Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús

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First Name
Martín Jesús
Last Name
Rodríguez Peces
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Newmark displacement data for low to moderate magnitude events in the Betic Cordillera
    (Data in Brief, 2020) Delgado, José; Rosa, Julio; Peláez, José A.; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    Land-use decisions in relation to seismic-induced landslide hazard are usually made through the preparation of hazard maps. The rigid-block method is probably the most used for this purpose. Under this method, Newmark displacement is computed for each slope unit and this displacement is used as a guide for establishing categories of hazard. At present, most relations used for computing Newmark displacement are established from moderate-to-high magnitude earthquakes (Mw ≥ 6.5). This data article provides Newmark displacements computed from accelerograms recorded in the Betic Cordillera for low-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes (Mw = 3.5–6.3). Records come from the Spanish Strong Ground Motion database (Instituto Geográfico Nacional). Newmark displacements were computed focusing on yield accelerations frequently recorded in such scenarios (0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10), although higher accelerations were also considered (0.125, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 g's). These data are useful for the study of the hazard in seismic scenarios of low-to-moderate magnitude, very frequent in practice. These data have been used in the study by Delgado et al.
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    Canal STEREOVIDEO: Vídeos cortos online para el aprendizaje de la técnica de representación estereográfica en Geología Estructural e Ingeniería Geológica
    (Geotemas, 2016) Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel; Castiñeiras García, Pedro; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Tejero López, Rosa; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    En este trabajo se presenta el canal de vídeos online STEREOVIDEO ubicado en el sitio web YouTube ( Se trata de un canal de vídeos didácticos de corta duración (< 5 min) destinados al aprendizaje del manejo de la técnica de la proyección estereográfica aplicada a la Geología Estructural y a la Ingeniería Geológica. Este tipo de vídeos pretenden reforzar el tradicional método didáctico presencial con la utilización de recursos virtuales. De esta manera se facilita la posibilidad de profundizar en aspectos más conceptuales de cada disciplina una vez dominado el manejo de la herramienta de representación. La presente comunicación muestra las características de los vídeos: desde su propio contenido didáctico, a aspectos más técnicos relacionados con la estructura, grabación y edición de los mismos, en los que se detalla tanto el material audiovisual, como el software utilizado.
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    Unbiased logic-tree data for earthquake-induced landslide hazard maps for low-to-moderate magnitude events
    (Data in Brief, 2020) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Román Herrera, J.C.; Peláez, José A.; Delgado, José; Tsige Beyene, Meaza; Martino, Salvatore; Garrido, Jesús
    Land-use planning in regard of earthquake-triggered landslides is usually implemented by means of the production of hazard maps. The well-known Newmark rigid block methodology is the most frequent used approach for this purpose. In this method, slope stability is evaluated by the estimation of the Newmark displacement, which is used to set different categories of hazard. This methodology presents limitations due to the difficulty of incorporating the variability of the used variables. For that reason, the logic-tree approach has been used in order to incorporate the epistemic uncertainties and compute probabilistic seismic-landslide hazard maps. However, the used weights in the logic-tree are usually set for each branch based on an expert judgement or subjective criteria. This article provide data obtained from the use of logic-tree methodology; this dataset is useful for deriving the unbiased weights to use in such methodology and in moderate-to-low magnitude scenarios. The data presented here are related to the article entitled “Obtaining suitable logic-tree weights for probabilistic earthquake-induced landslide hazard analyses” (Rodríguez-Peces et al., 2020)
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    The Diezma landslide (A-92 motorway, Southern Spain): history and potential for future reactivation
    (Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2011) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Azañón, J.M.; García Mayordomo, Julián; Yesares, Jesús; Troncoso, E.; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    A complete failure analysis of a complex landslide located in Southern Spain (the Diezma landslide) has been undertaken using geotechnical, geophysical and geological data. The triggering factors were a high groundwater level and the reduction in the shear strength parameters of the high-plasticity clay. The 2010 reactivation of the landslide was related to the poor performance of the first line of deep drainage wells, although the second and third line of wells and the anchored pile barrier were effective in preventing the landslide reaching the A-92 motorway. Analysis indicates that further reactivation of the Diezma landslide could take place following a period of heavy rain if the drainage wells are not properly maintained, or if an earthquake of Mw 4.0–5.0 occurs within 25 km of the site.
