Ábalos Álvarez, Marta

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Ábalos Álvarez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Linking air stagnation in Europe with the synoptic- to large-scale atmospheric circulation
    (Weather and Climate Dynamics, 2021) Maddison, Jacob W; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Barriopedro Cepero, David; García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco; Garrido Pérez, José Manuel; Ordóñez García, Carlos
    The build-up of pollutants to harmful levels can occur when meteorological conditions favour their production or accumulation near the surface. Such conditions can arise when a region experiences air stagnation. The link between European air stagnation, air pollution and the synoptic- to large-scale circulation is investigated in this article across all seasons and the 1979–2018 period. Dynamical indices identifying atmospheric blocking, Rossby wave breaking, subtropical ridges, and the North Atlantic eddy-driven and subtropical jets are used to describe the synoptic- to large-scale circulation as predictors in statistical models of air stagnation and pollutant variability. It is found that the large-scale circulation can explain approximately 60 % of the variance in monthly air stagnation, ozone and wintertime particulate matter (PM) in five distinct regions within Europe. The variance explained by the model does not vary strongly across regions and seasons, apart from for PM when the skill is highest in winter. However, the dynamical indices most related to air stagnation do depend on region and season. The blocking and Rossby wave breaking predictors tend to be the most important for describing air stagnation and pollutant variability in northern regions, whereas ridges and the subtropical jet are more important to the south. The demonstrated correspondence between air stagnation, pollution and the large-scale circulation can be used to assess the representation of stagnation in climate models, which is key for understanding how air stagnation and its associated climatic impacts may change in the future.
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    Inconsistencies between chemistry-climate models and observed lower stratospheric ozone trends since 1998
    (Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2020) Ball, William T.; Chiodo, Gabriel; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Alsing, Justin; Stenke, Andrea
    The stratospheric ozone layer shields surface life from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Following the Montreal Protocol ban on long-lived ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), rapid depletion of total column ozone (TCO) ceased in the late 1990s, and ozone above 32 km is now clearly recovering. However, there is still no confirmation of TCO recovery, and evidence has emerged that ongoing quasiglobal (60◦ S–60◦ N) lower stratospheric ozone decreases may be responsible, dominated by low latitudes (30◦ S– 30◦ N). Chemistry–climate models (CCMs) used to project future changes predict that lower stratospheric ozone will decrease in the tropics by 2100 but not at mid-latitudes (30–60◦ ). Here, we show that CCMs display an ozone decline similar to that observed in the tropics over 1998–2016, likely driven by an increase in tropical upwelling. On the other hand, mid-latitude lower stratospheric ozone is observed to decrease, while CCMs that specify real-world historical meteorological fields instead show an increase up to present day. However, these cannot be used to simulate future changes; we demonstrate here that free-running CCMs used for projections also show increases. Despite opposing lower stratospheric ozone changes, which should induce opposite temperature trends, CCMs and observed temperature trends agree; we demonstrate that opposing model– observation stratospheric water vapour (SWV) trends, and their associated radiative effects, explain why temperature changes agree in spite of opposing ozone trends. We provide new evidence that the observed mid-latitude trends can be explained by enhanced mixing between the tropics and extratropics. We further show that the temperature trends are consistent with the observed mid-latitude ozone decrease. Together, our results suggest that large-scale circulation changes expected in the future from increased greenhouse gases (GHGs) may now already be underway but that most CCMs do not simulate mid-latitude ozone layer changes well. However, it is important to emphasise that the periods considered here are short, and internal variability that is both intrinsic to each CCM and different to observed historical variability is not well-characterised and can influence trend estimates. Nevertheless, the reason CCMs do not exhibit the observed changes needs to be identified to allow models to be improved in order to build confidence in future projections of the ozone layer.
