Peña Vidal, Nuria

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Peña Vidal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Evaluation of Safety and Probiotic Traits from a Comprehensive Genome-Based In Silico Analysis of Ligilactobacillus salivarius P1CEA3, Isolated from Pigs and Producer of Nisin S
    (Foods, 2023) Sevillano, Ester; Lafuente, Irene; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Borrero Del Pino, Juan
    Ligilactobacillus salivarius is an important member of the porcine gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Some L. salivarius strains are considered to have a beneficial effect on the host by exerting different probiotic properties, including the production of antimicrobial peptides which help maintain a healthy gut microbiota. L. salivarius P1CEA3, a porcine isolated strain, was first selected and identified by its antimicrobial activity against a broad range of pathogenic bacteria due to the production of the novel bacteriocin nisin S. The assembled L. salivarius P1CEA3 genome includes a circular chromosome, a megaplasmid (pMP1CEA3) encoding the nisin S gene cluster, and two small plasmids. A comprehensive genome-based in silico analysis of the L. salivarius P1CEA3 genome reveals the presence of genes related to probiotic features such as bacteriocin synthesis, regulation and production, adhesion and aggregation, the production of lactic acid, amino acids metabolism, vitamin biosynthesis, and tolerance to temperature, acid, bile salts and osmotic and oxidative stress. Furthermore, the strain is absent of risk-related genes for acquired antibiotic resistance traits, virulence factors, toxic metabolites and detrimental metabolic or enzymatic activities. Resistance to common antibiotics and gelatinase and hemolytic activities have been discarded by in vitro experiments. This study identifies several probiotic and safety traits of L. salivarius P1CEA3 and suggests its potential as a promising probiotic in swine production.
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    Project number: 25
    Hacia un massive online open course (MOOC) para el aprendizaje de la higiene y seguridad alimentarias
    (2021) Borrero Del Pino, Juan; Chaparro Domínguez, María De Los Ángeles; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Contente de Matos, Diogo da Silva Serra; Feito Hermida, Javier; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Marín Martínez, María; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Martín De Santos, María Del Rosario; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Gómez Sala, Beatriz; Álvarez López, Alberto; Celorrio de Ochoa, David; Alache Manchado, Beatriz; Ávila Alonso, Óscar; Beltrán Crespo, Antonio; Blanco Palmero, Felipe A.; Cabrales Miró-Granada, Ana; Carabante Oliver, Natalia; Carmona Agraz, Ana; Carpintero Cagigas, Ana; Casarrubios Guío, Pilar; Escobar Sáez, Daniel; Palenzuela González, Cristina; Romero Domingo, Sandra
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    Production of Pumilarin and a Novel Circular Bacteriocin, Altitudin A, by Bacillus altitudinis ECC22, a Soil-Derived Bacteriocin Producer
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024) Lafuente, Irene; Sevillano, Ester; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Cuartero, Alicia; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Borrero Del Pino, Juan
    The rise of antimicrobial resistance poses a significant global health threat, necessitating urgent efforts to identify novel antimicrobial agents. In this study, we undertook a thorough screening of soil-derived bacterial isolates to identify candidates showing antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. A highly active antagonistic isolate was initially identified as Bacillus altitudinis ECC22, being further subjected to whole genome sequencing. A bioinformatic analysis of the B. altitudinis ECC22 genome revealed the presence of two gene clusters responsible for synthesizing two circular bacteriocins: pumilarin and a novel circular bacteriocin named altitudin A, alongside a closticin 574-like bacteriocin (CLB) structural gene. The synthesis and antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocins, pumilarin and altitudin A, were evaluated and validated using an in vitro cell-free protein synthesis (IV-CFPS) protocol coupled to a split-intein-mediated ligation procedure, as well as through their in vivo production by recombinant E. coli cells. However, the IV-CFPS of CLB showed no antimicrobial activity against the bacterial indicators tested. The purification of the bacteriocins produced by B. altitudinis ECC22, and their evaluation by MALDI-TOF MS analysis and LC-MS/MS-derived targeted proteomics identification combined with massive peptide analysis, confirmed the production and circular conformation of pumilarin and altitudin A. Both bacteriocins exhibited a spectrum of activity primarily directed against other Bacillus spp. strains. Structural three-dimensional predictions revealed that pumilarin and altitudin A may adopt a circular conformation with five- and four-α-helices, respectively.
