Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
Last Name
Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    North-western Cainozoic record: present knowledge and the correlation problem
    (Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics, 1996) Martín Serrano, Ángel; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Friend, Peter F.; Dabrio, Cristino J.
    Tertiary deposits of the north-western Iberian Peninsula are heterogeneous because they occur in several morpho-structural positions as isolated and dispersed basins and outerops. The quality of the palaeontological record is usually very poor and there are scarce data. Correlation depends on a wide range of criteria which arc not always equivalent: palaeontology, mineralogy and petrology, geomorphology, tectonics and comparison with better-known and better-dated facies in regions nearby. The results lack homogeneity and there arc notable discrepancie.
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    Tertiary of Central System basins
    (Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics, 1996) Martín Serrano, Ángel; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Friend, Peter F.; Dabrio, Cristino J.
    The rise of the Central System due to reactivation of late Hercynian fault systems during the Alpine Orogeny directly affected the strcture and stratigraphic framework of the basins nearby that were being filled al the same time. The sedimentary record is the essential key to understanding the tectonic and palaeo-morphological history, of the Central Range, and vice-versa. Relating the filling of the basins with the definition of the mountain range, pre-arkosic, arkosic and post-arkosic stages have been proposed. However, it is difficult to support the previous idea that the arkosic stage continued throughout the Late Tertiary to finish in Middle Pliocene.: times withe the deposition of the Paramos(limestone). The arkoscs of the Central System arc of Eocene-Oligocce age and the highest alluvial fan deposits may be of Aragonian age. There is only a poor record of the remaining Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. boeause of active river incision during this lime in the hasins, the ranges and elsewhere in the Spanish Meseta.