northwestern Pacific Ocean tend to reduce it. Future changes are examined in the response of the wave activity flux to the BH location and their relationship with wintertime stratospheric variability in transient simulations of ECHAM/Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC). After it is verified that EMAC can reproduce qualitatively well the geographical dependence of the BH influence on PW activity injection, it is shown that this dependence does not change in the future. However, an eastward shift of the pattern of the BH influence on PW propagation over the Pacific, a farther eastward extension of the pattern over the Atlantic Ocean, and an intensification of the wavenumber-1 component of the interaction between climatological and anomalous waves are detected. Changes in the upper-tropospheric jet and an intensification of the wavenumber-1 climatological wave due to a strengthening of the Aleutian low agree with these variations. The spatial distribution of future BHs preceding extreme polar vortex events is also affected by the slight modifications in the wave activity pattern. Hence, future BHs preceding strong vortex events tend to be more concentrated over the Pacific than in the past, where BHs interfere negatively with wavenumber-1 climatological waves. Future BHs prior to major stratospheric warmings are located in a broader area than in the past, predominantly over an extended Euro-Atlantic sector.
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    On the representation of major stratospheric warmings in reanalyses
    (Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2019) Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Palmeiro Núñez, Froila María; Barriopedro Cepero, David; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; Langematz, Ulrike; Shibata, Kiyotaka
    Major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) represent one of the most abrupt phenomena of the boreal wintertime stratospheric variability, and constitute the clearest example of coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere. A good representation of SSWs in climate models is required to reduce their biases and uncertainties in future projections of stratospheric variability. The ability of models to reproduce these phenomena is usually assessed with just one reanalysis. However, the number of reanalyses has increased in the last decade and their own biases may affect the model evaluation. Here we compare the representation of the main aspects of SSWs across reanalyses. The examination of their main characteristics in the pre- and post-satellite periods reveals that reanalyses behave very similarly in both periods. However, discrepancies are larger in the pre-satellite period compared to afterwards, particularly for the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. All datasets reproduce similarly the specific features of wavenumber-1 and wavenumber-2 SSWs. A good agreement among reanalyses is also found for triggering mechanisms, tropospheric precursors, and surface response. In particular, differences in blocking precursor activity of SSWs across reanalyses are much smaller than between blocking definitions.
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    Elevated stratopause events in the current and a future climate: A chemistry-climate model study
    (Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics, 2021) Scheffler, Janice; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Orsolini, Yvan J.; Langematz, Ulrike
    The characteristics and driving mechanisms of Elevated Stratopause Events (ESEs) are examined in simulations of the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) chemistry-climate model under present and projected climate conditions. ESEs develop after sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) in boreal winter. While the stratopause descends during SSWs, it is reformed at higher altitudes after the SSWs, leading to ESEs in years with a particularly high new stratopause. EMAC reproduces well the frequency and main characteristics of observed ESEs. ESEs occur in 24% of the winters, mostly after major SSWs. They develop in stable polar vortices due to a persistent tropospheric wave forcing leading to a prolonged zonal wind reversal in the lower stratosphere. By wave filtering, this enables a faster re-establishment of the mesospheric westerly jet, polar downwelling and a higher stratopause. We find the presence of a westward-propagating wavenumber-1 planetary wave in the mesosphere following the onset, consistent with in-situ generation by large-scale instability. By the end of the 21st century, the number of ESEs is projected to increase, mainly due to a sinking of the original stratopause after strong tropospheric wave forcing and planetary wave dissipation at lower levels. Future ESEs develop preferably in more intense and cold polar vortices, and tend to be shorter. While in the current climate, planetary wavenumber-2 contributes to the forcing of ESEs, future wave forcing is dominated by wavenumber-1 activity as a result of climate change. Hence, a persistent wave forcing seems to be more relevant for the development of an ESE than the wavenumber decomposition of the forcing.
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    No robust evidence of future changes in major stratospheric sudden warmings: a multi-model assessment from CCMI
    (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018) Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Polvani, Lorenzo M.; Langematz, Ulrike; Akiyoshi, Hideharu; Bekki, Slimane; Butchart, Neal; Dameris, Martin; Deushi, Makoto; Hardiman, Steven C.; Jöckel, Patrick; Klekociuk, Andrew; Marchand, Marion; Michou, Martine; Morgenstern, Olaf; O'Connor, Fiona M.; Oman, Luke D.; Plummer, David A.; Revell, Laura; Rozanov, Eugene; Saint-Martin, David; Scinocca, John; Stenke, Andrea; Stone, Kane; Yamashita, Yousuke; Yoshida, Kohei; Zeng, Guang
    Major mid-winter stratospheric sudden warmings (SSWs) are the largest instance of wintertime variability in the Arctic stratosphere. Because SSWs are able to cause significant surface weather anomalies on intra-seasonal timescales, several previous studies have focused on their potential future change, as might be induced by anthropogenic forcings. However, a wide range of results have been reported, from a future increase in the frequency of SSWs to an actual decrease. Several factors might explain these contradictory results, notably the use of different metrics for the identification of SSWs and the impact of large climatological biases in single-model studies. To bring some clarity, we here revisit the question of future SSW changes, using an identical set of metrics applied consistently across 12 different models participating in the Chemistry–Climate Model Initiative. Our analysis reveals that no statistically significant change in the frequency of SSWs will occur over the 21st century, irrespective of the metric used for the identification of the event. Changes in other SSW characteristics – such as their duration, deceleration of the polar night jet, and the tropospheric forcing – are also assessed: again, we find no evidence of future changes over the 21st century.
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    Tropospheric forcing of the stratosphere: A comparative study of the two different major stratospheric warmings in 2009 and 2010
    (2011) Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Langematz, Ulrike; Serrano Mendoza, Encarnación
    In January 2009 and 2010, two major stratospheric warmings (MSWs) took place in the boreal polar stratosphere. Both MSWs were preceded by nearly the strongest injection of tropospheric wave activity on record since 1958 and their central date was almost coincident. However, the typical external factors that influence the occurrence of MSWs (the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation, sunspot cycle, or El Niño) were dissimilar in the two midwinters: favorable in 2010 but unfavorable in 2009. In this study, the driving mechanisms of these two different MSWs were investigated focusing on the amplification of upward wave activity injection into the stratosphere before the MSW onset. By decomposing the total wave flux injection into contributions from the climatological planetary waves and from deviations from the latter we found clear differences in this amplification between both MSWs. The pre‐MSW period in 2009 was characterized by a peak in the 100 hPa eddy heat flux with a predominance of wave number 2 activity. This was due to strong anomalies associated with Rossby wave packets originating from a deep ridge over the eastern Pacific. In contrast, the amplification of the upward wave propagation prior to the 2010 MSW was equally due to Rossby wave packets and to the interaction between the latter and the climatological waves. This amplification enhanced wave number 1 stationary waves in January 2010, which seemed at least partially due to the 2009/2010 El Niño event. Our results show the relevance of the internal tropospheric variability in generating MSWs, particularly when the external factors do not play any role.