Mas Mayoral, José Ramón

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José Ramón
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Mas Mayoral
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Ciencias Geológicas
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    La Cuenca de Cameros: desde la extensión Finijurásica -Eocretácica a la inversión terciaria - implicaciones en la exploración de hidrocarburos.
    (Zubía. Monográfico, 2002) Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Serrano, Ana; Guimerà Rosso, Joan; Alonso Millán, Ángela; Alonso Azcárate, Jacinto
    La Cuenca de Cameros, localizada en la parte NO de la Cordillera Ibérica, es una de las cuencas que constituyen el Sistema de Rift Mesozoico Ibérico o Cuenca Ibérica. Se formó en el contexto de la segunda fase de rifting intraplaca que, desde el Jurásico superior al Albiense inferior, tuvo lugar cuando Iberia se separó de Europa en relación con la apertura de la cuenca oceánica del Golfo de Vizcaya. Al mismo tiempo se formaron varias cuencas a lo largo del surco Ibérico de orientación NO-SE, siendo la de Cameros la más occidental en el Sistema de Rift Mesozoico Ibérico. El relleno de la Cuenca de Cameros (Titónico-Albiense inferior) corresponde a un gran ciclo o super-secuencia que está limitado por dos importantes discordancias en la base y en el techo. La Supersecuencia o Megaciclo Jurásico terminal - Cretácico inferior se organiza en ocho secuencias deposicionales limitadas por discontinuidades estratigráficas, este registro sedimentario es de carácter esencialmente continental (sistemas aluviales y lacustres) con sólo muy esporádicas incursiones marinas. Hay varios hechos distintivos que la diferencian de las otras cuencas del Sistema de Rift Ibérico: (1) influencia marina muy escasa; (2) retardo ele los procesos de diastrofismo, pues el rifting empezó primero en la parte SE del surco ibérico (Kimmeridgiense en la Cuenca del Maestrazgo) y después se propagó hacia el NO (Titónico en la Cuenca de Cameros); (3) sin embargo, y a pesar de su poslclon interna, esta cuenca fue la más subsidente, registrando el mayor espesor de sedimentos, llegándose a acumular 5000 m de espesor vertical de sedimentos desde el Titónico hasta el Albiense inferior, que representan hasta 9000 m de registro estratigráfico en el sentido de desplazamiento de los depocentros de las sucesivas secuencias de depósito; (4) a pesar de su gran registro sedimentario, se trata de una cuenca sinclinal que, durante su formación, no estuvo limitada por grandes fallas; y (5) esta cuenca es la única entre las cuencas mesozoicas del Rift Ibérico, en la que sus depósitos se han visto afectados por metamorfismo. Se trata de un metamorfismo de bajo y muy bajo grado que, durante el Cretácico medio-superior, afectó a la parte oriental de la cuenca. Su génesis y evolución son explicadas mediante un modelo de cuenca de bloque de techo ( <
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    Sandstone petrography of continental depositional sequences of an intraplate rift basin: western Cameros Basin (North Spain)
    (Journal of sedimentary research, 2009) Arribas Mocoroa, José; Alonso Millán, Ángela; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Tortosa, A.; Rodas, Magdalena; Fernández Barrenechea, José María; Alonso Azcárate, Jacinto; Artigas, Rosana
    The Cameros Basin in Central Spain is an intraplate rift basin that developed from Late Jurassic to Middle Albian time along NW–SE trending troughs. The sedimentary basin fill was deposited predominantly in continental environments and comprises several depositional sequences. These sequences consist of fluvial sandstones that commonly pass upward into lacustrine deposits at the top, producing considerable repetition of facies. This study focused on the western sector of the basin, where a total of seven depositional sequences (DS- 1 to DS-7) have been identified. The composition of sandstones permits the characterization of each sequence in terms of both clastic constituents and provenance. In addition, four main petrofacies are identified. Petrofacies A is quartzosedimentolithic (mean of Qm85F2Lt13) and records erosion of marine Jurassic pre-rift cover during deposition of fluvial deposits of DS-1 (Brezales Formation). Petrofacies B is quartzofeldspathic (mean of Qm81F14Lt5) with P/F > 1 at the base. This petrofacies was derived from the erosion of low- to medium-grade metamorphic terranes of the West Asturian–Leonese Zone of the Hesperian Massif during deposition of DS-2 (Jaramillo Formation) and DS-3 (Salcedal Formation). Quartzose sandstones characterize the top of DS-3 (mean of Qm92F4Lt4). Petrofacies C is quartzarenitic (mean of Qm95F3Lt2) with P/F > 1 and was produced by recycling of