Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Pérez Rivas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Design and Content Validation using Expert Opinions of an Instrument Assessing the Lifestyle of Adults: The ‘PONTE A 100’ Questionnaire
    (Healthcare, 2023) Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Jennifer Jiménez-González; Marianela Bayón Cabeza; Susana Belmonte Cortés; Marta de Diego Díaz-Plaza; Julia Domínguez-Bidagor; David García-García; Juana Gómez Puente; Tomás Gómez-Gascón
    Lifestyle, a major determinant of health status, comprises a number of habits and behaviours that form a part of daily life. People with healthy lifestyles have a better quality of life, suffer less disease, and have a longer life expectancy. This work reports the design and content validation of a questionnaire—the ‘PONTE A 100’ questionnaire—assessing the lifestyle of adults. This collects information across five dimensions—‘Eating Habits’, ‘Physical Activity’, ‘Smoking and use of Alcohol and other Drugs’, ‘Emotional Wellbeing’, and ‘Safety and Non-intentional Injuries’—via the answering of a total 33 items. Psychometric validation of the instrument’s content was obtained via expert opinions. This was performed by two rounds of assessment and involved 34 experts representing different health science disciplines (mean experience, 27.4 ± 9.4 years). At the end of each round, adjustments were made according to their recommendations. Agreement between the experts was examined using the Aiken V test. A final V value of 0.95 (95% CI, 0.90–1.00) was obtained for the questionnaire as a whole, highlighting the validity of its content. The questionnaire would therefore appear to be an appropriate instrument for assessing the lifestyle of adults.
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    Attitude towards Vaccination among Health Science Students before the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Vaccines, 2021) Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Gallego Lastra, Ramón del; Esteban Garcimartín, Ana; Marques-Vieira, Cristina Maria Alves; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia
    Health science students are tomorrow’s health professionals, the duties of whom could include vaccination. This work examines the general attitude towards vaccination in students attending the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Chiropody at a university in Madrid, Spain, using the ‘Attitudes and Behaviour With Regard To Vaccination Among Health Science Students Questionnaire’. The results were subjected to multivariate analysis to identify the influence of sex, the degree being pursued, and ‘course year’. The number of students vaccinated against influenza in the campaign preceding the present study was also recorded, as were the factors that influenced decision-making in this regard. A total of 934 students completed the questionnaire. Their beliefs regarding vaccination were positive (mean score 3.23 points out of 4), as was their behaviour (3.35/4). Their general attitude (all variables taken together) was therefore also good (3.27/4). Only 26.8% of the students had been vaccinated against influenza. Beliefs scores among the students of nursing in their more senior course years were significantly better than those recorded for all other groups. These students also showed the best general attitude towards vaccination and formed the largest group vaccinated against influenza. The results obtained are encouraging since nursing students are the most likely of future healthcare professionals to be involved in vaccination programmes.
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    Flu Vaccination Coverage and Predictors of Non-Vaccination in Military Health Corps Personnel 2016–2017 and 2019–2021
    (Vaccines, 2022) Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Wärnberg, Julia; Fuentes Mora, Carlos; Ballester Orcal, Lucía Elena; Gómez Crespo, Jose Manuel; López López, Candelas; Domínguez Fernández, Silvia; Rico Blázquez, Milagros; Pérez Farinós, Napoleón
    (1) Background: Vaccination is the most effective intervention to control seasonal influenza morbidity and mortality. The present study aimed to determine the influenza vaccination coverage in the Military Health Corps personnel in the 2020–2021 season, as well as the time trend and the possible influence of the pandemic on coverage, in order to study the reasons that led to the non-vaccination of health professionals and to analyze adverse drug reactions (ADRs). (2) Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted from February to May 2021. All FAS CMS personnel were included. A self-administered questionnaire was sent by e-mail to the selected personnel. (3) Results: Vaccination coverage in the 2016–2017 season was 15.8% (n = 276), in the 2019–2020 season it was 17.41% (n = 424), and in the 2020–2021 season it was 24.22% (n = 590). The percentage of vaccinated men was higher than the percentage of women. In 2019 and 2020 the most vaccinated group was 31–40 years old. Lieutenants had the highest vaccination uptake in 2019 and 2020. The personnel with the highest uptake of vaccines were those in the specialty of nursing in each of 2016, 2019 and 2020, with >30 years of time worked in 2016. In terms of factors leading to refusal of vaccination, the most reported was “not considered a risk group” (23.0%), and the least reported was “avoidance of vaccine administration” (2.2%). Eighty individuals presented adverse reactions after vaccine administration (9.6%). (4) Conclusions: The rate of influenza vaccination among healthcare professionals was lower during the 2020 season compared to the previous season, but was expected to increase in the upcoming 2021 season.