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    Boreal winter stratospheric climatology in EC-EARTH: CMIP6 version
    (Climate dynamics, 2022) Palmeiro, Froila M.; García Serrano, Javier; Rodrigo, Mario; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Christiansen, Bo; Yang, Shuting
    The performance of the European Consortium Earth-system model (EC-EARTH) in the boreal winter stratosphere is comprehensively assessed for the first time, in particular its version 3.3 that contributes to CMIP6. A 100-year long simulation with prescribed climatological boundary conditions and fixed radiative forcing, representative of present-day climate, is used to evaluate the simulation of the climatological stratospheric circulation and to identify model biases. Results show that EC-EARTH has a large issue with the vertical distribution of stratospheric temperature from the tropics to mid-latitudes, seemingly linked to radiative processes of ozone, leading to a biased warm middle-upper stratosphere. Associated with this model bias, EC-EARTH simulates a stronger polar vortex at upper-stratospheric levels while the Brewer-Dobson circulation at middle/lower levels is weaker than reanalysis. The amplitude of the climatological planetary waves is overall underestimated, but the magnitude of the background wave injection from the troposphere into the stratosphere is overestimated, related to a weaker polar vortex at lower-stratospheric levels and, thus, a less effective wave filtering. This bias in the westerly flow could have a contribution from parameterized waves. The overestimation of background wave driving is maximum in early-winter, and may explain the overestimated frequency of sudden stratospheric warmings at this time, as compared to reanalysis. The spatial distribution of wave injection climatology has revealed a distinctive role of the climatological planetary waves: while large-scale waves (wavenumbers 1-2) dominate the eddy heat flux over the North Pacific, small-scale waves (wavenumbers 3-4) are responsible for the doubled-lobe structure of the eddy heat flux over Eurasia. EC-EARTH properly simulates this climatological feature, although overestimates its amplitude over central Eurasia.
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    Assessing the Projected Changes in European Air Stagnation due to Climate Change
    (Journal of Climate, 2023) Maddison, Jacob W; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Barriopedro Cepero, David; García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco; Garrido Pérez, José Manuel; Ordóñez García, Carlos; Simpson, Isla R
    Air pollution is a major environmental threat to human health. Pollutants can reach extreme levels in the lower atmosphere when weather conditions permit. As pollutant concentrations depend on scales and processes that are not fully represented in current global circulation models (GCMs), and it is often too computationally expensive to run models with atmospheric chemistry and aerosol processes, air stagnation is often used as a proxy for pollution events with particular success in Europe. However, the variables required to identify air stagnation can have biases in GCM output, which adds uncertainty to projected trends in air stagnation. Here, the representation of air stagnation in GCMs is assessed for Europe in the historical period and in end-of-century projections based on a high-emission scenario using three methods for identifying air stagnation. The monthly frequency of stagnation during summer and autumn is projected to increase with climate change when stagnation is identified by a well-established index. However, this increase is not present when air-stagnation frequency is estimated using a statistical model based on the synoptic- to large-scale atmospheric circulation. This implies that the projected increases in air stagnation are not driven by an increase in frequency or severity of large-scale circulation events that are conducive to stagnation. Indeed, projected changes to the atmospheric circulation in GCMs, in particular a reduction in atmospheric block frequency, would suggest a reduction in future air stagnation. Additional analyses indicate that the projected increases in stagnation frequency follow the trend toward more frequent dry days, which is apparently unrelated to the large-scale drivers of air stagnation.
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    Very short-lived halogens amplify ozone depletion trends in the tropical lower stratosphere
    (Nature Climate Change, 2023) Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Villamayor, Julián; Iglesias-Suarez, Fernando; Cuevas, Carlos A.; Fernandez, Rafael P.; Abalos Álvarez, Marta; Li, Qiny; Hossaini, Ryan; Chipperfield, Martyn P.; Kinnison, Douglas E.; Tilmes, Simone; Lamarque, Jean-Francois; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso
    In contrast to the general stratospheric ozone recovery following international agreements, recent observations show an ongoing net ozone epletion in the tropical lower stratosphere (LS). This depletion is thought to be driven by dynamical transport accelerated by global warming, while chemical processes have been considered to be unimportant. Here we use a chemistry–climate model to demonstrate that halogenated ozone-depleting very short-lived substances (VSLS) chemistry may account for around a quarter of the observed tropical LS negative ozone trend in 1998–2018. VSLS sources include both natural and anthropogenic emissions. Future projections show the persistence of the currently unaccounted for contribution of VSLS to ozone loss throughout the twenty-first century in the tropical LS, the only region of the global stratosphere not projecting an ozone recovery by 2100. Our results show the need for mitigation strategies of anthropogenic VSLS emissions to preserve the present and future ozone layer in low latitudes.