sedimentary cover (Triassic arkoses and carbonate rocks) in the SW part of the basin (DS-4, Pen˜ - acoba Formation). Finally, depositional sequences 5, 6, and 7 (Pinilla de los Moros–Hortigüela, Pantano, and Abejar–Castrillo de la Reina formations, respectively) contain petrofacies D. This petrofacies is quartzofeldspathic with P/F near zero and a very low concentration of metamorphic rock fragments (from Qm85F11Lt4 in Pantano Formation to Qm73F26Lt1 in Castrillo de la Reina Formation). Petrofacies D was generated by erosion of coarse crystalline plutonics located in the Central Iberian Zone of the Hesperian Massif. In addition to sandstone petrography, these provenance interpretations are supported by clay mineralogy of interbedded shales. Thus, shales related to petrofacies A and C have a variegated composition (illite, kaolinite, and randomly interlayered illite–smectite mixed-layer clays); the presence of chlorite characterizes interbedded shales from petrofacies B; and Illite and kaolinite are the dominant clays associated with petrofacies D. These petrofacies are consistent with the depositional sequences and their hierarchy. An early megacycle, consisting of petrofacies A and B (DS-1 to DS-3) was deposited during the initial stage of rifting, when troughs developed in the West Asturian–Leonese Zone. A second stage of rifting resulted in propagation of trough-bounding faults to the SW, involving the Central Iberian Zone as a source terrane and producing a second megacycle consisting of petrofacies C and D (DS-4, DS-5, DS-6, and DS-7). Sandstone composition has proven to be a powerful tool in basin analysis and related tectonic inferences on intraplate rift basins because of the close correlation that exists between depositional sequences and petrofacies.
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    Sand provenance and implications for paleodrainage in a rifted basin: the Tera Group (N. Spain)
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2010) González Acebrón, Laura; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón
    Fluvial-fan and fluvial siliciclastic strata, developed during the rifting that generated the Cameros Basin (North Spain), record important provenance changes that reveal source areas compositions and locations, paleodrainage evolution and rift patterns. The Tera Group represents the first rifting stage in the Cameros Basin, containing fluvial-fan sediments at the lower part of the sedimentary fill that evolve to fluvial and lacustrine systems in the upper part of the record. Our quantitative sandstone petrographic analysis evidences the presence of three main petrofacies related closely to the rift basin evolution. At the base of the sedimentary succession, Petrofacies 1 (quartzolithic) indicates that the fluvial-fans source areas included Jurassic marine carbonates and older siliciclastic Mesozoic units, as well as metamorphic supplies from the West Asturian Leonese Zone (WALZ). Variscan basement sources of this metamorphic area (WALZ) were more abundant in the upper fluvial record (Petrofacies 2, quartzofeldspathic). Further, the influence of plutonic source areas with a mixed potassic and calcium-sodium composition is also recorded, probably related to the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ). In addition, a local sedimentary input was active during the fluvial riftand lacustrine stages (Petrofacies 2 and 3, both quartzofeldspathic), as a function of the palaeogeographical position of the Jurassic marine rocks and the level of erosion reached. Plutonic rock fragments have not been observed in the Tera Group sandstones of the western part of the basin. Thus, deeper erosion of the basement in the eastern Cameros Basin is suggested. The provenance evolution from quartzolithic to quartzofeldspathic petrofacies registered in Tera Group siliciclastic deposits is due to the higher influence of transversal supplies during the fluvial-fan stage (quartzolithic) to more important axial inputs during the fluvial stage (quartzofeldspathic). This provenance change represents the evolution from an undissected rift shoulder stage to more advanced stages of rifting (dissected rift shoulder) and during the beginning of a provenance cycle in a rifted basin. [RESUMEN] Los sedimentos de abanicos fluviales y fluviales propiamente dichos desarrollados durante el proceso de rift que generó la Cuenca de Cameros (Norte de España) registraron importantes cambios de procedencia que proporcionan información sobre la composición y localización de sus áreas fuente, la evolución del paleodrenaje y los patrones de rift. Este estudio se centra en el Grupo Tera (Tithoniense) en el sector oriental de la Cuenca de Cameros. El Grupo Tera representa el primer estadio de