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    Project number: 230
    Integración de herramientas digitales y técnicas de grupo para dinamizar las clases de la asignatura de Enfermería Comunitaria
    (2023) Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Martín García, Angel; López López, Candelas; Carretero Julián, Laura; Alcolea Ruiz, Nuria; Sancho Centeno, Jesús; Rico Blázquez, Milagros
    El patrón de adquisición del conocimiento está cambiando. En la actualidad se propone un modelo centrado en el aprendizaje, en el que no se trata solo de enseñar una materia sino de enseñar a aprender. En este contexto el profesor pasa a ser un facilitador del aprendizaje. En este modelo, trabajar con dinámicas de grupo e incorporar herramientas digitales contribuyen a que la experiencia de aprendizaje resulte más gratificante y exitosa. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es fomentar la utilización de modelos de aprendizaje activos por parte de los profesores de la asignatura de Enfermería Comunitaria II del grado de Enfermería, incorporando dinámicas de grupo y herramientas digitales. Durante el primer semestre del curso académico 2022/23 los profesores de la asignatura se formaron en este modelo de aprendizaje, elaboraron fichas docentes incorporando alguna dinámica de grupo y herramientas digitales y desarrollaron las actividades docentes según la metodología descrita en las fichas. Finalmente se llevó a cabo un proceso de evaluación de la experiencia tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores. Al 87% de los alumnos, las dinámicas de grupo utilizadas por los profesores les han parecido interesantes y el 84,8% considera que han contribuido a alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje. Del mismo modo, al 89,1% también le ha parecido que la utilización de herramientas digitales ha resultado muy interesante y un 80,4% señala que también han ayudado a alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje. En el caso de los docentes, el 100% considera que tanto las dinámicas en grupo realizadas como el uso de las herramientas digitales han resultado interesantes para los alumnos y han contribuido a alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje. Las actividades desarrolladas en este proyecto han contribuido a crear un clima adecuado en el aula para que el aprendizaje sea más efectivo y de calidad potenciando el trabajo colaborativo y la cohesión del grupo.
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    Metodología enfermera. Lenguajes estandarizados. 2ª edición
    (2023) Gallego Lastra, Ramón Del; López Romero, María Antonia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Diz Gómez, Jorge; Royo Moreno, Fernando María; Moreno Pimentel, Antonio Gabriel; Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo; Castro Molina, Francisco Javier; Martín Casañas, Elisa Vanessa; García Acosta, Jesús Manuel; Sancho Centeno, Jesús; Gallego Lastra, Ramón Del; López Romero, María Antonia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Diz Gómez, Jorge
    La 2ª edición del libro de Metodología de la práctica enfermera. Lenguajes estandarizados es una obra que cubre los contenidos de esta asignatura de primer curso del grado en Enfermería donde se enseña la metodología enfermera y su aplicación clínica. Los ocho primeros capítulos abordan el estudio teórico de juicio clínico enfermero y el análisis pormenorizado de cada una de sus etapas: la valoración del paciente, el diagnóstico enfermero, la planificación de los cuidados, la ejecución del plan y la evaluación del proceso y de los resultados clínicos. En coherencia con la legislación vigente en materia de documentación clínica el modelo de valoración en la que los autores hemos basado esta obra son los Patrones Funcionales de Salud (PFS) de Marjory Gordon y los lenguajes en los que se expresan los diagnósticos, los criterios de resultados y las intervenciones enfermeras son la NANDA, la NOC y la NIC, respectivamente. En el resto de la obra se presenta la aplicación práctica de la metodología enfermera describiendo la valoración enfermera del paciente, patrón por patrón, y la resolución de algunos de los problemas principales que se encuentra el profesional de enfermería generalista en la práctica clínica. Esta obra es el fruto de la larga experiencia docente y asistencial de los autores. Está adaptada a las necesidades académicas de los estudiantes de primero de Enfermería, pero consideramos que puede ser útil para el resto de los estudiantes de la titulación en la preparación de sus casos clínicos que tendrán que resolver en el transcurso de varias asignaturas de su currículum, así como en las prácticas clínicas de la carrera. Esperamos contribuir a la enseñanza de la metodología enfermera y acercarla de manera amigable a la práctica clínica.
