Martín Puente, Cristina

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Martín Puente
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Filología Clásica
Filología Latina
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  • Item
    El origen latino de algunas denominaciones de gobernante en español
    (Amice benigneque honorem nostrum habes: estudios lingüísticos en homenaje al profesor Benjamín García-Hernández, 2021) Conde Salazar, Matilde; Martín Puente, Cristina; Unceta Gómez, Luis; González Vázquez, Carmen; López Gregoris, Rosario; Martín Rodríguez, Antonio María
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    Origen latino de «en lugar de» y «en vez de»
    (Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 2016) Martín Puente, Cristina; Conde Salazar, Matilde
    The study of prepositional phrases, that is, the linguistic resource that allows to increase the list of prepositions, has become prominent in most modern languages. Their origin, however, is generally neglected. In this paper we will deal with the Latin origins of two Spanish prepositional phrases «en lugar de» and «en vez de» that both mean ‘instead of’, that is, they express the replacement of one entity by another. As we will show in this contribution, the former comes from the Latin expression "in locum/in loco" + genitive, whereas the latter has its origin in "in vicem/in vice" + genitive.