rift en dicha cuenca, y está constituido por sedimentos de abanicos fluviales en la parte inferior del relleno sedimentario, que evolucionan a sistemas fluviales y lacustres hacia la parte superior del registro. El estudio petrográfico cuantitativo de las areniscas indica la presencia de tres petrofacies principales que muestran una estrecha relación con la evolución del rift. En la base del registro sedimentario, la Petrofacies 1 (cuarzolítica) manifiesta que las áreas fuente de los abanicos fluviales incluyen tanto carbonatos Jurásicos marinos como unidades siliciclásticas mesozoicas previas, así como influencias metamórficas de la Zona Asturoccidental Leonesa (WALZ). Los aportes del basamento varisco procedentes de esta área fuente metamórfica (WALZ) fueron más importantes en la parte alta del registro (Petrofacies 2, cuarzofeldespática). Además, se detecta la influencia de áreas fuente plutónicas con una composición mixta (potásica y calcosódica), probablemente relacionadas con la Zona Centroibérica (CIZ). También existió un aporte sedimentario local durante los estadios fluviales y lacustres (Petrofacies 2 y 3, ambas cuarzofeldespáticas), que tuvo lugar en función de la posición paleogeográfica de las rocas marinas Jurásicas y del nivel de erosión alcanzado. Si comparamos los dos sectores de la cuenca, los fragmentos de roca plutónica no han sido observados en las areniscas del Grupo Tera en el sector occidental de la cuenca. Por lo tanto, se deduce un nivel de erosión del basamento más profundo en el sector occidental. La evolución de la procedencia desde petrofacies cuarzolíticas a petrofacies cuarzofeldespáticas registrada en los depósitos siliciclásticos del Grupo Tera se debe a una mayor influencia de los aportes transversales durante la sedimentación de los abanicos fluviales (cuarzolíticos) hacia una mayor influencia de aportes axiales durante la etapa fluvial (cuarzofeldespática). Esta variación en la procedencia representa la evolución desde un estadio de hombrera de rift no erosionada a estadios más avanzados del rifting (hombrera de rift erosionada) y el comienzo de un ciclo de procedencia en una cuenca de rift.
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    REPLY: Answer to the comment of Casas et al. about González Acebrón et al.’s (2011) paper
    (International journal of earth sciences, 2012) González Acebrón, Laura; Goldstein, R.H.; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, José
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    Significance of geochemical signatures on provenance in intracratonic rift basins: Examples from the Iberian plate
    (Geological Society of America Special Paper, 2007) Ochoa, M.; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón
    Following the Variscan orogeny, the Iberian plate was affected by an extensional tec-tonic regime from Late Permian to Late Cretaceous time. In the central part of the plate, NW-SE–trending rift basins were created. Two rifting cycles can be identified during the extensional stage: (1) a Late Permian to Hettangian cycle, and (2) a latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous cycle. During these cycles, thick clastic continental sequences were deposited in grabens and half grabens. In both cycles, sandstone petrofacies from periods of high tectonic activity reveal a main plutoniclastic (quartzofeldspathic) character due to the erosion of coarse-grained crystalline rocks from the Hesperian Massif, during Buntsand-stein (mean Qm72F25Lt3) sedimentation and during Barremian–early Albian times (mean Qm81F18Lt1). Geochemical data show that weatheringwas more intense during the second rifting phase (mean chemical index of alteration [CIA]: 80) due to more severe climate conditions (humid) than during the arst rifting phase (mean CIA: 68) (arid climate). Ratios between major and trace elements agree with a main provenance from pas-sive-margins settings in terms of the felsic nature of the crust. However, anomalies in trace elements have been detected in some Lower Cretaceous samples, suggesting additional basic supplies from the north area of the basin. These anomalies consist of (1) low contents in Hf, Th, and U; (2) high contents in Sc, Co, and Zr; and (3) anomalous ratios in Th/Y, La/Tb, Ta/Y, and Ni/V. Basic supplies could be related to the alkaline volcanism during Norian-Hettangian and Aalenian-Bajocian times. Geochemical composition of rift deposits has been shown to be a useful and complementary tool to petrographic deduction in prov-enance, especially in intensely weathered sediments. However, diagenetic processes and hydrothermalism may affect the original detrital deposits, producing changes in geochemi-cal composition that mislead provenance and weathering deductions.