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    Project number: 66
    Material audiovisual para la aplicación de la técnica de representación estereográfica en Geología Estructural e Ingeniería Geológica
    (2023) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel; Castiñeiras García, Pedro; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio; Alonso Henar, Jorge; Fernández Rodríguez, Carlos; Jiménez Molina, David; Tsige Beyene, Meaza; Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Ruiz Pérez, Javier; Garzón Roca, Julio; Melentijevic Devetakovic, Svetlana; Fernández Esteban, David; Pinto De La Casa, Guillermo; De Pro Díaz, Yolanda; Herrero Barbero, Paula; Sánchez Roldán, José Luis; Jiménez García, Icíar; Martínez Rodríguez, Aaron; Peñalver Sánchez, Hannan; Uzkeda Apesteguia, Hodei; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Rodríguez -Peces, Martín Jesús
    El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es generar información audiovisual moderna, atractiva e inédita hasta la fecha en español que facilite a los estudiantes nuevas maneras de aprendizaje de técnicas de representación espacial para su utilización en la resolución de problemas de Geología e Ingeniería Geológica. Estas técnicas requieren un entrenamiento mental que es difícil de abordar en las limitadas horas de docencia que el profesor puede dedicar por alumno, por lo que este material audiovisual pretende reforzar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de manera sencilla y eficaz fuera de las horas lectivas presenciales. Este objetivo principal se alcanzará mediante el planteamiento de objetivos parciales que quedarán agrupados en dos bloques: - Geología Estructural: Generar material audiovisual para la resolución de problemas de Geología Estructural clásicos: representación y análisis de pliegues, fallas, discordancias y basculamientos, definición y orientación del tensor de esfuerzos. - Ingeniería Geológica: Generar material audiovisual para Resolución de problemas de Ingeniería Geológica relacionados con el análisis de estabilidad de taludes en macizos rocosos.
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    Influencia de las condiciones dinámicas en el diseño de medidas de estabilización de laderas: el caso del deslizamiento de Diezma (Granada)
    (2011) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Azañón, J.M.; García Mayordomo, Julián; Troncoso, E.; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    En este trabajo se ha analizado la eficacia de las medidas de estabilización de taludes en un área activa sísmicamente. Este análisis se ha realizado tanto en condiciones estáticas como dinámicas, considerando las aceleraciones símicas más probables para el emplazamiento. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de estabilidad retrospectivo de un deslizamiento complejo (el deslizamiento Diezma) ubicado en el sur de España utilizando datos geotécnicos, geofísicos y geológicos de detalle. Los factores desencadenantes fueron la presencia de un nivel freático somero y la reducción de la resistencia al corte de los niveles de arcilla de alta plasticidad a valores residuales. En el 2010, tras casi 10 años desde la instalación de las medidas de estabilización, se produjo una nueva reactivación del deslizamiento relacionada con un mal funcionamiento de la primera línea de pozos de drenaje profundo. La segunda y tercera línea de pozos y la barrera de pilotes anclados parecen funcionar con eficacia, deteniendo el avance del deslizamiento hacia el pie de la ladera. Sin embargo, la reactivación del deslizamiento de Diezma es esperable en el caso de que un terremoto de baja magnitud, relativamente frecuentes en la zona, se produzca cerca del deslizamiento. [ABSTRACT]In this paper the effectiveness of slope stabilization measures in a seismic active area have been analysed. A complete failure analysis of a complex landslide located in Southern Spain (the Diezma landslide) has been performed using detailed geotechnical, geophysical and geological data. The triggering factors were a shallow water table and the reduction of the shear strength parameters of the high-plasticity clay levels to residual values. The 2010 landslide reactivation was related to a bad performance of the first line of deep drainage wells. The second and third line of wells and the anchored piles barrier seem to work effectively by stopping the landslide from reaching the toe of the slope. However, the reactivation of the Diezma landslide is expected in the case that a low magnitude earthquake, relatively common in the study area, occurs close to the landslide location.
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    Inestabilidades de ladera provocadas por el terremoto de Lorca de 2011 (Mw 5,1): comparación y revisión de estudios de peligrosidad de movimientos de ladera por efecto sísmico en Murcia
    (Boletín geológico y minero, 2012) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; García Mayordomo, Julián; Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    La Cuenca de Lorca ha sido el objetivo de investigaciones recientes en las que se estudia el fenómeno de las inestabilidades de ladera inducidas por terremotos y su evaluación en el marco de diferentes escenarios sísmicos, teniendo en cuenta los efectos de amplificación sísmica debidos a la estratigrafía local y la topografía. Sin embargo, no ha sido hasta la ocurrencia de los terremotos del 11 de Mayo de 2011 en Lorca cuando ha sido posible realizar un análisis sistemático de este problema. En este artículo presentamos un inventario de 100 inestabilidades de ladera provocadas por los terremotos de Lorca, siendo principalmente desprendimientos de roca y suelo de pequeño tamaño (1 a 100 m3). La distribución de estos movimientos de ladera ha sido comparada con dos mapas de peligrosidad de inestabilidades: el primero, considerando la ocurrencia del terremoto más probable para un periodo de retorno de 475 años en la Cuenca de Lorca (Mw = 5.0), publicado anteriormente a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) de baja resolución; y un segundo, considerando el caso real del terremoto de Lorca 2011 (Mw = 5.1) mediante el uso de un MDE de mucha mayor resolución. Los desplazamientos de Newmark más frecuentes relacionados con las inestabilidades provocadas por los terremotos de Lorca 2011 son menores de 2 cm en ambos escenarios de peligrosidad considerados, coincidiendo con zonas donde se han producido importantes efectos de amplificación sísmica (estratigráfica y topográfica).