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    Draft Genome Sequence of Lactococcus lactis Subsp. cremoris WA2-67: A Promising Nisin-Producing Probiotic Strain Isolated from the Rearing Environment of a Spanish Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) Farm
    (Microorganisms, 2022) Feito Hermida, Javier; Contente, Diogo; Ponce Alonso, Manuel; Díaz Formoso, Lara; Araújo, Carlos; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Borrero Del Pino, Juan; Gómez Sala, Beatriz; Campo, Rosa del; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel
    Probiotics are a viable alternative to traditional chemotherapy agents to control infectious diseases in aquaculture. In this regard, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris WA2-67 has previously demonstrated several probiotic features, such as a strong antimicrobial activity against ichthyopathogens, survival in freshwater, resistance to fish bile and low pH, and hydrophobicity. The aim of this manuscript is an in silico analysis of the whole-genome sequence (WGS) of this strain to gain deeper insights into its probiotic properties and their genetic basis. Genomic DNA was purified, and libraries prepared for Illumina sequencing. After trimming and assembly, resulting contigs were subjected to bioinformatic analyses. The draft genome of L. cremoris WA2-67 consists of 30 contigs (2,573,139 bp), and a total number of 2493 coding DNA sequences (CDSs). Via in silico analysis, the bacteriocinogenic genetic clusters encoding the lantibiotic nisin Z (NisZ) and two new bacteriocins were identified, in addition to several probiotic traits, such as the production of vitamins, amino acids, adhesion/aggregation, and stress resistance factors, as well as the absence of transferable antibiotic resistance determinants and genes encoding detrimental enzymatic activities and virulence factors. These results unveil diverse beneficial properties that support the use of L. cremoris WA2-67 as a probiotic for aquaculture.
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    Project number: 262
    Diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta audiovisual para la docencia virtual de la inspección veterinaria oficial de pescados y productos de la pesca en un mercado central
    (2022) Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Yagüe Sánchez, Ángel; Álvarez López, Alberto; Borrero Del Pino, Juan; García García, Aina; García Lacarra, Teresa; Hernández Cruza, Pablo Elpidio; Marín Martínez, María; Martín De Santos, María Del Rosario; Dias Araújo, Carlos; Díaz Formoso, Lara; Cintas Izarra, Luis Miguel; da Silva Serra Contente de Matos, Diogo; Feito Hermida, Javier; García Calvo, Eduardo Rafael; Gómez Sala, Beatriz; Lafuente Orte, Irene; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Rodríguez Gómez, Santiago; Sevillano González, Ester; Beltrán Crespo, Antonio; Caba Manzaneque, Elia; Cabrales Miró-Granada, Ana; Cano Muñoz, Marisa; Cañizares Cooz, Daniela; Celorrio de Ochoa, David; Dorado Nuñez, Gemma; Fernández Silva, Ana; Gutiérrez de Cabiedes de Fuente, Alejandro; Márquez Bayón, Teresa; Martín Martí, Laura; Olmeda García, Patricia; Roncero Fernández, Alejandro Francisco; Sánchez Prada, Raquel; Taberneiro Auiget, Daniel
    El objetivo global de este Proyecto de Innovación Docente es la creación de vídeos explicativos como una herramienta de aprendizaje incorporada en el Campus Virtual para mejorar el estudio sobre las actividades de higiene, inspección y control alimentario que se realizan en el Mercado Central de Pescados de Mercamadrid. La creación y el empleo de estos vídeos están dirigidos, en un principio, a los estudiantes universitarios de Grado en Veterinaria que cursan la asignatura de Higiene, Inspección y Seguridad Alimentaria. En este Proyecto se han creado vídeos explicativos que tratan sobre: (i) los controles oficiales realizados por los Técnicos Superiores Veterinarios de Mercamadrid; (ii) los riesgos sanitarios asociados al consumo de pescados, crustáceos y moluscos; (iii) la frescura del pescado; (iv) el etiquetado del pescado; (v) la identificación de especies de pescado y marisco; (vi) la prevención de fraudes en la comercialización de pescados y mariscos; y (vii) la autentificación de pescados fileteados mediante técnicas de análisis.