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    Petroleum systems modelling in a fold-and-thrust belt setting: the inverted Cameros basin, north-central Spain
    (Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2019) Omodeo Salé, S.; Ondrak, R.; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Guimerà, J.; Martínez, L.
    The Mesozoic Cameros Basin, northern Spain, was inverted during the Cenozoic Alpine orogeny when the Tithonian – Upper Cretaceous sedimentary fill was uplifted and partially eroded. Tar sandstones outcropping in the southern part of the basin and pyrobitumen particles trapped in potential source rocks suggest that hydrocarbons have been generated in the basin and subsequently migrated. However, no economic accumulations of oil or gas have yet been found. This study reconstructs the evolution of possible petroleum systems in the basin from initial extension through to the inversion phase, and is based on structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological data integrated with petrographic and geochemical observations. Petroleum systems modelling was used to investigate the timing of source rock maturation and hydrocarbon generation, and to reconstruct possible hydrocarbon migration pathways and accumulations. In the northern part of the basin, modelling results indicate that the generation of hydrocarbons began in the Early Berriasian and reached a peak in the Late Barremian – Early Albian. The absence of traps during peak generation prevented the formation of significant hydrocarbon accumulations. Some accumulations formed after the deposition of post‐extensional units (Late Cretaceous in age) which acted as seals. However, during subsequent inversion, these reservoir units were uplifted and eroded. In the southern sector of the basin, hydrocarbon generation did not begin until the Late Cretaceous due to the lower rates of subsidence and burial, and migration and accumulation may have taken place until the initial phases of inversion. Sandstones impregnated with bitumen (tar sandstones) observed at the present day in the crests of surface anticlines in the south of the basin are interpreted to represent the relics of these palaeo‐accumulations. Despite a number of uncertainties which are inherent to modelling the petroleum systems evolution of an inverted and overmature basin, this study demonstrates the importance of integrating multidisciplinary and multi‐scale data to the resource assessment of a complex fold‐and‐thrust belt.
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    Fluid migration recorded by fluid inclusions in crack-sealed quartz veins and sandstone host rock; Cameros Basin, Spain
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2021) González Acebrón, Laura; López Elorza, Maialen; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Omodeo-Salé, Silvia
    The role of deep hydrothermal fluid circulation through fractures and their impact on the sandstone host rock is studied in an extensional sedimentary basin (Cameros Basin, Spain) affected by a post-extensional hydrothermal metamorphism. The quartzarenites of the Urbión Group constituted a hydrocarbon carrier affected by very low to low-grade hydrothermal metamorphism during Late Albian to Coniacian. This process generated abundant quartz veins and transformed the quartzarenites into quartzites. This study compares the microthermometry of the fluid inclusion asemblages (FIAs) in the veins and in the quartz grain overgrowths in the quartzites, in order to understand the behavior of the hydrothermal fluids through fractures and their effects in the host rock. Fluid inclusions in the quartz grain overgrowths contain liquid and vapor at room temperature and homogenize to the liquid (Th: 124–265 °C, H2O + NaCl system). Those of quartz veins present both liquid and vapor CO2 and an aqueous liquid phase (room temperature). Final homogenization is to the liquid (Th: 109–282 °C, H2O + NaCl + CO2, mean values of amount-of-substance fractions: 0.92, 0.01, 0.07). Large Th variation within each FIA is common, due to crack and sealing processes and to reequilibration by successive thermal pulses. In contrast, the narrow Th range in each FIA towards the top of the record indicates that these inclusions are probably not reequilibrated. Two growing stages are recognized under SEM-CL in the quartz grain overgrowths, one diagenetic and another hydrothermal, the later with FIAs showing Th similar than the veins. The results can help in the evaluation of the geo-energy resources in sedimentary basins.
