Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
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Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Combining allostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic perspectives to compile subregional records of fluvial responsiveness: The case of the sustainably entrenching Palancia River watershed (Mediterranean coast, NE Spain)
    (Geomorphology (Amsterdam), 2011) Houben, Peter; Hoinkis, Ralf; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Salat, Christina; Mediavilla López, Rosa María
    We use a combined allostratigraphic and morpholithostratigraphic approach to establish a relative stratigraphy of macroscale sediment-landform units in the Mediterranean Palancia River watershed (986-km2, NE Spain). Four alloformations signifying important changes in (sub)regional scale geomorphic valley-floor evolution were identified based on data from 1120 field sites and age determinations, and from analyzing high resolution geodata. The formation of the widespread and thick Pleistocene alloformation can be attributed to climatically-induced excessive sediment supply and flood activities during Pleistocene cold intervals — rather than representing time-lagging response to Plio/Pleistocene neotectonic uplift. Triggered by the turn to Holocene climatic conditions, three successively inset alloformations illustrate how stream grading and floodplain narrowing continuously have progressed over the Holocene. The overall degradational valley-floor evolution in the Holocene is interpreted as a response to the antecedent, overly valley-floor aggradation. Allostratigraphic and morphostratigraphic data suggest that the abandonment of the two earlier Holocene alloformations geomorphologically represents a pulsed turn toward intensified entrenchment rather than pulsed sedimentation. The most important benefit of amalgamating allostratigraphic and (morpho)lithostratigraphic concepts is that allostratigraphic ordering provides a formally conclusive approach to scale up (morpho)lithostratigraphic information from the reach scale to much larger scales of geographical extent. Consequently, applying allostratigraphic principles opens a perspective to moving forward toward analyzing the relationships between climate, neotectonics, sea level change, human impact, and fluvial response in coupled hinterland-coastal systems that require to evaluate sedimentary information at larger spatial scales.
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    Holocene floods in a complex fluvial wetland in central Spain: Environmental variability, climate and time
    (Global and Planetary Change, 2019) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla, Rosa; Galán de Frutos, L.; López Cilla, Ignacio
    The study of flooding can be complex as it involves dynamic systems (rivers) characterized by high variability in time and space. To minimize the effects of these handicaps, we merge several records from different locations across the hydrographic basin of the Upper Guadiana River (central Spain) and use multiple proxies. The comparison of three nearby cores by means of the facies, stratigraphic correlation and geochemical indexes allows us to differentiate local environmental changes related to the natural behaviour of the system (autocyclic) from those driven by external forcings (allocyclic). The facies and facies sequence analyses allow long-term paleohydrological trends to be reconstructed and parameters that are used to identify flooding events to be determined. Si (proxy for siliciclastic supply) and Ca/S (proxy for water budget/level) show trends that can be related to facies sequences and long-term variations. Si/Al is used as a sorting proxy (transport efficiency). To analyse the relative changes in sediment discharge and transport efficiency, these proxies are compared with water budget level, represented by (Si/Al)/(Ca/S) (sorting vs. water level) and Si/(Ca/S) (siliciclastic discharge vs. water discharge). We were able to define local, major and minor regional flood events/periods and events by relating sequence boundaries to the occurrence of environmental conditions related to high energy events (relative/absolute sorting, water level, sediment discharge) across multiple cores. Comparison to other studies around the western Mediterranean basin allows us to identify common periods of flooding at 9000–8400 cal. BP, 7700–7100 cal. BP, 6400–6200 cal. BP, 4900–3700 cal. BP, 3500–3300 cal. BP, ca. 2600 cal. BP, ca. 2000 cal. BP, ca. 1500 cal. BP and 1000–300 cal. BP. For the long-term evolution, it seems that changes in insolation during the Holocene could have played a role in controlling the hydrology. However, determining the drivers of higher-frequency variation is more challenging due to uncertainties in the chronologies and local differences. Nevertheless, some degree of correlation among these flooding periods and higher frequency changes in irradiance, temperature and NAO is observed.
