Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
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Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Análisis geoquímico del registro Holoceno del Marjal de Almenara. Variaciones eustáticas
    (Avances de geomorfología litoral : actas de las VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral, celebradas del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2001 en Tarragona, 2011) Mediato, José F.; Mediavilla López, María Rosa; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Montoya Montes, Isabel; Rodríguez Santalla, Inmaculada; Sánchez García, María José
    La utilización conjunta del análisis secuencial y geoquímico aplicado a depósitos de lagunas costeras (marjales) es una herramienta potente para el análisis de las variaciones del nivel del mar durante los últimos milenios. La aplicación de dicha metodología en los depósitos del Marjal de Almenara (Castellón) permite identificar, las variaciones en la lámina de agua del humedal y de la intrusión salina que pueden relacionarse con variaciones relativas del nivel del mar. El estudio ha dado como resultado tres momentos de ascenso relativo del nivel del mar (ca. 5300 años BP, ca.3500 años BP y ca. 2000 años BP).
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    Análisis estratigráfico y sedimentológico del registro Holoceno del Marjal de Almenara. Variaciones eustáticasIACIONES EUSTÁTICAS
    (Avances de geomorfología litoral : actas de las VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral, celebradas del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2001 en Tarragona, 2011) Mediato, José F.; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, María Rosa; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Montoya Montes, Isabel; Rodríguez Santalla, Inmaculada; Sánchez García, María José
    La llanura costera de Castellón está constituida por depósitos de abanicos aluviales pleistocenos y humedales costeros de edad holocena. La configuración actual de la costa de Castellón se alcanzó entre los 7000 – 6500 años BP, pero los depósitos de los humedales costeros muestran variaciones sedimentológicas, que principalmente se relacionan con oscilaciones del nivel del mar. A partir del análisis estratigráfico y sedimentológico de dos sondeos se pone de manifiesto la correlación entre los cambios del nivel del mar y la evolución de las facies del humedal costero de Almenara (Castellón). Durante los periodos del nivel del mar alto se produce una expansión de humedal ligada al ascenso del nivel freático, que se registra mediante una profundización y una mayor abundancia de restos de caráceas. Por el contrario, los periodos de nivel del mar bajo quedan evidenciados por facies cada vez más someras y el aumento de los depósitos de turba.
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    Sedimentación mixta (siliclásticoscarbonatada) en lagos someros de baja pendiente con dominio del oleaje. Un ejemplo del Mioceno de la Cuenca del Duero
    (Limmogeology in Spain: a tribute to Kerry R. Kelts, 2003) Mediavilla, Rosa; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Valero-Garcés, Blas L.
    Laeustrine deposits of Tecto-Sedimentary Unit N3 (Mediavilla et al., 1996) outcropping at the centcr of the Duero River Basin contain both, siliciclastic and carbonate formations. The siliciclastic formations were deposited in floodplain (oehre sands and muds), swamp (black and green muds) and lacustrine (green sands and muds) environments, and the carbonates (marls and massive, laminated, and cross-stratified limestones) are of Iacustrine origino Sequential analysis of these deposits reveals that both were coeval and formed in a single lakc. Their occurrence was a function of the distance of the sedimentation area to the siliciclastic sources. This model is ao altemative to their interpretation as an alternation of lithologieally different lakes. Therefore, the sedimentary sequenee can be interpreted as paleogeographically more than climatically controlled. This alternative interpretation urges for the use of correlations based on sequential analysis more than on Iithology for the study of sllch deposits.
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    Arquitectura secuencial en cuencas lacustres someras (Mioceno de la Cuenca del Duero). Analogías y diferencias con los principios de la estratigrafía secuencial
    (Geotemas, 2000) Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José
    Sequence stratigraphy principles are compared to similar geometrica architectures in lacustrine sediments of Miocene age in the Duero Basin (NW Spain). The studied sequence shows an erosive base wirh multiple scours, a lower reach that shows an aggradational pattern, first deepening and later and mostly shallowing upward, foffowed by an upper reach composed by prograding c1inoforms deeper than the immediately underlying deposits. The upper boundary of lhe sequence is another erosive surface with multiple scours. This sequence can be compared to a type 2 sequence al Van Wagoner et al. (1988). Despite the similarities concerning geometries and their evolution, there are some differences about water depth evolution and thus about facies evolution thaat show reverse relations in the sequence stratigraphy model and our lacustrine case. Similarities are due lO common evolulion of base level in both cases. Differences arise from the different amount of influence of sedimentation and subsidence in marine and lacustrine systems.
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    Cenozoic lacustrine deposits in the Duero Basin (Spain)
    (Global geological record of lake basins, 1994) Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Gierlowski-Kordesch , E.; Kelts, K.