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    Evaluation of the use of a nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls in the Community of Madrid (Spain) Primary Care System
    (International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 2023) Domínguez Fernández, Silvia; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier
    Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls in Primary Care System of the Community of Madrid. Methods A retrospective review of the clinical histories was carried out in 262 health centers from January 2005 to December 2015. The study population are the patients who have recorded in their electronic health record the nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls. Findings Frequency of use of the Risk for Falls ND in the Community of Madrid was 53,340 diagnoses, increasing from 650 nursing diagnosis in 2005 to 14,695 in 2015. NOC Nursing Outcomes total identified were 109,145, which represents an average of 2.05 NOC Nursing Outcomes per diagnosis. NOC Nursing Outcomes frequently appeared as follows: Fall Prevention Behavior (35.9%), Safe Home Environment (11.3%), and Risk Control (10.5%). NIC Nursing Interventions total identified were 104,293, representing an average of 1.96 NIC nursing interventions per diagnosis. NIC Nursing Interventions frequently appeared as follows: Fall Prevention (45.9%), Environmental Management: Safety (27%), and Risk Identification (5.8%). Conclusions Nursing diagnosis of Risk for Falls and the care process related to this diagnosis is starting to be used by the primary care nurses of the Community of Madrid. Implication for nursing practice Risk factors related to the nursing diagnosis of risk for falls identified in our study can be addressed with activities that nurses must implement to prevent falls. Nursing methodology in general and specifically the diagnosis of risk for falls must be included in guides and protocols for the prevention of falls, and its use should be promoted by primary care nurses.
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    Attitudes and Behaviors towards Vaccination in Portuguese Nursing Students
    (Vaccines, 2023) Alves Marques-Vieira, Cristina Maria; Dias Domingues, Tiago; Dutra Tholl, Adriana; Gonçalves Nitschke, Rosane; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Roquette Viana, Maria Clara
    Knowing the attitudes and behaviors of nursing students in relation to vaccination is important because they will soon be determinant for the health literacy of the population. Vaccination remains the most effective response in the fight against communicable diseases, including COVID-19 and influenza. The objective of this study is to analyze the attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese nursing students with regard to vaccination. A cross-sectional study was carried out, with data collection from nursing students at a university in Lisbon, Portugal. A sample of 216 nursing students was obtained, representing 67.1% of the students enrolled in this university. What stands out from the results of the questionnaire “Attitudes and Behaviors in Relation to Vaccination among Students of Health Sciences” is that for the majority of students the answers were positive; in addition, 84.7% had a completed vaccination schedule for COVID-19. Being a nursing student, being in the final years of the course and being a woman are the factors that most influence the positive attitude of the students. The results obtained are motivating, because these students will be the future health professionals most likely to integrate health promotion programs through vaccination.