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    Obtaining suitable logic-tree weights for probabilistic earthquake-induced landslide hazard analyses
    (Engineering Geology, 2020) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Román Herrera, J.C.; Peláez, J.A.; Delgado, J.; Tsige Beyene, Meaza; Missori, C.; Martino, S.; Garrido, J.
    In this study, an inventory of landslides induced by the 2011 Lorca earthquake (Mw 5.1) has been used in order to develop a new procedure to obtain objective logic-tree weights for a probabilistic earthquake-induced landslide hazard analysis. The 2011 Lorca earthquake triggered more than 250 landslides, mainly of disrupted type. The logic-tree was designed having regard to variability of relevant geotechnical parameters involved in the problem and uncertainties associated with the use of several empirical relationships in order to compute Newmark displacements. For the purpose, the resulting hazard maps were compared with this landslide inventory, and weights estimated for each branch of the logic tree based on these results. The best model for seismic landslide hazard mapping for a moderate earthquake correctly identifies around 72% of landslide areas. Based on the set of parameters that comprises (depth of failure surface, specific weight, cohesion, friction angle and Newmark displacement model), the corresponding weights were objectively established. These weights are reliable enough for the obtaining seismic landslide hazard maps and may be implemented in similar environments characterized by moderate-low magnitude earthquakes (Mw < 5.5).
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    FAM-1 Borehole: first results from the scientific drilling of the Alhama de Murcia Fault, Betic Cordillera, Spain
    (Geotemas, 2016) Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel; Tsige Beyene, Meaza; Rodríguez Escudero, Emilio; Jurado, María José; Alonso Henar, Jorge; Crespo, Jesús; Jiménez Molina, David; Moratalla, J. M.; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio; Pérez López, Raúl; Álvaro, M.; Capote Del Villar, Ramón
    We present the preliminary results of the borehole FAM-1 a 175 m depth scientific drilling of the Alhama de Murcia fault. The borehole was drilled close to La Torrecilla rambla three km SW of Lorca where the fault zone shearing is more concentrated and it is dominated by well-developed clay rich fault gouge. To select the drilling point and to perform a prognosis of it, three trenches were excavated crossing the fault zone that allowed us to determine the detailed 3D structure of the fault zone. We have collected more than 100 m of unaltered high quality fault rock to be studied using mineralogical and microtectonic analysis, and geomechanical testing that will improve the knowledge of the influence of tectonic microfabric and mineralogy in the seismogenic behavior of the AMF. The borehole FAM-1 and the seismic monitoring borehole FamSis-1 constitute the first stage of a future geological-geophysical observatory for monitoring the activity of the AMF.
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    On the applicability of available regression models for estimating Newmark displacements for low to moderate magnitude earthquakes. The case of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain)
    (Engineering Geology, 2020) Delgado, José; Rosa, Julio; Peláez, José A.; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Garrido, Jesús; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    Newmark displacement estimation is generally computed using empirical models. These models are estimated from large datasets that mainly comprise moderate-to-high magnitude events (Mw > 6.0). In this work, we study the performance of several of these models to study moderate-to-low magnitude scenarios. For this purpose, data from the Betic Cordillera, S Spain, with magnitudes ranging from Mw 3.5 to 6.3, were used to compare with model predictions. The results show that errors in the estimates depend on the magnitude of events or on the yielding acceleration considered to estimate the displacement. The availability of an appropriate range of data (magnitude and yielding acceleration), when defining the regression model, may overcome the differences due to specific characteristics of the seismotectonic context of the area where data derives from. The results also show that performance of models including several ground motion predictors is better than those based on a single parameter, regardless of the combination these predictors. Furthermore, regression models with polynomial forms present a better performance than other functions based on the logarithm of these predictors. Finally, new specific models for the Betic Cordillera are proposed, especially suitable for low magnitude events (< 5.0) and low critical accelerations (< 0.1 g), based on simplified polynomial forms of models.