Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús

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First Name
Martín Jesús
Last Name
Rodríguez Peces
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Cylindrical Cavity Deformation of Jointed Anisotropic Rock Masses. Empirical Approach
    (Procedia Engineering, 2017) Muñiz Menéndez, Mauro; Perucho Martínez, Aurea; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Cano Linares, H.
    Interpretations of cavity expansion tests (pressuremeter, radial jack, etc.) are based (in most occasions) on the analysis of the deformability of a cylindrical cavity in a continuous, isotropic, and homogeneous medium. However, many rock masses show an anisotropic behaviour due to the presence of discontinuity planes of different origins. Cavity expansion tests in these media have been studied here with an empirical approach. Several tests have been simulated in a three-dimensional, anisotropic and discontinuous medium—using 3DEC by Itasca—and their deformation has been analyzed in order to establish the principal factors that control the behaviour of the rock mass in these situations. Based on this analysis, it has been developed a new method for the interpretation of the cavity expansion tests carried out in laminated rock masses, which allows estimating the principal deformation moduli of the rock mass (maximum and minimum). This method can be used for any dip of the discontinuity planes.
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    Estudio preliminar de la estabilidad en condiciones dinámicas del deslizamiento de Bàlitx (Sierra de Tramuntana, Mallorca)
    (2011) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Mateos, R.M.; Azañón, J.M.; García Mayordomo, Julián
    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio preliminar de estabilidad retrospectivo en condiciones dinámicas del deslizamiento de Bàlitx (Mallorca). Este gran movimiento de ladera se localiza en la franja costera del sector central de la Sierra de Tramuntana, en la parte noroccidental de la isla de Mallorca. El área se caracteriza por el predominio de materiales rocosos carbonatados (calizas y dolomías) del Jurásico inferior (Lías) que configuran espectaculares acantilados rocosos de varios centenares de metros de altura. En el caso del deslizamiento de Bàlitx, estos materiales carbonatados se disponen sobre los materiales blandos del Triásico (facies Keuper), constituidos principalmente por margas y arcillas con yesos. Teniendo en cuenta que en la isla de Mallorca existen registros de sismicidad histórica y que, además, presenta una peligrosidad sísmica moderada, el estudio en condiciones dinámicas del deslizamiento de Bàlitx ha permitido confirmar su posible origen sísmico. Se ha estimado que el deslizamiento pudo ser provocado por un terremoto de magnitud moderada a alta (Mw=4.7-6.5) localizado en las inmediaciones del deslizamiento (≤ 20 km). [ABSTRACT]In this work we perform a slope stability back-analysis of the Bàlitx landslide in dynamic conditions. This slope instability is located on the coast of the central sector of the Tramuntana Range, in Majorca Island. This area is characterized by the predominance of Jurassic limestones, on which spectacular cliffs of several hundred metres have been developed. In the Bàlitx landslide, these carbonated materials lie on top of Triassic soft materials (Keuper facies), composed mainly of marls and clays with gypsum. In this work we focus on analyzing the possibility that the Bàlitx landslide was triggered by an earthquake. Majorca Island, although it is considered as a region of low-to-moderate seismic hazard, shows historical damaging earthquakes and Quaternary active faults. We have concluded preliminary that the Bàlitx landslide could have been triggered by a moderate-to-large earthquake (Mw=4.7-6.5) located relatively close to the landslide (≤ 20 km).