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    Aridity events during the last 4000 years in Western Mediterranean marshes (Almenara and Benicasim marshes, E Spain)
    (Quaternary International, 2020) Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; del Moral González, Begoña; Dabrio González, Cristino José
    Facies and geochemical analysis applied to marsh deposits are useful proxies for the reconstruction of aridity for the last millennia. The comparison of facies and geochemical records among cores from the Almenara and Benicasim marshes allows to identify changes in water level (Si/Al, Al, Ca) and salinity of the feeding waters (Mg/Al, Na/Al, S/Al). These changes, in turn, represent fluctuations in the position of the saline-fresh groundwater boundary, which can be related to variations in sea level and rainfall. For the last 4000 years, three events recording higher salinity conditions (ca. 3.4 ka BP, ca. 3 ka BP and ca. 1.8 ka BP) are noticeable in the record. Comparison to other studies around the Western Mediterranean basin allows us to correlate these events to arid episodes and to identify their forcing mechanisms. These aridity events are correlative to small falls in solar activity and Surface Sea Temperature (SST) during positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) periods. Despite the small magnitude of these changes, the sensitivity of the system amplified the result providing a conspicuous signal.
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    South-western Duero and Ciudad Rodrigo basins: infill and dissection of a Tertiary basin
    (Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics, 1996) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Friend, Peter F.; Dabrio, Cristino J.
    In the soult western sector of the intracontinetal Duero basin, the post-Hercynian sedimentary record consist of Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary terrestrial sediments. Climates shifted from tropical, with poorly defined seansos (end of Cretaceous), to Mediterranean (Neogene). Tertiary deposits are divided into three tectonographic completes. The Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, related to the end of the Mesozoic cycle, is caractericed by a well developed weathering profile that eroded later. The Eocene Oligocene, formed during the morpho-structural definition of the actual basin boundaries, consists of three unconformity-bounded units related to successive tectonic events of the Alpine Orogeny by the cnd of this cycle, progressive incision of the Atlantic nuvial network led to capture of the fluvial systems of the southern Duero basin and degradation (emptying) began. The Miocene-Phocene, related to and extensional tectonic regime represents the spreading of exorheik conditions to the whole basin that marked a complete hydrugraphic reorganisation. Deposition and aggradation continued in more central areas of the basin until the end of the Neogene, coeval with degradation of the south-western corner of the Duero Basin. The coexistence resulted from differential subsidence, hinge lines (uplift zones) separated sub-basins, and the dynamics of capture processes.
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    Distribución y características de los depósitos fluviales pleistocenos del subsuelo de la Bahía de Cádiz
    (Geotemas, 2004) Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Antón López, Loreto; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Perucha, M.A.; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediato Arribas, José F.; Barnolas Cortina, A.; Llave, E.
    Middle to Upper Pleistocene fluvial sediments of the Cádiz Bay occur fifling partly two disconnected sub-basins excavated into shallow marine deposits of Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene age, and are buried under fluvial and estuarine Hofocene deposits. Subsurface, drill cores, and surface informatio indicate that the area of the Bay was occupied by a more or less continuous basin during the Late Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene, but the pattern changed during Middle to Late Pleistocene as revealed by facies analysis and palaeogeographical reconstruction of the fluvial environments. Fluvial deposits are laterally discontinuous, with variable rhickness and elongated troughs occupied by the coarsest sediments available. Our paleogeographical reconstruction for this periad shows a landscape with two subaerial sub-basins that acted as Fluvial valleys during glacially-forced lowstands, with two main Fluvial systems flowing constrained by topographical highs. This configurarion records the coincidence of very low sea level (regressive conditions) during glacial periods and active neotectonics. The valleys were flooded during the postglacial Holocene transgression and sea level surpassed the elevations separating the former valleys leading to the apparently simple configuration of the bay.
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    Tectonic evolution during the Alpine cycle. Sedimentation and erosion related to capture of endorheic fluvial systems.
    (Field trip guidebook / 15th IAS International Congress of Sedimentology, April 12-17, 1998, 1998) Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Meléndez Hevia, Alfonso; Soria, Ana Rosa
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    Influencia del substrato sobre la arquitectura y características texturales de los sistemas fluviales: Desarrollo de paleovalles y su relleno
    (Geogaceta, 1996) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Mediavilla López, Rosa María
    Oligocene sedimentation into SW border of Duero Basin (Spain) took place in a tectonically active basin margino Close examination of these deposits and their relations to paleotopography reveals a strong interaction between the degree of valley incision, i.e. paleovalley development, and architecture of the deposits. Uplift of the margin basin coupled to differences in the erosionability of the substratum of (future) river valleys led to inhomogeneus response along the river beds that resulted in paleotopographical constraints for the inciding sedimentary systems. Hard-rocks in the substratum conditioned the development of narrow, usually deeply-incised, paleovalleys. By contrast, cut areas where the substratum consisted of soft rocks allowed the development of wider, shallower valleys. The relativelly-narrow passageways cut into areas with hard substratum filled up with coarse sediments related to hyperconcentrated flows, whereas the wider valleys cut into softer terrains contain welldifferentiated finer-grained channel-floodplain deposits. The clase concordance between hydrological equations and field observations confirms that textural and architectural features are strongly dependent on the morphological setting.