Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
Last Name
Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Cartografía de formaciones geológicas litológicamente similares en zonas llanas cultivadas
    (Ordenación del territorio y medio marino : V Reunión Científica de la Asociación Española de Teledetección Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 10,11 y 12 de noviembre de 1993, 1998) Riaza García, Asunción; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Cantón Garbín, Manuel
    Los estudios espectrales de laboratorio en el visible y el infrarrojo cercano (400- 2500 nro) sobre muestras de rocas de distintas formaciones geológicas detríticas siliciclásticas en una cuenca sedimentaria terciaria, sugieren que la proporción de carbonatos y su composición, así como la de la fracción arcillosa y la presencia de óxidos e hidróxidos de hierro, es responsable de las sutiles diferencias en las respuestas espectrales de las mismas. La presencia de cemento carbonatado en areniscas y conglomerados con cantos metamórficos y de costras carbonatadas intrasedimentarias facilita la expresión de distintas unidades en imágenes. Dos alteraciones ferruginosas cronológicamente sucesivas pueden distinguirse en las imágenes superpuestas a los demás acontecimientos geológicos. [ABSTRACT] The presence of carbonate of different composition, clays and iron oxides and hydroxides are responsible for the subtle differences on the spectral response of various geological units of tertiary age lithologically homogeneous, shown by laboratory spectra in the visible and the nearinfrared. Carbonate cernent in sandstones and conglomerate with metamorphic boulders, and intrasedimentary carbonate crusts favour the express ion of different units on the imagery. Two chronological stages of late fron alteration can be distinguished overlying prior geological events.
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    Mapping geological stages of climate-dependent iron and clay weathering alteration on lithologically uniform sedimentary units using Thematic Mapper imagery (Tertiary Duero Basin, Spain)
    (International journal of remote sensing, 2000) Riaza García, Asunción; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio
    Weathering processes are responsible for slight surface mineralogical differences allowing the distinction between lithologically similar geological units using Thematic Mapper (TM) data. Two different stages throughout time of overlying iron alteration are notoriously distinctive on the imagery and laboratory spectra. Their diverse spectral behaviour follows the dominant iron hydroxide with kaolinite and carbonate crusts on the Pliocene Ochre Alteration typical of a humid warm climate, compared with the dominant nonhydratated iron oxides with smectite on the Miocene Red Alteration developed under a mediterranean dry climate. Iron materials with carbonate hinder appearance of the typical iron absorption features in the visible wavebands. Therefore, the iron weathering alteration coatings will be obscured on the imagery when it is developed on carbonate sediments or detritic sediments with carbonate cement or matrix. The presence of carbonate within the sediment as cement or alteration product decreases the overall reflectance of laboratory nonconsolidated rocks and the clay size fraction from rocks, apart from smoothing the 2200 nm absorption typical of OH-bearing minerals. The presence of carbonate cement and carbonate crusts favours the differentiation of some units. Digital mapping through image processing of different series of digital data leads to a sequential masking of classes to produce a final map. The sequence of masking produces different maps which can be used as a tool to model aspects of the sedimentary basin and geological processes throughout time.