Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Pérez Rivas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología
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    Metodología enfermera. Lenguajes estandarizados. 2ª edición
    (2023) Gallego Lastra, Ramón Del; López Romero, María Antonia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Diz Gómez, Jorge; Royo Moreno, Fernando María; Moreno Pimentel, Antonio Gabriel; Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo; Castro Molina, Francisco Javier; Martín Casañas, Elisa Vanessa; García Acosta, Jesús Manuel; Sancho Centeno, Jesús; Gallego Lastra, Ramón Del; López Romero, María Antonia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Diz Gómez, Jorge
    La 2ª edición del libro de Metodología de la práctica enfermera. Lenguajes estandarizados es una obra que cubre los contenidos de esta asignatura de primer curso del grado en Enfermería donde se enseña la metodología enfermera y su aplicación clínica. Los ocho primeros capítulos abordan el estudio teórico de juicio clínico enfermero y el análisis pormenorizado de cada una de sus etapas: la valoración del paciente, el diagnóstico enfermero, la planificación de los cuidados, la ejecución del plan y la evaluación del proceso y de los resultados clínicos. En coherencia con la legislación vigente en materia de documentación clínica el modelo de valoración en la que los autores hemos basado esta obra son los Patrones Funcionales de Salud (PFS) de Marjory Gordon y los lenguajes en los que se expresan los diagnósticos, los criterios de resultados y las intervenciones enfermeras son la NANDA, la NOC y la NIC, respectivamente. En el resto de la obra se presenta la aplicación práctica de la metodología enfermera describiendo la valoración enfermera del paciente, patrón por patrón, y la resolución de algunos de los problemas principales que se encuentra el profesional de enfermería generalista en la práctica clínica. Esta obra es el fruto de la larga experiencia docente y asistencial de los autores. Está adaptada a las necesidades académicas de los estudiantes de primero de Enfermería, pero consideramos que puede ser útil para el resto de los estudiantes de la titulación en la preparación de sus casos clínicos que tendrán que resolver en el transcurso de varias asignaturas de su currículum, así como en las prácticas clínicas de la carrera. Esperamos contribuir a la enseñanza de la metodología enfermera y acercarla de manera amigable a la práctica clínica.
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    Evaluation of the use of a nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls in the Community of Madrid (Spain) Primary Care System
    (International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 2023) Domínguez Fernández, Silvia; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier
    Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls in Primary Care System of the Community of Madrid. Methods A retrospective review of the clinical histories was carried out in 262 health centers from January 2005 to December 2015. The study population are the patients who have recorded in their electronic health record the nursing diagnosis Risk for Falls. Findings Frequency of use of the Risk for Falls ND in the Community of Madrid was 53,340 diagnoses, increasing from 650 nursing diagnosis in 2005 to 14,695 in 2015. NOC Nursing Outcomes total identified were 109,145, which represents an average of 2.05 NOC Nursing Outcomes per diagnosis. NOC Nursing Outcomes frequently appeared as follows: Fall Prevention Behavior (35.9%), Safe Home Environment (11.3%), and Risk Control (10.5%). NIC Nursing Interventions total identified were 104,293, representing an average of 1.96 NIC nursing interventions per diagnosis. NIC Nursing Interventions frequently appeared as follows: Fall Prevention (45.9%), Environmental Management: Safety (27%), and Risk Identification (5.8%). Conclusions Nursing diagnosis of Risk for Falls and the care process related to this diagnosis is starting to be used by the primary care nurses of the Community of Madrid. Implication for nursing practice Risk factors related to the nursing diagnosis of risk for falls identified in our study can be addressed with activities that nurses must implement to prevent falls. Nursing methodology in general and specifically the diagnosis of risk for falls must be included in guides and protocols for the prevention of falls, and its use should be promoted by primary care nurses.
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    Attitudes and Behaviors towards Vaccination in Portuguese Nursing Students
    (Vaccines, 2023) Alves Marques-Vieira, Cristina Maria; Dias Domingues, Tiago; Dutra Tholl, Adriana; Gonçalves Nitschke, Rosane; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Roquette Viana, Maria Clara
    Knowing the attitudes and behaviors of nursing students in relation to vaccination is important because they will soon be determinant for the health literacy of the population. Vaccination remains the most effective response in the fight against communicable diseases, including COVID-19 and influenza. The objective of this study is to analyze the attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese nursing students with regard to vaccination. A cross-sectional study was carried out, with data collection from nursing students at a university in Lisbon, Portugal. A sample of 216 nursing students was obtained, representing 67.1% of the students enrolled in this university. What stands out from the results of the questionnaire “Attitudes and Behaviors in Relation to Vaccination among Students of Health Sciences” is that for the majority of students the answers were positive; in addition, 84.7% had a completed vaccination schedule for COVID-19. Being a nursing student, being in the final years of the course and being a woman are the factors that most influence the positive attitude of the students. The results obtained are motivating, because these students will be the future health professionals most likely to integrate health promotion programs through vaccination.
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    Factors Influencing eHealth Literacy among Spanish Primary Healthcare Users: Cross-Sectional Study
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) García-García, David; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier
    Background: Adequate eHealth literacy levels empower people to make informed decisions, enhancing their autonomy. The current study assessed a group using primary care services for their eHealth literacy and examined its relationship with sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: Adult patients in need of primary care nursing services participated in this cross-sectional study, which was carried out in a healthcare center in the Madrid region of Spain. Through systematic random sampling, 166 participants were chosen for the study. The eHealth Literacy Questionnaire was used to assess eHealth literacy (eHLQ). Results: The studied population showed higher eHealth literacy scores in dimensions 2 (“understanding of health concepts and language”) and 4 (“feel safe and in control”); the lowest scores were recorded for dimensions 1 (“using technology to process health information”), 3 (“ability to actively engage with digital services”), and 7 (“digital services that suit individual needs”). People with completed secondary education and a better-perceived health status who were younger and employed showed a higher level of eHealth literacy. Conclusions: The findings advance our knowledge of the variables affecting eHealth literacy. We may be able to understand patients’ needs and provide them with greater support if we can pinpoint the areas where they demonstrate the lowest eHealth literacy.
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    Correlation between Health and eHealth Literacy and a Healthy Lifestyle: A Cross-Sectional Study of Spanish Primary Healthcare Patients
    (Healthcare, 2023) García García, David; Pérez Rivas, Francisco Javier; Ajejas Bazán, María Julia
    Background: Health literacy and eHealth literacy play a crucial role in improving a community's ability to take care of themselves, ultimately leading to a reduction in disparities in health. Embracing a healthy way of living is vital in lessening the impact of illnesses and extending one's lifespan. This research delves into the link between the health and eHealth literacy levels of individuals accessing primary healthcare services and investigates how this relates to adopting a health-conscious lifestyle. Methods: The approach involves a cross-sectional examination carried out at a healthcare facility in the Madrid region of Spain, focusing on adult patients who are in need of primary care nursing services. Health and eHealth literacy and a healthy lifestyle were measured using the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ), the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), and the "PA100" questionnaire, respectively. Results: Only some of the dimensions of the HLQ and eHLQ were significantly related to a healthy lifestyle, predominantly with a very low or low relationship. Dimension three of the HLQ and dimension five of the eHLQ acquired more importance and were positioned as positive predictors of a healthy lifestyle. Conclusions: This study helps comprehend the relationship between health and eHealth literacy and a healthy lifestyle, which provides information that contributes to understanding the factors that might have a higher impact on lifestyles.