Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
Last Name
Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Assessment of the transferred water infiltration in the management of a Mediterranean man-maintained wetland: las Tablas de Daimiel national park (Spain)
    (Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, 2005) Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Martínez Alfaro, Pedro Emilio; Martínez Santos, Pedro; Mediavilla López, Ros; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; López Pamo, Enrique
    Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park wetlands (Central Spain) have had their main origin in the West La Macha aquifer discharges. Inflows into these wetlands ceased due to the intensive aquifer exploitation. A progresive deterioration of the wetland brought about several attempts of remedial actions by means of building several small dams and pumping groundwater to the Las Tablas basin. The main attempt to preserve these wetlands has been made by means of the inter-basins tranfers. However, a part of these water transfers is lost within the wetland basin due to the infiltration into the underlying aquifer. Infilitration becomes an essential parameter in any study related to the attempts at keemping some water in the basin and, therefore, in the integrated managmeent of the water resources systems related to the wetland. The actual extent of these losses is difficult to quantify due to the poor quality of existing data as well as to the lack of determination of various important parameters. A methodology based on dailiy water balance in the wetland basin allows to assess that losses and can be used for the National Park water management.
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    Integrating current and historical water chemistry data with long-term piezometric records to develop a regional-scale conceptual flow model: Las Salinas spring, Medina del Campo, Spain
    (Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies, 2021) Hera Portillo, África de la; López Gutiérrez, J.; Marín-Lechado, Carlos; Martínez Santos, Pedro; Ruiz-Constán, Ana; Corral Lledó, M. M.; Galindo Rodríguez, E.; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Rodríguez-Jiménez, Juan José; Callaú-Lópes, M.F.
    Study region: Old Las Salinas spring in Medina del Campo, Duero river basin, central Spain. Study focus: Medina del Campo groundwater body (MCGWB) is a multilayer semiconfined aquifer subject to intensive pumping since the 1970’s, where the current existence of spas where there used to be traditional baths could confirm the existence of deep groundwater flow paths. The old spring of Las Salinas (OSLS) is a saline anomaly in an aquifer with predominance of CaCO3H waters whose occurrence has not yet been formally explained. Long-term geological, geophysical, hydrogeological and hydrochemical records were integrated and complemented with field work to clarify its existence. New hydrological insights for the region: Outcomes led to the conclusion that the hydrochemistry of the Olmedo and Palacio de las Salinas salt baths is associated with the existence of a major threshold in the impervious basement of the aquifer, which intercepted deep regional groundwater flow and caused upwelling to the surface under unperturbed conditions. These results allow for the development of a conceptual flow model at the regional scale that explains the changes in natural water chemistry that have been identified in recent decades.
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    Evolución climática durante el último siglo (1904-2002) en el Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real)
    (Geotemas, 2004) Martínez Santos, Pedro; Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Martínez Alfaro, Pedro Emilio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; López Pamo, Enrique
    Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park (Ciudad Real, central Spain) is a very delicate wet/and that during the last century has experienced noticeable human-induced modifications. In order to understand the relations among climate, environment dynamics and human activity ;n this area, detailed analyses of meteorological series are required. Analysis of meteorological series corresponding to nine weather stations close to the Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park allows the reconstruction of regional climate for the 1904-2002 period. Four periods have been identified based on temperature records: 1904-1937, cold; 1938-1958, warm; 1959-1990, cold; 1991-2002, warm. Other four periods are identified considering rainfall variability: 1904-1954, dry; 1955- 1979, wet; 1980-1995, dry; 1996-2002, wet. A comparison of the climatic series to the main hydrological events reveals that there is no clear relationship between climate evolution and hydrology. Consequently, we argue that the human control over the environment evolution for the last 50 years has been more significant than the climatic and endogenic controls.
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    Nuevos datos sobre la estratigrafía de subsuelo del acuífero de Torrevieja (Alicante): implicaciones en el modelo conceptual de funcionamiento.
    (Comunicaciones : VIII Simposio de Hidrogeología, Zaragoza, 18-22 de octubre de 2004, 2004) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Martínez Santos, Pedro; Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Martínez Alfaro, Pedro Emilio; Murillo Díaz, José Manuel; López Geta, Juan Antonio; Rodríguez Hernández, L.; Fernández Uría, Antonio
    El análisis estratigráfico de sondeos de investigación realizados en el acuifera de Torrevieja pone de manifiesto la coincidencia de las unidades hidrogeológicas con las estratigráficas y permite una mayor precisión en la definición de las primeras al poder constatar que las variaciones internas dentro de las unidades estratigráficas tienen reflejo en la geometria de los acuiferos y los parámetros hidrogeológicos. Asi mismo, la interpretación genética de los sedimentos y la caracterización de las discontinuidades que los limitan permiten realizar una extrapolación predictiva de las caracteristicas geológicas de subsuelo que pueden ser aplicadas a la modelización de las unidades hidrogeológicas.