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    Caracterización mineralógica de los depósitos holocenos del Marjal de Almenara (Castellón-Valencia, España). Implicaciones paleoambientales
    (Geotemas, 2016) Moral González, Begoña del; Mediato Arribas, José Francisco; Ugarte, Ernesto; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio
    Se presenta la mineralogía de los depósitos holocenos del Marjal de Almenara, en las costas de Castellón-Valencia. Las variaciones en la composición de las asociaciones minerales y su relación con los ambientes de sedimentación permiten conocer en detalle los controles sedimentarios. Se ha realizado el estudio sobre 41 muestras procedentes de tres sondeos que están agrupadas en función de 6 facies sedimentarias. La relación entre la mineralogía y las facies muestra que el aporte de filosilicatos (illita, fundamentalmente) hacia el humedal proviene de las áreas continentales, donde predominan los depósitos aluviales (mantos de arroyada), mientras que el cuarzo procede de los depósitos marinos litorales (washover-fan). Las facies lacustres conforman un cinturón de facies que se distribuye desde más someras, arcillas y turbas, a más profundas, fangos carbonáticos y carofítas. La mineralogía de estas facies indica: que las arcillas sufren procesos post-deposicionales ligados a los periodos inundación y desecación; y que la facies de turbas, situada en la zona sublitoral detiene el aporte de terrígenos (cuarzo y filosilicatos) hacia el centro del humedal donde se ubican los fangos carbonáticos y niveles de concentración de caráceas formados principalmente por calcita.
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    Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods: Societal demand, challenges and progress
    (Global and Planetary Change, 2019) Schulte, Lothar; Schillereff, Daniel; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio
    Floods are one of the gravest natural hazards for societies, worsened by population growth, unchecked development, and climate change. From a Global Change perspective, past extreme events merit particular interest because they can be linked to wider climate and environmental changes, introduce perturbations. During the last decade, knowledge of long-term flood frequency and magnitude has been improved by extracting data from different types of archive. But, despite advances in dating methods, proxies and statistical techniques and efforts to identify atmospheric drivers, some fundamental questions remain unresolved. The Special Issue entitled “Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods” in the journal Global and Planetary Change addresses these uncertainties and complexities by assembling a selection of studies, which were first presented at the Past Climate Changes (PAGES) Open Scientific Meeting held at Zaragoza in 2017. In this introductory paper, the guest editors outline the 17 research contributions and meta-data from the 17 paleoflood studies were systematically analyzed in terms of i) geographical distribution; ii) methodologies applied; iii) types of archives; iii) numbers of flood series compiled and iv) spatial and temporal resolution of paleoflood data. The data indicate that paleoflood studies focused on fluvial depositional environments show a higher rate of integration with other types of paleoflood archive (mean of 4.5 types of archive) than studies focused on documentary sources (mean of 3.5) and lake sediments (mean of 2.4). We suggest that this strategy of archive integration has been adapted to effectively compensate for the higher uncertainties of fluvial deposition in floodplains. Statistical processing of the meta-data shows quantitative associations between specific types of flood archive and offers a solid platform for designing the optimal approach for multi-archive paleoflood research. A qualitative review and visual comparison of the 17 paleoflood series shows some consistent trends and breaks but also notable differences within and between regions. While a trend of increased flooding since 4-5 ka BP is evident, the lack of synchronicity between breaks and the coeval increases and decreases in fluvial activity is manifest. The majority of studies in the Special Issue do denote the 19th century – including the youngest cool climate pulses during the Little Ice Age – as a particularly flood-rich period. It is more difficult to assess the 20th century because of social changes, population growth and extensive river modification. Despite the mentioned uncertainties, 10 of 14 papers do not record the 20th century as an exceptional flood period. Assessing the effects of human impact on paleoflood calendars and disentangling anthropogenic from natural drivers are major challenges in integrated paleoflood analysis. It is concluded that the interpretation of flood series is complex as landscapes and flood drivers are heterogeneous and systems show different sensitivities to flood control and drivers. Thus, the study of past floods, from historical and natural archives, is challenging but also offers unparalleled opportunities to document low-frequency, large-magnitude flood events, which occurred under a broad range of climate and/or environmental scenarios, and, probably, the only way to reconstruct robust paleoflood series.
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    Millennial-scale cycles of aridity as a driver of human occupancy in central Spain?
