Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca

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Ayarzagüena Porras
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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    Abrupt and persistent atmospheric circulation changes in the North Atlantic under La Niña conditions
    (Weather and Climate Extremes, 2023) García-Burgos, Marina; Gómara Cardalliaguet, Íñigo; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; González Alemán, Juan Jesús; Zurita Gotor, Pablo; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca
    Several recent studies have linked the exceptional North Atlantic and Eurasian atmospheric evolution during late February and March 2018 to the Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) that took place a few weeks earlier. February 2018 was characterized by an abrupt transition from the positive to the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and a subsequent persistence of the negative NAO for several weeks. This paper investigates the contribution of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena to both the 2018 event and a set of 19 identified analogues (including the former) for the period 1959-2022. Evidence is given that La Nin similar to a conditions in the tropical Pacific and upstream North Atlantic cyclones play an important role as a trigger for these events. Ensuing two-way tropospheric-strato-spheric coupling and eddy feedbacks provide extended-range persistence for negative NAO conditions. These results may help improve the prediction of such exceptional events.
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    A Review of ENSO Influence on the North Atlantic. A Non-Stationary Signal
    (Atmosphere, 2016) Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Suárez Moreno, Roberto; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; López Parages, Jorge; Gómara Cardalliaguet, Iñigo; Villamayor Moreno, Julián; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Losada Doval, Teresa; Castaño Tierno, Antonio
    The atmospheric seasonal cycle of the North Atlantic region is dominated by meridional movements of the circulation systems: from the tropics, where the West African Monsoon and extreme tropical weather events take place, to the extratropics, where the circulation is dominated by seasonal changes in the jetstream and extratropical cyclones. Climate variability over the North Atlantic is controlled by various mechanisms. Atmospheric internal variability plays a crucial role in the mid-latitudes. However, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is still the main source of predictability in this region situated far away from the Pacific. Although the ENSO influence over tropical and extra-tropical areas is related to different physical mechanisms, in both regions this teleconnection seems to be non-stationary in time and modulated by multidecadal changes of the mean flow. Nowadays, long observational records (greater than 100 years) and modeling projects (e.g., CMIP) permit detecting non-stationarities in the influence of ENSO over the Atlantic basin, and further analyzing its potential mechanisms. The present article reviews the ENSO influence over the Atlantic region, paying special attention to the stability of this teleconnection over time and the possible modulators. Evidence is given that the ENSO–Atlantic teleconnection is weak over the North Atlantic. In this regard, the multidecadal ocean variability seems to modulate the presence of teleconnections, which can lead to important impacts of ENSO and to open windows of opportunity for seasonal predictability.