López Carmona, Alicia

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López Carmona
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Petrología y Geoquímica
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    Ordovician metamorphism and magmatism preserved in the Ossa Morena Complex: SHRIMP geochronology, geochemistry and Srsingle bondNd isotopic signatures of the Sierra Albarrana Domain (SW Iberian Massif)
    (Lithos, 2020) Solís Alulima, Byron Ernesto; López Carmona, Alicia; Abati Gómez, Jacobo
    This study integrates SHRIMP Usingle bondPb zircon geochronology and whole-rock and Srsingle bondNd isotope geochemistry data from migmatites and granitic rocks of the Sierra Albarrana Domain. We provide new information on the magmatic and metamorphic events of this domain of the Ossa-Morena Complex. The metasedimentary succession, nowadays corresponding to a migmatite dome, was probably deposited during the Ediacaran and Cambrian. SHRIMP Usingle bondPb ages of magmatic and zoned metamorphic zircon grains indicate that the main tectono-magmatic event in the Sierra Albarrana Domain is Late Cambrian (granite emplacement; 481.2 ± 2.3 Ma) to early Ordovician (migmatization; 477.8 ± 2.4 Ma), supported by the intrusion of La Cardenchosa Pluton, by the low-pressure partial melting and by the ductile deformation of the host metasedimentary rocks. We suggest that the granitic magmatism, the migmatization and the main regional fabrics are part of a single Ordovician event, only slightly modified by Variscan reworking. Geochemical and isotopic data are compatible with an extensional environment in the middle-upper crustal levels, related to a continental rift development. This setting and timing are compatible with the latest magmatic event of the Early Paleozoic rifting (535–460 Ma), well documented in the Ossa Morena Complex. The geochemical characteristics of the subalkaline rift-related rocks of the Ossa Morena Complex and of the Central Iberian Zone partly coincide. As a result, it is not possible to discriminate between them and favor a correlation between both terranes based on the geochemical affinities of magmatic rocks of similar age.
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    Evolución metamórfica de los esquitos de AP/BT de Ceán (Unidad de Malpica-Tui, NW del Macizo Ibérico)
    (Geogaceta, 2007) López Carmona, Alicia; Abati Gómez, Jacobo; Reche i Estrada, Juan
    Metapelitic schists from the upper structural levels of the Malpica-Tui Unit contain an initial blueschist facies mineral assemblage that appears mainly preserved as micro-inclusions in garnet, albite and chloritoid porphiroblasts defining a S1 foliation. The main foliation (S2 ) represents an evolution of the S1 to slightly higher temperature and lower pressure, but it is still developed in blueschist facies conditions. Post-S2 deformations include restricted development of spaced C’ shear bands, tight and straight D3 folds and a later gentle subhorizontal crenulation formed in greenschists facies conditions. Garnet-phengite thermometry and GRIPS and GASP barometry calculations, using micro-inclusion compositions, indicate peak conditions around P=19-22 Kbar and T=430-500 ºC. The same calculations using the S2 fabric minerals yield approximate values of P=16-19 Kbar and T=440-515 ºC.