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    Project number: 321
    Integra y aprende. Construyendo una cadena de bloques (blockchain) de la granja a la mesa
    (2023) Cambero Rodríguez, María Isabel; Aguado Ramo, Juan Antonio; Aguilar Jaime, María Victoria; Alba Rubio, Claudio; Alonso Monge, Rebeca María Del Mar; Aragón Ramirez, Alberto; Arias López, Patricia; Arias Revenga, Jorge; Bermudez González, Guillermo; Bermejo Poza, Rubén; Blanch Rojo, María; Blanco Flores, María Dolores; Blanco Montoro, Rafael José; Bonel Ayuso, Diego Paul; Borrero Del Pino, Juan; Bugeda de Bonilla, Inés; Burgía Domínguez, Angélica; Cabeza Briales, María Concepción; Cabezas Albéniz, Almudena; Calahorra Fernández, Felipe José; Castro Madrigal, Teresa; Castro Navarro, Irma; Cervantes Navarro, Isabel; Corugedo Fernández, Lucía; Cruces Díaz, Ainhoa; Díaz Formoso, Lara; Díez Romera, Mariano; Duarete Pacheco, Sofía; Fernández Álvarez, Leonides; Fernández Solís, Claudia; Fernández-Acero Bascones, Teresa; Ferreira García-Osorio, Andrea; Fraga Perucha, Nerea; Fuente Vázquez, Jesús De La; Galicia Larrea, Paula; Gamonal Martos, Miriam; García Álvarez, Andres; García Balboa, María Del Camino; García Calvo, Eduardo Rafael; García García, Aina; García Lacarra, Teresa; García Quiroga, Sara; García Huch, Uma Jade; González González, Noelia; González Jiménez, Lucía; Haza Duaso, Ana Isabel; Herranz Domingo, Andrea; Herranz Sorribes, Carmen; Isabel Redondo, Beatriz; Jara Pérez, Josué; Jurado Escobar, Rubén; Justo Ruiz, Carolina; Lafuente Orte, Irene; López, Cindy Alejandra; López Bote, Clemente José; López Valdeolivas, Patricia; Magro Arconada, Paula; Mallavia León, Blanca; Martín Amores, Ruth; Martín De Santos, María Del Rosario; Morales Gómez, Paloma; Moreda de Figueroa, Blanca; Moreno Conde, Helena María; Muñoz Atienza, Estefanía; Olivares Moreno, Álvaro; Peña Vidal, Nuria; Pérez Cabal, María De Los Ángeles; Pérez Sen, Raquel; Prieto Suárez, María Cinta; Paniagua Roas, Alejandra; Ramis Cervantes, Ana María; Recamal Pagán, Carlota; Remiro Yagüe, Víctor; Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina; Rodríguez Gómez, Santiago; Rodríguez Peña, José Manuel; Romera Villena, Natalia; Salazar Hijosa, Raúl; Sanabria Dominguez, Nerea; Santacruz Parra, Marta; Santos Arnaiz, Carlos; Santos López, Sergio; Torrecilla Velasco, José Santiago; Velasco De Diego, Raquel; Velasco Villar, Susana; Villanueva Suárez, María José