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    Influencia de las condiciones dinámicas en el diseño de medidas de estabilización de laderas: el caso del deslizamiento de Diezma (Granada)
    (2011) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Azañón, J.M.; García Mayordomo, Julián; Troncoso, E.; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    En este trabajo se ha analizado la eficacia de las medidas de estabilización de taludes en un área activa sísmicamente. Este análisis se ha realizado tanto en condiciones estáticas como dinámicas, considerando las aceleraciones símicas más probables para el emplazamiento. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de estabilidad retrospectivo de un deslizamiento complejo (el deslizamiento Diezma) ubicado en el sur de España utilizando datos geotécnicos, geofísicos y geológicos de detalle. Los factores desencadenantes fueron la presencia de un nivel freático somero y la reducción de la resistencia al corte de los niveles de arcilla de alta plasticidad a valores residuales. En el 2010, tras casi 10 años desde la instalación de las medidas de estabilización, se produjo una nueva reactivación del deslizamiento relacionada con un mal funcionamiento de la primera línea de pozos de drenaje profundo. La segunda y tercera línea de pozos y la barrera de pilotes anclados parecen funcionar con eficacia, deteniendo el avance del deslizamiento hacia el pie de la ladera. Sin embargo, la reactivación del deslizamiento de Diezma es esperable en el caso de que un terremoto de baja magnitud, relativamente frecuentes en la zona, se produzca cerca del deslizamiento. [ABSTRACT]In this paper the effectiveness of slope stabilization measures in a seismic active area have been analysed. A complete failure analysis of a complex landslide located in Southern Spain (the Diezma landslide) has been performed using detailed geotechnical, geophysical and geological data. The triggering factors were a shallow water table and the reduction of the shear strength parameters of the high-plasticity clay levels to residual values. The 2010 landslide reactivation was related to a bad performance of the first line of deep drainage wells. The second and third line of wells and the anchored piles barrier seem to work effectively by stopping the landslide from reaching the toe of the slope. However, the reactivation of the Diezma landslide is expected in the case that a low magnitude earthquake, relatively common in the study area, occurs close to the landslide location.
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    Reconstructing eroded paleovolcanoes on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, using advanced geomorphometry
    (Geomorphology, 2016) Karátson, D.; Yepes, J.; Favalli, M.; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Fornaciai, A.
    Original volcanic edifices of two successive stages of Gran Canaria are reconstructed using a geomorphometric analysis of existent or restored paleosurfaces. In the reconstruction, surface fitting was applied preferably to planèzes (i.e. triangular facets of original volcano flanks) and quasi-planar surfaces, QPS (those occurring on planèzes, or scattered, slightly eroded portions derived from original cone surfaces) with the help of red relief image map (RRIM) analysis. Out of the long-lasting, Mid-Miocene to Holocene subaerial evolution of the island,the Late Miocene Fataga volcano and the subsequent,Pliocene Roque Nublo volcanoes were the largest and highest. The eruptive center of Fataga, a composite edifice (12.2–8.8 Ma) that may have grown up excentrically with respect to the previous Tejeda caldera, is well-defined by both two planèzes (named Veneguera–Mogán and Fataga–Tirajana) and QPS remnants. Its calculated original volume, ≤1000 km3 , is close to the largest stratovolcanoes on Earth. However, its ≥3300 m elevation, obtained by exponential fit, may have been significantly lower due to the complex architecture of the summit region, e.g. a caldera responsible for ignimbrite eruptions. Roque Nublo, a 3.7–2.9 Ma stratovolcanic cone, which was superimposed upon the Fataga rocks ≥3 km west of the Fataga center, has left no considerable paleosurfaces behind due to heavy postvolcanic erosion. Yet, its remnant formations preserved in a radial pattern unambiguously define its center. Moreover, surface fitting of the outcropping rocks can be corrected taking the erosion rate for the past 3 Ma into account. Such a corrected surface fit points to a regular-shaped, ≥3000 m-high cone with a 25 km radius and ca. 940 km3 original volume, also comparable with the dimensions of the largest terrestrial stratovolcanoes.
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    Stereovideo youtube channel: short educational videos for the on-line learning of the the stereographic projection technique in Structural Geology
    (Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2017) Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel; Alvarez-Gomez, Jose A.; Castiñeiras García, Pedro; Tejero López, Rosa; Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús
    Stereovideo channel is a YouTube channel of short educational videos (<5 min) focused on learning the handling of the stereographic projection technique applied to Structural Geology (also to Engineering Geology). This type of videos aims to reinforce the traditional classroom lessons with the use of communication technologies resources. Such a einforcing facilitates the possibility to deepen more on conceptual aspects once the students dominate the representation tool helping them to develop their own critical thinking skills. After three years of being launched on-line (on 2014), we analyze the broadcast and acceptance of the channel by the academic community. For this purpose we have taken into account two different sources: (1) the analytics tool from YouTube (subscriptions, views, countries, comments from the users, type of device for viewing), and (2) our own survey among users (students and teachers) to get their opinion about the videos. By January, 2017 (date of sending of this abstract), the channel has a total of 650 subscriptions, with more than 85,000 views all around the world, mainly in Spanish speaking countries (as the videos are in Spanish). The main devices for viewing the videos are PCs, but is noteworthy the use of smart phones and tablets. The video users, both students and teachers, value this type of content positively.