García Moreno, Ana María

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First Name
Ana María
Last Name
García Moreno
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Biodiversidad, Ecología y Evolución
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Project number: 238
    Zoología. Un modelo para la enseñanza no presencial
    (2021) García Moreno, Ana María; Callejas Hervás, Carmen; González Jaén, María Teresa; Martín Ortí, Rosario; Muñoz Araujo, Benito; Outerelo Domínguez, Raimundo; Pardos Martínez, Fernando; Refoyo Román, Pablo Alberto; de La Cruz Orobio, Raúl; González Cánovas, Rosario V.; Ruiz Piña, Eduardo; Cepeda Gómez, Diego; Castelló Fortet, José Ramón; Roca Juncosa, Joan
    Memoria Proyecto de innovación nº 238 curso 2020/21
  • Item
    Project number: 175
    Malacología: recurso educativo en abierto.
    (2018) García Moreno, Ana María; Muñóz Araujo, Benito; González Cánovas, Rosario V.; Ruíz Piña, Eduardo; Outerelo Domínguez, Raimundo; Refoyo Román, Pablo; Pérez González, Sergio; Moreno González De Eiris, Elena; Roca Juncosa, Joan; Castelló Fortet, José Ramón
  • Item
    Factors influencing lead sorption–desorption at variable added metal concentrations in Rhodoxeralfs
    (Chemosphere, 2006) García Moreno, Ana María; González Parra, Juana; Quintana Nieto, José Ramón; Pérez Carreras, María Lourdes
    The response of ten soils of the lithic Rhodoxeralf type to the supply of lead at concentrations of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 mg kg−1 was examined in batch sorption–desorption tests. Lead availability in the soils was found to depend on its partitioning between the soil solution and the solid phase as reflected in adsorption isotherms. The isotherms, of the H type, were consistent with a high affinity of the sorbent for the metal, with which it forms stable inner-sphere complexes on the soil surface. Sorption–desorption tests revealed that some properties of the soils such as their pH (mean = 8) and high contents in clays (particularly in kaolinite) and crystalline iron oxides significantly influence Pb sorption, the effect being especially marked at high added metal concentrations. Added lead is largely retained by crystalline iron oxides and the soil clay fraction; the pH of the soil favours the release of variably-charged sites from both. The extent of Pb desorption was small, particularly at the lowest added levels (500 and 1000 mg kg−1). Desorption increased with increasing added Pb concentration and exceeded 50% at 5000 and 6000 mg kg−1; this suggests that Pb is present not only as inner-sphere complexes, but also as outer-sphere complexes and, partly, as precipitates. The desorption isotherms consist of three segments that exhibit significant differences depending on the added Pb concentration, namely: 500–1000, 2000–4000 and 5000–6000 mg kg−1.
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    Project number: 91
    Aula virtual de entomología
    (2017) García Moreno, Ana María; Ruíz Piña, Eduardo; Hernández de Miguel, José María; Muñoz Araujo, Benito; Refoyo Román, Pablo Alberto; Moreno González De Eiris, Elena; Castelló Fortet, José Ramón; Vázquez Martínez, María Ángeles; Outerelo Domínguez, Raimundo; Ornosa Gallego, Concepción; Romero López, Daniel; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Arillo Aranda, Antonio Gabriel; Tello Fierro, Ana; Acevedo Ramos, Fernando; Pérez González, Sergio; Barriga Bernal, Javier Camilo; Roca Juncosa, Joan
  • Item
    Zoología. Interpretación de modelos arquitectónicos
    (2007) García Moreno, Ana María; Outerelo Domínguez, Raimundo; Benito Salido, Jesús; Buencuerpo Arcas, Valentín Jesús; Fernández Blanco, Isabel; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Parejo Piñón, María Cristina; Pérez Zaballos, Juan Mateo; Ruiz Piña, Eduardo; Hernández de Miguel, José María; Borges, Sonia; Gil Cid, María Dolores
    Descripción de los modelos arquitectónicos de los principales grupos animales.