    (Quaternary International, 2016) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla, Rosa; Celis, Alberto; Castaño, Silvino; Losa, Almudena de la
    Human settlements around the fluvial wetland of Las Tablas de Daimiel (central Spain) have been related to the water availability in this area for nearly 5500 years; however the relationship of the hydrology of the wetland to climate change remains uncertain. Whilst archaeological and pollen data provide contradictory arguments, statistical empirical mode decomposition of geochemical data from core S-1 reveals arid periods ca. 1.8 cal. ka BP, ca. 3.3 cal. ka BP and ca. 5.5 cal. ka BP between which periods both Bronze Age and Iberian-Roman settlements developed. These periods can be identified in other records of the Iberian Peninsula and around the western Mediterranean. Comparison of these records points to a complex spatial pattern that evolved in time and, despite a number of forcings (volcanism, solar activity, atmosphere-ocean interactions) being invoked to explain such periods, there is no clear mechanism to explain their spatial pattern and the changes that have taken place since 2.5 ka BP.
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    Análisis geoquímico del registro Holoceno del Marjal de Almenara. Variaciones eustáticas
    (Avances de geomorfología litoral : actas de las VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral, celebradas del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2001 en Tarragona, 2011) Mediato, José F.; Mediavilla López, María Rosa; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Montoya Montes, Isabel; Rodríguez Santalla, Inmaculada; Sánchez García, María José
    La utilización conjunta del análisis secuencial y geoquímico aplicado a depósitos de lagunas costeras (marjales) es una herramienta potente para el análisis de las variaciones del nivel del mar durante los últimos milenios. La aplicación de dicha metodología en los depósitos del Marjal de Almenara (Castellón) permite identificar, las variaciones en la lámina de agua del humedal y de la intrusión salina que pueden relacionarse con variaciones relativas del nivel del mar. El estudio ha dado como resultado tres momentos de ascenso relativo del nivel del mar (ca. 5300 años BP, ca.3500 años BP y ca. 2000 años BP).
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    Late Quaternary stratigraphy of the La Janda Basin (SW Spain) - first results and palaeoenvironmental significance
    (Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2017) Höbig, Nicole; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; May, Simon Matthias; Klasen, Nicole; Brückner, Helmut; Van’t Hoff, Jasmijn; Reicherter, Klaus
    The La Janda basin in southern Spain is a near-shore geo-bio-archive comprising a variable Quaternary depositional history, with shallow marine, lacustrine, palustrine, and terrestrial strata. In the 1930s the lake was drained and is serving now as a huge agricultural area. The 33 m-core recovered in fall 2016 along with several shallower drill cores up to c. 15 m, reveals insights into a unique mixed terrestrial palaeo-environmental archive in Andalucia influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and hence the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) within the Gulf of Cádiz. The basin's evolution was influenced both by the postglacial marine transgression and by an active tectonic fault controlling most of the accommodation space by causing subsidence. Our long core was accompanied by further corings along an E-W striking transect in order to reveal also the relation of the influence of tectonic activity with sedimentary sequences. Multi-Sensor Core Logging has been completed. Results of sedimentological, geochemical and micropalaeontological analyses will be presented in the frame of the climate variations during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene, along with a preliminary age-depth model based on radiocarbon (AMS-14C) and optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques. Our investigations ultimately aim at providing valuable information on major Late Pleistocene to Holocene climatic and palaeo-environmental fluctuations in the southernmost part of the Iberian Peninsula.
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    Palaeohydrological evolution and implications for palaeoclimate since the Late Glacial at Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, southern Spain
    (Quaternary International, 2016) Hobig, N.; Mediavilla, R.; Gibert, L.; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Cendon, D.I.; Ibáñez, J.; Reicherter, K.