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    Sandstone petrofacies in the northwestern sector of the Iberian Basin
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2007) Arribas Mocoroa, José; Ochoa, M.; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; González Acebrón, Laura
    During the most active rifting stages in the northwestern sector of the Iberian Basin (Cameros Basin and Aragonese Branch of the Iberian Range), thick sequences of continental clastic deposits were generated. Sandstone records from Rift cycle 1 (Permo-Triassic) and Rift cycle 2 (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) show similarities in composition. Based on the most recent data, this paper describes sandstone petrofacies developed during both rifting periods. Six petrofacies can be distinguished: two associated with Rift cycle 1 (PT-1 and PT-2) and four with Rift cycle 2 (JC-1 to JC-4). All six petrofacies can be classifi ed as sedimentoclastic or plutoniclastic. Sedimentoclastic petrofacies developed during early rifting stages either through the recycling of pre-rift sediments or signifi - cant palaeogeographical changes. These facies comprise a thin succession (<100 m) of clastic deposits with mature quartzose and quartzolithic sandstones containing sedimentary and metasedimentary rock fragments. Carbonate diagenesis is more common than clay mineral diagenesis. Sedimentoclastic petrofacies have been identifi ed in Rift cycle 1 (Saxonian facies, PT-1) and Rift cycle 2 (JC-1 and JC-3; Tithonian and Valanginian, respectively). In the absence of the pre-rift sedimentary cover, metasedimentoclastic petrofacies sometimes develop as a product of the erosion of the low- to medium-grade metamorphic substratum (Petrofacies JC-2, Tithonian-Berriasian). Plutoniclastic petrofacies were generated during periods of high tectonic activity and accompanied by substantial denudation and the erosion of plutonites. Forming thick stratigraphic successions (1000 to 4000 m), these feldspar-rich petrofacies show a rigid framework and clay mineral diagenesis. In Rift cycle 1, plutoniclastic petrofacies (PT-2) are associated with the Buntsandstein. This type of petrofacies also developed in Rift cycle 2 in the Cameros Basin (JC-4) from DS-5 to DS-8 (Hauterivian-Early Albian), and represents the main basin fi ll interval. Sedimentoclastic and plutoniclastic petrofacies can be grouped into three pairs of basic petrofacies. Each pair represents a ‘provenance cycle’ that records a complete clastic cycle within a rifting period. Petrofacies PT-1 and PT-2 represent the ‘provenance cycle’ during Rift-1. In the Cameros Basin, two provenance cycles may be discerned during Rift cycle 2, related both to the Tithonian-Berriasian and the Valanginian-Early Albian megasequences. Tectonics is the main factor controlling petrofacies. Other factors (e.g., maturation during transport, local supply) may modulate the compositional signatures of the petrofacies yet their main character persists and even outlines the hierarchy of the main bounding surfaces between depositional sequences in the intracontinental Iberian Rift Basin.
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    Evolution of an intra-plate rift basin: the Latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Cameros Basin (Northwest Iberian Ranges, North Spain)
    (Geo-guías, Post-Meeting Field trips 28th IAS Meeting, Zaragoza, 2011) Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Alonso Millán, Ángela; Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia; Lohmann, K.C.; González Acebrón, Laura; Hernán, J.; Quijada, Isabel Emma; Suárez González, Pablo; Omodeo Salé, S.; Arenas, Concha; Pomar, Luis; Colombo, Ferrán
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    Multiphase quartz cementation in sandstones: Terra group (Tithonian, Cameros basin, NE Spain)
    (25rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology : Grece, Patras, 4-7 September 2007, Meeting of Sedimentology. Book and abstracts, 2007) González Acebrón, Laura; Mas Mayoral, José Ramón; Arribas Mocoroa, José; Goldstein, Robert H.; Benito Moreno, María Isabel