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    Fast transport pathways into the northern hemisphere upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during northern summer
    (Journal of geophysical research-atmospheres, 2020) Wu, Yutian; Orbe, Clara; Tilme, Simone; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Wang, Xinyue
    This study identifies the fast (i.e., ∼ days–weeks) transport pathways that connect the Northern Hemisphere surface to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) during northern summer by integrating a large (90 member) ensemble of Boundary Impulse Response tracers in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 5. We show that there is a fast transport pathway that occurs over the southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau, northern India, the Arabian Sea, and Saudi Arabia; furthermore, we show that during July this pathway connects the Northern Hemisphere surface to the UTLS on a modal time scale of 5–10 days. A less efficient transport pathway is also identified over the western Pacific. A detailed budget analysis reveals that, while convective processes are responsible for transport to 200–300 hPa, the resolved dynamics, specifically the vertical eddy flux, dominate at 100–150 hPa. Transport variations are analyzed on weekly, monthly, and interannual time scales and are largely related to differences in the resolved dynamics in the UTLS.
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    Project number: PIMCD244/23-24
    Cambiando el rol del profesorado en el aula de transmisor a facilitador
    (2024) De La Cámara Illescas, Álvaro; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Durán Montejano, Luis; García Herrera, Ricardo Francisco; González Rouco, Jesús Fidel; Losada Doval, Teresa; Montoya Redondo, María Luisa; Negredo Moreno, Ana María; Pavón Carrasco, Francisco Javier; Polo Sánchez, Irene; Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Sastre Marugán, Mariano; Yagüe Anguis, Carlos; Zurita Gotor, Pablo; De La Cámara Illescas, Álvaro
    Este proyecto propone un cambio del rol del docente en el aula de transmisor a facilitador. Para ello, se apuesta por implantar metodologías que favorezcan el aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula y potencien el desarrollo de competencias transversales.
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    Project number: 43
    SmartFIS: utilizando los teléfonos móviles en el aprendizaje de la Física
    (2020) Nemes, Norbert Marcel; León Yebra, Carlos; Santamaría Sánchez-Barriga, Jacobo; Tornos Castillo, Javier; Cuéllar Jiménez, Fabian Andrés; Beltrán Fínez, Juan Ignacio; Biskup Zaja, Nevenko; Schmidt, Rainer; Durán Montejano, Luis; Ayargüena Porras, Blanca; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Rodríguez Pérez, Oscar; Javierre Aso, Ramón; Hernández Maldonado, David
    El Objetivo General del Proyecto de Innovación “SmartFis” se centraba en facilitar el aprendizaje de los contenidos propios de las múltiples asignaturas impartidas en el Laboratorio de Física General de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, en varias titulaciones, mediante la utilización de nuevos recursos didácticos, desarrollando nuevas prácticas de laboratorio basadas en el uso de smartphones, nuevos métodos docentes de laboratorio, y nuevos recursos en el Campus Virtual UCM.
