López Rodríguez, Juan Carlos

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Juan Carlos
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López Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
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Search Results

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    Biophysical and biological impact on the structure and IgE-binding of the interaction of the olive pollen allergen Ole e 7 with lipids
    (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 2020) Oeo-Santos, Carmen; López Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; García Mouton, Cristina; San Segundo Acosta, Pablo; Jurado, Aurora; Moreno-Aguilar, Carmen; García Álvarez, María Begoña; Pérez Gil, Jesús; Villalba Díaz, María Teresa; Barderas Manchado, Rodrigo; Cruz Rodríguez, Antonio
    Ole e 7 allergen from Olea europaea pollen possesses a major clinical relevance because it produces severe symptoms, such as anaphylaxis, in allergic patients exposed to high olive pollen counts. Ole e 7 is a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) characterized by the presence of a tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, which may be suitable for hosting and, thus, transporting lipids -as it has been described for other nsLTPs-. The identification of the primary amino acid sequence of Ole e 7, and its production as a recombinant allergen, allowed characterizing its lipid-binding properties and its effect at air-liquid interfaces. Fluorescence and interferometry experiments were performed using different phospholipid molecular species and free fatty acids to analyse the lipid-binding ability and specificity of the allergen. Molecular modelling of the allergen was used to determine the potential regions involved in lipid interaction. Changes in Ole e 7 structure after lipid interaction were analysed by circular dichroism. Changes in the IgE binding upon ligand interaction were determined by ELISA. Wilhelmy balance measurements and fluorescence surfactant adsorption tests were performed to analyse the surface activity of the allergen. Using these different approaches, we have demonstrated the ability of Ole e 7 to interact and bind to a wide range of lipids, especially negatively charged phospholipids and oleic acid. We have also identified the protein structural regions and the residues potentially involved in that interaction, suggesting how lipid-protein interactions could define the behaviour of the allergen once inhaled at the airways.
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    Beyond allergic progression: From molecules to microbes as barrier modulators in the gut-lung axis functionality
    (Frontiers in Allergy, 2023) Parrón Ballesteros, Jorge; Rubén García Gordo; López Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Olmo López, Nieves; Villalba Díaz, María Teresa; Batanero Cremades, Eva; Turnay Abad, Francisco Javier
    The “epithelial barrier hypothesis” states that a barrier dysfunction can result in allergy development due to tolerance breakdown. This barrier alteration may come from the direct contact of epithelial and immune cells with the allergens, and indirectly, through deleterious effects caused by environmental changes triggered by industrialization, pollution, and changes in the lifestyle. Apart from their protective role, epithelial cells can respond to external factors secreting IL-25 IL-33, and TSLP, provoking the activation of ILC2 cells and a Th2-biased response. Several environmental agents that influence epithelial barrier function, such as allergenic proteases, food additives or certain xenobiotics are reviewed in this paper. In addition, dietary factors that influence the allergenic response in a positive or negative way will be also described here. Finally, we discuss how the gut microbiota, its composition, and microbe-derived metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids, alter not only the gut but also the integrity of distant epithelial barriers, focusing this review on the gut-lung axis.
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    Der p 1‑based immunotoxin as potential tool for the treatment of dust mite respiratory allergy
    (Scientific Reports, 2020) Lázaro‑Gorines, Rodrigo; López Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Benedé Pérez, Sara; González, Miguel; Mayorga, Cristobalina; Vogel, Lothar; Martínez Del Pozo, Álvaro; Lacadena García-Gallo, Francisco Javier; Villalba Díaz, María Teresa
    Immunotoxins appear as promising therapeutic molecules, alternative to allergen-specifcimmunotherapy. In this work, we achieved the development of a protein chimera able to promote specifc cell death on efector cells involved in the allergic reaction. Der p 1 allergen was chosen as cell-targeting domain and the powerful ribotoxin α-sarcin as the toxic moiety. The resultant construction, named proDerp1αS, was produced and purifed from the yeast Pichia pastoris. Der p 1-protease activity and α-sarcin ribonucleolytic action were efectively conserved in proDerp1αS. Immunotoxin impact was assayed by using efector cells sensitized with house dust mite-allergic sera. Cell degranulation and death, triggered by proDerp1αS, was exclusively observed on Der p 1 sera sensitized-humRBL-2H3 cells, but not when treated with non-allergic sera. Most notably, equivalent IgE-binding and degranulation were observed with both proDerp1αS construct and native Der p 1 when using purifed basophils from sensitized patients. However, proDerp1αS did not cause any cytotoxic efect on these cells, apparently due to its lack of internalization after their surface IgEbinding, showing the complex in vivo panorama governing allergic reactions. In conclusion, herein we present proDerp1αS as a proof of concept for a potential and alternative new designs of therapeutic tools for allergies. Development of new, and more specifc, second-generation of immunotoxins following proDerp1αS, is further discussed