Garre Rubio, José

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Garre Rubio
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Symmetries in topological tensor network states: classification, construction and detection
    (2020) Garre Rubio, José; Pérez García, David; Iblisdir, Sofyan
    The exotic properties which appear in the quantum setting, mainly manifested in strongly-correlated systems, oer potential applications in future technologies. For instance, high-precision measurementsor the new paradigm of a quantum computer. One of the most prominent features of quantum physics is entanglement: the correlationsbetween the parties of a system that cannot be described classically. This property is believed to be the one endowing quantum mechanics its complexity. Therefore, characterizing the entanglement properties of strongly-correlated systems plays a fundamental role for condensed-matter physics. However, this complexity comes hand in hand with a challenge: the number of parameters needed to describe a system grows exponentially with the number of parties in the system. This challengelies at the heart of the mathematical description of quantum mechanics. Such a situation happens naturally in many-body systems and in particular, in condensed-matter physics where the relevant physics appears when considering large systems. Then, how can we deal with this diculty? Thekey observation here is that realistic physical systems are the ones whose parties interact locally and this restricts the entanglement pattern in the low-energy sector (zero temperature). So thequestion is shifted to: Is there a framework that captures states with such entanglement pattern? The answer is yes: tensor network states...