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    Project number: 151
    Meteolab como herramienta educativa de Meteorología en el Aula
    (2021) Rodríguez De Fonseca, María Belén; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Alvarez Solas, Jorge; Ayarzagüena Porras, Blanca; Benito Barca, Samuel; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; de la Cámara Illescas, Alvaro; Durán Montejano, Luis; García Herrena, Ricardo; Garrido Pérez, José Manuel; Gómara Cardalliaguet, Iñigo; Losada Doval, Teresa; Mohino Harris, Elsa; Montoya Redondo, Marisa Luisa; Ordoñez García, Carlos; Polo Sánchez, Irene; Robinson, Alexander James; Sastre Marugán, Mariano; Serrano Mendoza, Encarnación; Yagüe Anguis, Carlos; Zurita Gotor, Pablo; García Burgos, Marina; González Alemán, Juan Jesús; González Barras, Rosa María; González Rouco, Jesús Fidel; Martín Gómez, Verónica; Maqueda Burgos, Gregorio
    El Presente proyecto es una continuación de proyectos anteriores dentro de la plataforma de divulgación Meteolab. Meteolab es un proyecto de divulgación de Meteorología y Clima que tiene su origen en 2002, cuando se comenzaron a diseñar experimentos de bajo coste con materiales caseros para la Semana de la Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid (CAM). Con los años, se generó un conocimiento que se materializó en 2010 con la concesión de un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (PIE) financiado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), dirigido por Belén Rodríguez de Fonseca. Gracias a este primer proyecto en el que trabajaron muchos profesores y alumnos de ciencias de la atmósfera, se gestó un portal web ( en el que los experimentos se explicaban y se grababan para impulsar su difusión. Más adelante, en un segundo proyecto de Innovación Educativa, dirigido por la profesora Maria Luisa Montoya, los contenidos fueron traducidos al inglés. En concreto, los experimentos que componen Meteolab tienen como principal objetivo entender los principios y variables que determinan el comportamiento de las masas de aire en la atmósfera y de agua en el océano. La idea consiste en visualizar con experimentos sencillos las leyes físicas que gobiernan la atmósfera y el océano: movimientos horizontales y verticales, cambios de estado, mezcla y equilibrio, así como la interacción entre componentes. Se persigue observar los procesos meteorológicos familiares, como son la formación de una nube, los tornados, la convección, la formación de borrascas o la lluvia, entendiendo los procesos físicos que los producen. Finalmente, Meteolab permite también visualizar fenómenos climáticos como el efecto invernadero, el fenómeno de El Niño, el deshielo del Ártico, la influencia de los volcanes en el clima o la subida del nivel del mar. Existe un catálogo de experimentos, la mayoría de los cuales pueden consultarse a través del portal, encontrándose todos ellos físicamente localizados en el Laboratorio Elvira Zurita de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Tras la experiencia acumulada durante los 18 años de existencia de Meteolab, en los que se han adecuado las explicaciones de los experimentos a distintos niveles de dificultad (infantil, primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y Universidad de mayores), se ha sugerido la idoneidad de adaptar los contenidos a los estudiantes del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica de la UCM. Así, por ejemplo, cuando se explica la formación de una nube, se puede ir complicando el discurso dependiendo de los diferentes ciclos de la enseñanza. De esta manera, para un nivel de escuela primaria uno sólo tiene que explicar que el aire se enfría al ascender, y al enfriarse se forman gotas de agua que forman las nubes. Al llegar a secundaria, los estudiantes aprenden el concepto de presión atmosférica y la relación entre la temperatura, la presión y el volumen de una parcela de aire. Más adelante, en el Grado en Física, se estudia la tensión de vapor, la expansión adiabática y la existencia de núcleos de condensación. Finalmente, en el Máster en Meteorología se aprenden los distintos procesos de nucleación y tipos de nubes. Todos estos conceptos van complicando la explicación, por lo que un mismo experimento puede explicarse tanto en una escuela infantil como en una Universidad. Es por ello, que, aprovechando la plataforma de divulgación Meteolab, hemos decidido dar un paso adelante y adaptar y ampliar los contenidos de Meteolab, para así poder integrarlos en los currícula del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica de la UCM. Con todo ello, los objetivos del presente proyecto han sido: -Implementar los experimentos de Meteolab en el Aula, tanto en las asignaturas de Grado como en las de Máster. -Adaptar los contenidos existentes del portal web Meteolab ( a las asignaturas relacionadas con Meteorología del Grado en Física y del Máster en Meteorología y Geofísica, con el fin de visualizar procesos físicos que se explican en el aula. -Añadir a Meteolab nuevos contenidos en relación con la dinámica de la atmósfera y el cambio climático. -Evaluar la mejora de la comprensión por parte del alumnado de los procesos que tienen lugar principalmente en la atmósfera y el océano, y su relación con el clima y su variabilidad.