Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
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Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Evolución climática durante el último siglo (1904-2002) en el Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real)
    (Geotemas, 2004) Martínez Santos, Pedro; Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Martínez Alfaro, Pedro Emilio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; López Pamo, Enrique
    Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park (Ciudad Real, central Spain) is a very delicate wet/and that during the last century has experienced noticeable human-induced modifications. In order to understand the relations among climate, environment dynamics and human activity ;n this area, detailed analyses of meteorological series are required. Analysis of meteorological series corresponding to nine weather stations close to the Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park allows the reconstruction of regional climate for the 1904-2002 period. Four periods have been identified based on temperature records: 1904-1937, cold; 1938-1958, warm; 1959-1990, cold; 1991-2002, warm. Other four periods are identified considering rainfall variability: 1904-1954, dry; 1955- 1979, wet; 1980-1995, dry; 1996-2002, wet. A comparison of the climatic series to the main hydrological events reveals that there is no clear relationship between climate evolution and hydrology. Consequently, we argue that the human control over the environment evolution for the last 50 years has been more significant than the climatic and endogenic controls.