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    'Learning by doing', a model for improving the promotion of healthy lifestyles by student nurses
    (BMC Nursing, 2023) Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Milagros Rico-Blázquez; Candelas López-López; Silvia Domínguez-Fernández; José Luis Cobos-Serrano; María Julia Ajejas Bazán
    Background 'Learning by doing' is a learning model based on performing actions and gaining experience. The 'nursing process' is a systematic, rational method for providing nursing care. During their university education, nursing students need to acquire the ability to promote healthy lifestyles. Objective To determine the effectiveness of a learning strategy based on learning by doing and grounded in the use of the nursing process, on the lifestyle of nursing students. Methods This quasi-experimental intervention (before-after), performed over 2011–2022, involved 2300 nursing students at a university nursing school in Spain. The risk factors for chronic diseases—being a smoker, being overweight, or having high blood pressure—to which each student was exposed were recorded. Those positive for at least one risk factor selected companion students as 'support nursing students' who became responsible for designing an individualised care plan to reduce the risk(s) faced. To ensure the correct use of the nursing process, teachers approved and monitored the implementation of the care plans. Whether risk-reduction objectives were met was determined three months later. Results The students with risk factors largely improved their lifestyles (targets for reducing smoking/body weight were met) with the help of their supporting peers. Conclusions The learning by doing method demonstrated its effectiveness, improving the lifestyle of at-risk students via the use of the nursing process.
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    Health Literacy and Its Sociodemographic Predictors: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Population in Madrid (Spain)
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) García-García, David; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier
    Background: Health literacy enhances a population’s self-care capacity and helps to reduce health inequalities. This work examines the health literacy of a population attending primary care services and explores its relationship with sociodemographic factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study, conducted at a healthcare center in the Madrid region (Spain), involved adult patients requiring primary care nursing services. One hundred and sixty-six participants were recruited via systematic random sampling. Health literacy was measured using the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ). Results: The studied population showed higher health literacy scores for literacy dimensions 1 (feeling understood and supported by healthcare providers) and 4 (social support for health); the lowest scores were recorded for dimensions 5 (appraisal of health information) and 8 (ability to find good health information). People with a better perceived health status showed a higher level of health literacy. People over 65 years of age, those with an incomplete secondary education, and those who were unemployed returned lower scores for several literacy dimensions. Conclusions: The results contribute to our understanding of the factors that influence health literacy. Identifying the areas in which patients show the poorest health literacy may help us comprehend their needs and better support them.
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    The Attitude towards Vaccination of Health Sciences Students at a Spanish University Improved over the First 18 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Vaccines, 2022) Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Gallego Lastra, Ramón del; Marques-Vieira, Cristina Maria Alves; López López, Candelas; Domínguez Fernández, Silvia; Rico Blázquez, Milagros; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia
    It is important to know the attitudes of students of health sciences (SHSs) towards vaccination since they will be tomorrow’s health professionals. Vaccination is a powerful tool in the fight against COVID-19. The aim of the present, cross-sectional study was to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the attitude of SHSs towards vaccination. Data were collected in the form of a questionnaire from all students of nursing, physiotherapy and chiropody matriculated at a Madrid University for the academic year 2019/2020 (i.e., before the start of the pandemic [Q1]), and from all those matriculated for the year 2021/22 (i.e., c18 months after the pandemic was declared [Q2]). A multivariate analysis was performed to identify the influence of sex, degree being studied, course year and the time of answering (Q1 or Q2), on the dimensions Beliefs, Behaviours and General Attitude. Overall, 1894 questionnaires were returned (934 [49.3%] for Q1, and 960 [50.7%] for Q2), of which 70.5% were completed by students of nursing, 14% by students of physiotherapy and 15.4% by those studying chiropody. In Q2, the results for all three dimensions were significantly better (p < 0.05). The most important influencing factors were being a student of nursing, being in the final years of training (years 3 or 4), female gender and answering at the time of Q2. The results obtained are encouraging since student nurses (who showed Q1 and Q2 General Attitude scores of 3.34 and 3.47 (maximum possible 4), respectively [p < 0.05]) are the health professionals of tomorrow most likely to be involved in vaccination programmes.