Jiménez Vilches, Raúl

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Jiménez Vilches
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Didáctica de Lenguas, Artes y Educación Física
Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
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    Genre Pedagogy in teacher education. The impact of incorporating Reading to Learn approach
    (2019) García Parejo, María Isabel; Blanco, Juana; Rodríguez Miñambres, Paloma; Blecua, Isabel; Hernando Velasco, Alicia; Jiménez Vilches, Raúl; Martínez Ezquerro, Aurora; Ahern, Aoife Kathleen; Whittaker, Rachel; Acevedo, Claire
    This poster describes the design and some data from a research project (PR26/16-20348) that evaluates the impact of two teaching innovation projects aimed at providing a group of student teachers with training in the Reading to Learn (R2L) approach (Rose and Martin, 2012), within a Spanish-English bilingual group of the Degree in Primary Education at the Complutense University of Madrid. The innovation projects have been developed in two phases at the School of Education: the first one was oriented towards building shared knowledge about the different discourse genres, in English and Spanish, retrieving, analyzing and classifying school texts written for a variety of educational levels. In a second phase, and through two undergraduate courses (Didáctica de la Lengua and Teaching Literacy in English as a Foreign Language), students have had to design teaching units based on the R2L model for teaching literacy in different genres, languages and disciplinary areas. In addition, the research project explores impact of the training received by the students of the bilingual group who have used the R2L approach when facing different tasks related to teaching reading and writing. We describe the characteristics of the teaching units the students designed, as well as their reflections on, and evaluation of, the experience. The initial results point in two directions: on the one hand, to the difficulties encountered by students when it comes to approaching the different school genres in order to achieve learning aims, both linguistic and disciplinary, in English and Spanish; but on the other hand, the study illustrate the potential of the Genre Pedagogy in teacher education.