    Here, we present a terrestrial multi-proxy record of Late Quaternary environmental changes in the southern Iberian Peninsula covering approximately 30 ka. This sedimentary record originates from a saline playa lake (Laguna de Fuente de Piedra) hosted within a complex geological setting dominated by Triassic claystones and evaporites, Jurassic carbonates and Miocene deposits leading to a complex hydrogeological setting. Dissolution of evaporites in the catchment and intense evaporation are responsible for saline waters fluctuating in the basin. Thus, salinity as palaeohydrological proxy, requires a decoupling of internal and external hydrogeochemical processes. The greatest accumulation of evaporites in the LFP late PleistoceneeHolocene record coincides with a more humid or, at least, less evaporative, period. Based on multi-proxy data we describe five lacustrine ithofacies (2e5), and fluvial deposits (1) from sediment cores. The proposed conceptual lake margin model contains three main lake water stages repeated within the sedimentary succession and building up the characteristic lithofacies. Lake water stages refer to a flooding stage (influx > outflux), high water stage (influx ¼ outflux), and low water stage (influx < outflux).The lithostratigraphy reveals a palaeohydrological record suggesting climate changes and associated lake level fluctuations. Lake level oscillations of different amplitudes have been identified. Low amplitude changes have been revealed for the periods from 28 ka cal BP to 17.5 ka cal BP and from 8.2 ka cal BP to present, whereas in between (17.5 ka cal BP to 8.2 ka cal BP) the Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition shows high amplitude lake level changes. The latter coincides with an increased influence of saline subsurface waters, due to groundwater level rising (sulfate signature). In contrast, the Holocene, records the low amplitude oscillations and a drop of the groundwater levels, which creates a less saline or fresher footprint in the sediments (carbonate signature). Thus, the periods of low amplitude lake level oscillations, low inputs of clastics and low groundwater levels (drier) coincide with periods of minimal seasonal insolation difference. In contrast, the period of higher amplitude lake level oscillations, higher input of clastics and higher groundwater table (wetter) is correlative to periods of maximum difference between summer and winter insolation.
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    Análisis estratigráfico y sedimentológico del registro Holoceno del Marjal de Almenara. Variaciones eustáticasIACIONES EUSTÁTICAS
    (Avances de geomorfología litoral : actas de las VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral, celebradas del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2001 en Tarragona, 2011) Mediato, José F.; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, María Rosa; Dabrio González, Cristino José; Montoya Montes, Isabel; Rodríguez Santalla, Inmaculada; Sánchez García, María José
    La llanura costera de Castellón está constituida por depósitos de abanicos aluviales pleistocenos y humedales costeros de edad holocena. La configuración actual de la costa de Castellón se alcanzó entre los 7000 – 6500 años BP, pero los depósitos de los humedales costeros muestran variaciones sedimentológicas, que principalmente se relacionan con oscilaciones del nivel del mar. A partir del análisis estratigráfico y sedimentológico de dos sondeos se pone de manifiesto la correlación entre los cambios del nivel del mar y la evolución de las facies del humedal costero de Almenara (Castellón). Durante los periodos del nivel del mar alto se produce una expansión de humedal ligada al ascenso del nivel freático, que se registra mediante una profundización y una mayor abundancia de restos de caráceas. Por el contrario, los periodos de nivel del mar bajo quedan evidenciados por facies cada vez más someras y el aumento de los depósitos de turba.
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    Geophysical characterization of stratigraphical surfaces: Basin floor and sedimentological architectural elements of Las Tablas de Daimiel (Quaternary of southern-central Spain)
    (Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017) Rey, Javier; Martínez, Julián; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Losa, Almudena de la
    In this paper we analyse and compare the efficiency of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) and ground- enetrating radar (GPR) as tools for stratigraphic and sedimentological studies. To this end, we carried out borehole drilling and geophysical survey campaigns in two locations in Las Tablas de Daimiel area (Ciudad Real, Spain). In this region, the Quaternary record is build up by siliciclastic deposits (gravel, sand and silt) of fluvial origin and organic matter-rich sediments (peat, clay and silty clay rich in organic matter) and carbonates (biogenic deposits mainly made up of Characeae) deposited in fluvial wetland environments that rest on Ordovician quartzites and Pliocene karstified carbonates. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) supported by surface and subsurface (boreholes) lithological information allow to identify the geometry of the basement-Quaternary boundary in two areas. The morphology of this boundary is controlled by fractures and the karstification of the top of the Pliocene limestones. Thirteen GPR profiles (100 and 250 MHz antenna) provide information about the morphology and internal structure of the sedimentary units, down to 4 m below the surface. The observed features include: onlap of the sediments on the edge of the basin, fossilization of small paleo-reliefs by lacustrine deposits and channel fills in the Holocene deposits, and the sinking-collapse structures in the Neogene substratum