Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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First Name
Juan Ignacio
Last Name
Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Alpine tectonic framework of south-western Duero basin
    (Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics / edited by Peter F. Friend and Cristino J. Dabrio, 1996) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Friend, Peter F.; Dabrio, Cristino J.
    The tectonic activity in the south-western area of the Spanish Northern Meseta (Ciudad Rodrigo and Duero basins) during most of the Tertiary was determined by u transpressive regime that reactivated Hercynian to Late-Hercynian faults. The record of the Alpine Orogeny is complex because the sedimentary record indicates a compresive regime in the sour e areas coeval with the extensionall to transpresive regime indicated by normal or strike-slip faults. This duality is due 10 the geotectonics position of this area between two compressive areas, the Cantabrian Range and the Central System, and the extensional Atlantic margin.