Bañares Morcillo, Luis

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Bañares Morcillo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Física
Química Física
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Halogen-atom effect on the ultrafast photodissociation dynamics of the dihalomethanes CH2 ICl and CH2 BrI
    (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018) Murillo Sánchez, Marta Luisa; Marggi Poullaín, Sonia; Bajo González, Juan José; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; González Vázquez, Jesús; Sola Reija, Ignacio; Bañares Morcillo, Luis
    Real time photodissociation of dihalomethanes has been measured by femtosecond velocity map imaging to disentangle the effect of the halogen-atom on the carbon–iodine cleavage dynamics.
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    Femtosecond XUV induced dynamics of the methyl iodide cation
    (2019) Reitsma, Geert; Murillo Sánchez, Marta Luisa; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Marggi Poullaín, Sonia; González Vázquez, Jesús; Vrakking, Marc J.J.; Bañares Morcillo, Luis; Kornilov, Oleg; Cerullo, G.; Ogilvie, J.; Kärtner, F.; Khalil, M.; Li, R.
    Ultrashort XUV wavelength-selected pulses obtained with high harmonic generation are used to study the dynamics of molecular cations with state-to-state resolution. We demonstrate this by XUV pump - IR probe experiments on CH3I+ cations and identify both resonant and non-resonant dynamics.
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    Velocity Map Imaging and Theoretical Study of the Coulomb Explosion of CH3I under Intense Femtosecond IR Pulses
    (The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011) Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Gitzinger, Gregory; González Vázquez, Jesús; Loriot, Vincent; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Bañares Morcillo, Luis
    The Coulomb explosion of CH3Iinanintense(10 100 TW cm 2),ultrashort (50 fs) and nonresonant (804 nm) laserfield has been studied ex-perimentally and justified theoretically. Ion imageshave been recorded using thevelocity map imaging (VMI) technique for different singly and multiply charged ionfragments, CH3p+(p=1)andIq+(qe3), arising from different Coulomb explosionchannels. The fragment kinetic energy distributions obtained from the measuredimages for these ion fragments show significantly lower energies than those expectedconsidering only Coulomb repulsion forces. The experimental results have beenrationalized in terms of one-dimensional wave packet calculations on ab initiopotential energy curves of the different multiply charged species. The calculationsreveal the existence of a potential energy barrier due to a bound minimum in thepotential energy curve of the CH3I2+species and a strong stabilization with respect tothe pure Coulombic repulsion for the higher charged CH3In+(n=3,4)species.
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    Dynamic Stark shift of the 3R1 Rydberg state of CH3I
    (2013) Balerdi Villanueva, Garikoitz; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Gitzinger, Gregory; González Vázquez, Jesús; Sola Reija, Ignacio; Loriot, Vicent; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Bañares Morcillo, Luis; Chergui, M.; Taylor, A.; Cundiff, S.; Vivie-Riedle, R. de; Yamagouchi, K.
    Stark shift of the 3R1 Rydberg state of CH3I is measured for different Stark field intensities. Photodissociation products, generated after predissociation of the state, were detected when the molecules were excited with photons resonant with the energy difference between the ground and the shifted 3R1 state, allowing the shift to be quantified. Qualitative agreement has been found with a 1D model.
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    Femtosecond XUV induced dynamics of the methyl iodide cation
    (2019) Reitsma, Geert; Murillo Sánchez, Marta Luisa; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Marggi Poullaín, Sonia; González Vázquez, Jesús; Vrakking, Marc ; Bañares Morcillo, Luis; Kornilov, Oleg
    Ultrashort XUV wavelength-selected pulses obtained with high harmonic generation are used to study the dynamics of molecular cations with state-to-state resolution. We demonstrate this by XUV pump - IR probe experiments on CH3I+ cations and identify both resonant and non-resonant dynamics.
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    Femtochemistry under scrutiny: Clocking state-resolved channels in the photodissociation of CH3I in the A-band
    (The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020) Murillo Sánchez, Marta Luisa; González Vázquez, Jesús; Corrales Castellanos, María Eugenia; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Martínez Núñez, Emilio; García Vela, Alberto; Bañares Morcillo, Luis
    Clocking of electronically and vibrationally state-resolved channels of the fast photodissociation of CH3I in the A-band is re-examined in a combined experimental and theoretical study. Experimentally, a femtosecond pump-probe scheme is employed in the modality of resonant probing by resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of the methyl fragment in different vibrational states and detection through fragment velocity map ion (VMI) imaging as a function of the time delay. We revisit excitation to the center of the A-band at 268 nm and report new results for excitation to the blue of the band center at 243 nm. Theoretically, two approaches have been employed to shed light into the observations: first, a reduced dimensionality 4D nonadiabatic wavepacket calculation using the potential energy surfaces by Xie et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 1009 (2000)]; and second, a full dimension 9D trajectory surface-hopping calculation on the same potential energy surfaces, including the quantization of vibrational states of the methyl product. In addition, high level ab initio electronic structure calculations have been carried out to describe the CH3 3pz Rydberg state involved in the (2 + 1) REMPI probing process, as a function of the carbon-iodine (C–I) distance. A general qualitative agreement is obtained between experiment and theory, but the effect of methyl vibrational excitation in the umbrella mode on the clocking times is not well reproduced. The theoretical results reveal that no significant effect on the state-resolved appearance times is exerted by the nonadiabatic crossing through the conical intersection present in the first absorption band. The vibrationally state resolved clocking times observed experimentally can be rationalized when the (2 + 1) REMPI probing process is considered. None of the other probing methods applied thus far, i.e., multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy, soft X-ray inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy, VUV single-photon ionization, and XUV core-to-valence transient absorption spectroscopy, have been able to provide quantum state-resolved (vibrational) clocking times. More experiments would be needed to disentangle the fine details in the clocking times and dissociation dynamics arising from the detection of specific quantum-states of the molecular fragments.
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    Structural dynamics effects on the ultrafast chemical bond cleavage of a photodissociation reaction
    (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014) Corrales Castellanos, Maria Eugenia; Loriot, Vincent; Balerdi Villanueva, Garikoitz; González Vázquez, Jesús; Nalda Míguez, Rebeca de; Bañares Morcillo, Luis; Zewail, Ahmed
    The correlation between chemical structure and dynamics has been explored in a series of molecules with increasing structural complexity in order to investigate its influence on bond cleavage reaction times in a photodissociation event. Femtosecond time-resolved velocity map imaging spectroscopy reveals specificity of the ultrafast carbon–iodine (C–I) bond breakage for a series of linear (unbranched) and branched alkyl iodides, due to the interplay between the pure reaction coordinate and the rest of the degrees of freedom associated with the molecular structure details. Full-dimension time-resolved dynamics calculations support the experimental evidence and provide insight into the structure–dynamics relationship to understand structural control on time-resolved reactivity