Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia

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First Name
Cristina Natalia
Last Name
Bonnin Arias
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Item
    Efecto de la luz: Alternativas de protección ante la luz azul
    (Franja visual, 2019) Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Gutiérrez Jorrín, Sara.; Rodríguez Alonso, Xabier; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    La luz azul comprende la radiación luminosa entre 380 y 500 nm y constituye la banda más energética del espectro visible. La luz azul, además de ser emitida por el sol con altas intensidades, es la base de la luz LED emitida por las pantallas de todo tipo de dispositivos electrónicos utilizados actualmente (smartphones, tablets, ordenadores…). Esta iluminación LED fomenta el cansancio visual, dificultando la visión, produciendo resequedad en los ojos y dolores de cabeza, llegando, incluso, a alterar los ciclos circadianos. Además, numerosas investigaciones han demostrado que, dentro del espectro visible, la luz azul es la más dañina para la retina,pudiendo desembocar, finalmente, en una degeneración macular precoz.
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    IT workers and Computer Vision Syndrome.
    (2019) Rodríguez Alonso, Xabier; Gutiérrez Jorrín, Sara.; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Pérez Carrasco, María Jesús; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    In today's world, the visualization of digital screens has become a large part of daily life at home, at work, during free time and in movement. The use of data visualization terminals (desktop, laptops, tablets and smartphones) has become a universal activity. In fact, a recent report suggests that adults can pass, in average, approximately 8.5 hours per day watching digital screens. Studies suggest that between 64 and 90% of device users experience visual symptoms. These symptoms include visual fatigue, headache, eye discomfort, dry eye, diplopia and blurred vision, either in far or near vision. In this study, the risks of the use of LED screens are evaluated in working age adult population who spend large amounts of time working in front of LED screens.
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    Level of aversion to light of LED- screens according to the interest of visual.
    (2019) Rodríguez Alonso, Xabier; Gutiérrez Jorrín, Sara.; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Panetsos Petrova, Fivos; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    In today's world, the visualization of digital screens has become a large part of daily life at home, at work, during free time and in movement. The use of data visualization terminals (desktop, laptops, tablets and smartphones) has become a universal activity. In fact, a recent report suggests that adults can pass, in average, approximately 8.5 hours per day watching digital screens. Studies suggest that between 64 and 90% of device users experience visual symptoms. These symptoms include visual fatigue, headache, eye discomfort, dry eye, diplopia and blurred vision, either in far or near vision. In this study, the risks of the use of LED screens are evaluated in working age adult population who spend large amounts of time working in front of LED screens.
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    Protección ocular en deportes acuáticos.
    (Franja visual, 2019) Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Rodríguez Alonso, Xabier; Gutiérrez Jorrín, Sara.
    Como de todos es sabido, existen dos tipos de deportes acuáticos, aquellos que se realizan fuera del agua, también llamados deportes náuticos, como el surf, la vela o el piragüismo; y los que se realizan dentro del agua, como la natación, el waterpolo o la natación en aguas abiertas, y por tanto también existen diversas opciones para la protección ocular.