Jurado Barba, Rosa

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Jurado Barba
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Básica
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Search Results

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    Resting-state connectivity and network parameter analysis in alcohol-dependent males. A simultaneous EEG-MEG study
    (Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2020) Sion, Ana Mª Alexandra; Bruña Fernández, Ricardo; Martínez Maldonado, Andrés; Domínguez Centeno, Isabel; Torrado-Carvajal, Ángel; Rubio Valladolid, Gabriel; Pereda, Ernesto; Jurado Barba, Rosa
    There is supporting evidence of alcohol negative effects on the brain: neuroimaging and psychophysiological studies finding anatomical and functional connectivity (FC) changes associated with the dependence process. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate brain FC and network characteristics of alcohol-dependent individuals in resting state. For this study, we included males diagnosed with alcohol dependence (N = 25) and a group of healthy individuals (N = 23). Simultaneous EEG-MEG (electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic) activity was recorded in 5 min of eyes-closed resting state. EEG-MEG activity was preprocessed and FC was computed through the leakage-corrected version of phase locking value (ciPLV). Additionally, local (degree, efficiency, clustering) and global (efficiency, characteristic path length) network parameters were computed. Connectivity analysis showed an increase in phase-lagged synchronization, mainly between frontal and frontotemporal regions, in high beta band, and a decrease in interhemispheric gamma, for alcohol-dependent individuals. Network analysis revealed intergroup differences at the local level for high beta, indicating higher degree, clustering, and efficiency, mostly at frontal nodes, together with a decrease in these measures at more posterior sites for patients’ group. The hyper-synchronization in beta, next to the hypo-synchronization in gamma, could indicate an alteration in communication between hemispheres, but also a possible functional compensation mechanism in neural circuits. This could be also supported by network characteristic data, where local alterations in communication are observed.
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    Spanish Validation of the Assessment of Recovery Capital Scale in Clinical Population with Alcohol Use Disorder
    (The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2022) Sión, Ana María Alexandra; Jurado Barba, Rosa; Esteban Rodríguez, Laura; Arias Horcajadas, Francisco; Rubio Valladolid, Gabriel
    Recovery from alcohol use disorder involves achieving certain resources for positive lifestyle changes, well-being, and long-term abstinence. The present study aims to translate and validate the Assessment Capital Recovery (ARC) in a Spanish clinical sample of individuals with alcohol use disorder, in abstinence. The participants were 184 patients who attended outpatient treatments. They were evaluated with the adapted version of the ARC (Spanish abbreviation: “Valoración del Capital de Recuperación, VCR”) and by WHOQOL-BREF (quality of life scale), in one session. Statistical analysis included the calculation of reliability, convergent validity (relationship with WHOQOL-BREF), specificity and sensitivity, as well as validity based on internal structure (confirmatory factor analysis). VCR scores show appropriate values for reliability (α = .90), and a low convergent validity with WHOQOL-BREF (Rho = .33–.53). The VCR appears to distinguish between patients with early and stable sobriety (χ2 = 20.55, p < .01). The ROC curve indicates significant discrimination values (p < .05) for stable recovery (5 years of abstinence) and sensitivity of 85.2% and specificity of 71.2%. Further, confirmatory factor analysis suggests the presence of a single factor, with relatively acceptable values of goodness of fit and factor loadings. We used ULS parameter estimation to study VCR properties, an appropriate tool for assessing recovery in clinical populations of individuals with alcohol use disorder in abstinence.
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    Project number: 343
    Aplicación on-line del método de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos para la enseñanza en alumnos universitarios
    (2021) Río Grande, David del; Castillo Parra, Gabriela; Fernández González, Santiago; Gordillo León, Fernando; Jurado Barba, Rosa; León Mateos, Leticia; López García, María Eugenia; López Sánchez, Ramón; Pacios García, Javier; Ruiz Sánchez De León, José María; Sanz Blasco, Rubén